Manor Park, Lower Hutt

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Want to know your neighbours?

Take the first step. Introduce yourself on our Know Thy Neighbour page.

1653 days ago

Tātou Rohe – Our Region

Community Engagement Advisor from Greater Wellington Regional Council

Check out the latest edition of Greater Wellington’s community newsletter, Tātou Rohe – Our Region at the link below.

If you’d like to receive bi-weekly updates on what’s happening across the region directly to your inbox, subscribe online:

1654 days ago

Anyone can be Nymbl

The Team from ACC New Zealand

Now you can get better balance, in the comfort and safety of your own home, with Nymbl - the easy-to-use smartphone app.

Nymbl gives you simple body movements, combined with brain challenges like trivia, to really improve your balance.

It’s fun and only takes only 10 minutes a day.

Get… View more
Now you can get better balance, in the comfort and safety of your own home, with Nymbl - the easy-to-use smartphone app.

Nymbl gives you simple body movements, combined with brain challenges like trivia, to really improve your balance.

It’s fun and only takes only 10 minutes a day.

Get Nymbl now, for free. Just go to
Register now

1654 days ago

FUNDRAISER CAFE - Saturday 5 September 10am to 12 noon

Kate from Trentham

UHBC Community Centre, corner Fergusson Drive and Milton Street, Trentham. Come and enjoy a slice of home baked cake with a pot of tea or percolated coffee. Live music playing to add to your enjoyment. All proceeds go to support Circuit International, a home-grown organisation working to help … View moreUHBC Community Centre, corner Fergusson Drive and Milton Street, Trentham. Come and enjoy a slice of home baked cake with a pot of tea or percolated coffee. Live music playing to add to your enjoyment. All proceeds go to support Circuit International, a home-grown organisation working to help the poor and disadvantaged in Myanmar.

1663 days ago

Way Back Wednesday - Friday edition

Matt Tso Reporter from Community News

Because it's shaping up to be a nice(ish) day, we thought we'd share another of Graham Stewart's excellent photos to ease us into the weekend.

Same question as last time - were are we?
This spot in the capital city has changed a wee bit since the photo was taken.

Feel free to share… View more
Because it's shaping up to be a nice(ish) day, we thought we'd share another of Graham Stewart's excellent photos to ease us into the weekend.

Same question as last time - were are we?
This spot in the capital city has changed a wee bit since the photo was taken.

Feel free to share your memories.

Today's photograph comes courtesy of Graham Stewart and the Woolf Collection.

1654 days ago

It's the final countdown

The Team from New Zealander of the Year Award | Ngā Tohu Pou Kōhure o Aotearoa

Neighbours! This. Is. Not. A. Drill! Wellington, you’ve got less than 24 hours to get your Kiwibank New Zealand Local Hero of the Year nominations in.

Who will it be?

1655 days ago

2 x Reusable Face Masks with Head Strap

Sue from Avalon

2 Brand New Masks for $12
* 3 Layers of new quality fabric & fused interfacing
* These masks have soft elastic that goes around the head. Some people have difficulty with elastic around their ears, so this solves that problem
* Bendable nose piece to allow closer fitting.
* Washable - better … View more
2 Brand New Masks for $12
* 3 Layers of new quality fabric & fused interfacing
* These masks have soft elastic that goes around the head. Some people have difficulty with elastic around their ears, so this solves that problem
* Bendable nose piece to allow closer fitting.
* Washable - better by hand as these are cotton. To sanitise hand wash with warm soapy water, rinse.
Colours and fabric pattern as per 2nd photo

Price: $12

1656 days ago

Better balance is easy!

The Team from ACC New Zealand

Maintaining your balance is key to enjoying life and avoiding falls. With the easy-to-use app called Nymbl, you can improve your balance and live falls free. You just need a smartphone or tablet.

With Nymbl you’ll use simple and safe body movements and easy brain challenges like trivia. … View more
Maintaining your balance is key to enjoying life and avoiding falls. With the easy-to-use app called Nymbl, you can improve your balance and live falls free. You just need a smartphone or tablet.

With Nymbl you’ll use simple and safe body movements and easy brain challenges like trivia. It’s a technique called dual-tasking and it’s proven to be effective, it’s also fun. Just 10 minutes a day in the comfort of your own home and you can be Nymbl.

Register now to get Nymbl free. Nymbl is brought to you by Live Stronger For Longer and ACC, MOH and HQSC.
Register now

1656 days ago

$15k Harvey Norman Shopping Spree For Your New Home!

Bupa Fergusson Retirement Village

Move into the Bupa Fergusson Retirement Village and get some flash new furniture, completely on us. Choose a new bed, lounge suite and TV to perfectly fit your new home. It’s totally up to you how you spend your $15,000! Click the link for more info.

1656 days ago

Do you get our free gardening ezine?

Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing

In this week’s issue we’ve got a spring checklist for vegetables and flowers and, by special request, instructions for making newspaper plant pots for seedlings. Plus it’s time to tidy up hellebores, sow brassica seeds and start a new compost heap.

We have three tasty recipes from Jamie … View more
In this week’s issue we’ve got a spring checklist for vegetables and flowers and, by special request, instructions for making newspaper plant pots for seedlings. Plus it’s time to tidy up hellebores, sow brassica seeds and start a new compost heap.

We have three tasty recipes from Jamie Oliver’s new book 7 Ways. Plus go in the draw for fertiliser and soil enhancer from Fodda and Mr Fothergill’s ultimate garden pack.

Delivered every Friday to your email inbox, Get Growing digital magazine offers seasonal gardening advice from the NZ Gardener magazine's team of experts. Each week we answer all your burning questions on raising fruit and veges and tell you the top tasks to do in your backyard this weekend. Subscribe here:

1656 days ago


Corinne Morris from

Age Concern Wellington is running a segment in our fortnightly newsletter, called YOUR VOICE. We would love to hear from seniors in our communities.

Please share a few lines about your hobbies, a recipe, a pattern, a story, artwork, a poem... We'd like to read about anything that you think … View more
Age Concern Wellington is running a segment in our fortnightly newsletter, called YOUR VOICE. We would love to hear from seniors in our communities.

Please share a few lines about your hobbies, a recipe, a pattern, a story, artwork, a poem... We'd like to read about anything that you think other readers would enjoy! You may even get published in our newsletter.

Every two months, we will draw a winner. The winning entry will take home a $50 Countdown voucher, generously donated by the team at Countdown.

Please email your entries to:
Or mail your entries to:
Age Concern Wellington (Re Your Voice), PO Box 11-108, Wellington, 6142

Terms and Conditions:
By submitting an entry, you grant permission to Age Concern Wellington to publish your entry in their newsletters and on their website. Only winning entries will receive a prize. All entries remain the property of the entrant. Prizes cannot be exchanged for cash. Prizes will be mailed to the winners.

We look forward to hearing from you all!

1657 days ago

Commuters - Better download that tracer app

Matt Tso Reporter from Community News

From 11.50pm on Thursday, September 3, all bus, train, ferry, ride share vehicles and taxis will display QR codes by government mandate.

Transport users are expected to use the NZ COVID Tracer app to help contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

1656 days ago

Have you nominated your local hero?

The Team from New Zealander of the Year Award | Ngā Tohu Pou Kōhure o Aotearoa

Hey neighbours,

With only 3 days left to nominate, we’re asking a BIG question. Have you nominated your Kiwibank New Zealand Local Hero of the Year from Wellington yet?

We’re celebrating those every day heroes doing good every day.

Share them below and get nominating.

1657 days ago

Winter Sale - Stacks Furniture

Stacks Designer Furniture

Mid - Century for this Century. Clean, uncluttered design principles brought to the modern home just for you. Find out more
