525 days ago

Bible Address Tonight: God Can Forgive - Can You? Today 7pm Sunday Christadelphians New Lynn 1359 Great North Road New Lynn

Steve Bostin from Christadelphians New Lynn

Forgiveness – Difficult and Challenging

We all are familiar with the responsibility we have to forgive others and how difficult and challenging this can be.
We can understand what is expected of us and perhaps grasp a little of the concept of the Father’s abundant grace towards us in Christ Jesus and to know our responsibilities of reflecting this grace
towards others.
We are familiar with the teaching of Jesus in the parables of the prodigal son - where the Father welcomed back the lost son in contrast to the attitude of the elder brother- and the unjust steward
who failed to show the same compassion to his fellow servant that had been shown to him.
The logic and rationale of this is clear.
Perhaps there is doubt in our minds and we judge that the other is not truly repentant. Is our human judgement a condition of forgiveness?
So why do we find it so difficult to accept and show grace to others?
Is there something of our nature that can overrule that logic part of our minds which knows the spiritual principles?
Perhaps this is what the Apostle Paul is thinking when he writes:
For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am of the flesh, sold under sin. 15 For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.Romans 7:14-15 ESV
He calls it “the flesh”. We could also refer to it as our emotions or feelings. These cannot be switched on or off at will and so often control our decisions and actions.I suppose that is the difference between divine grace which in Christ presents us faultless before the
Father’s throne and human frailty that carries emotional memories which perhaps only prayer and time will heal.
We may be seeking forgiveness from others. It may well be granted and we may expect to be accepted as if the past never happened - but emotions and feelings can’t be just switched off. There may be consequences of our past behaviour which will live with us still.
And those of us who have offered forgiveness may still carry with us the hurt and disappointment of past experience which cannot be forgotten however much we wish we could.
So let’s acknowledge human weakness, offer forgiveness but understand that acceptance will so
often be marred by consequences.
And thank God for his unconditional grace that whilst we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

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Show us your winter craft or DIY projects

The Team from

When we are stuck inside, it can be a time to get creative. And we think Neighbourly members are quite a creative bunch. So, let's fill the Neighbourly newsfeed with crafty creations from across the country.

Share a photo below of your craft projects, recent DIY, or your hobby. You may just inspire someone else!

1 day ago

Poll: Should you ask before planting tall shrubs/trees near your property line?

The Team from

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Do you think neighbours should ask before they go ahead and plant these?

Should you ask before planting tall shrubs/trees near your property line?
  • 68.5% Yes, always ask
    68.5% Complete
  • 30.4% No
    30.4% Complete
  • 1.1% Other - I'll share below!
    1.1% Complete
787 votes
17 days ago

Let's get social

The Team from

Tell us what groups you'd like to see in your area...(walking groups, coffee meet-ups, swing dancing, a family tree group - anything at all!)

Or if you are already in a great group, share it here for others to get involved.
