315 days ago

Growing Muslim population in Rolleston fundraises for Selwyn's first mosque

Nicole Mathewson Reporter from The Press

By reporter Jody O'Callaghan:

The growing Muslim community in Rolleston has begun an almighty task to fundraise to build a new masjid where they can worship in the fast-growing town.

Nehaad Al-waiz, 27, felt isolated praying five times a day from home, so he got a group together to rent a room in the industrial area of the town on the southern outskirts of Christchurch.

The number of Muslims in the town has tripled between the last two available Censuses, leading the Rolleston Islamic Charitable Trust start dreaming of a mosque of their own. Now they’re determined to turn that dream into a reality.

“When we build something, it will be a masjid, the very first in Selwyn, for everyone.”

Due to specific needs around consents and so as not to disturb anyone, the group will need to raise “anywhere from $1.2 to $2.4 million” for the land alone in either a commercial zone or lifestyle block.

Read the full story here.

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3 days ago

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The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

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