122 days ago

Take our customer feedback survey

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport

We value your feedback. Share your thoughts about our state highway network.

Hi neighbours, please take a moment to participate in our customer feedback survey and share your experience of the network.

Your feedback will help us understand what's working well and which areas need improvement. Together we can create better and safer journeys for everyone.

Click the link to participate.

The team at Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.
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4 minutes ago

Last chance for tickets!

Heart Foundation Lotteries

Don’t miss out! For only $15 a ticket, you could be in to win this brand-new, fully furnished Jennian home located in gorgeous Papamoa, worth just over $1.1 million.

Featuring three bedrooms, two bathrooms and an open-plan kitchen, living and dining area, this home is waiting to be loved by its new owner.

Make this property your permanent residence, a holiday home, rent it or even sell it! Get your tickets today at heartlottery.org.nz.
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6 days ago

Could the jury service process be improved?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Every year, thousands of New Zealanders are called up to serve as jurors in the High and District Courts, and it's an important way to contribute to your country.

But for some, jury service can be a huge disruption and a financial burden. Do you think changes could be made to our jury service system to address these challenges?

3 days ago

What do you think of the regional council rate rise?

Libby Totton Reporter from Waikato Times

One frustrated councillor walked out of a meeting before regional councillors set rates, and another didn’t vote in “protest”.

Regional councillors have agreed by a thin 7 for and 5 against margin to put forward a 2024-34 long term plan for adoption, exposing particular divisions over the higher-than-suggested rates rise for next year: 7.4%.
