McLeans and Coutts Islands, Christchurch

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1402 days ago

Free immigration advice and support

The Team from Citizens Advice Christchurch Area

At CAB we know that dealing with immigration issues can be tricky and there are major changes to the immigration system coming. That is why we have set up 2 clinics to help . Whatever the immigration issue we can get you off to a good start .
The clinics are ...
1. Free Legal Clinic – … View more
At CAB we know that dealing with immigration issues can be tricky and there are major changes to the immigration system coming. That is why we have set up 2 clinics to help . Whatever the immigration issue we can get you off to a good start .
The clinics are ...
1. Free Legal Clinic – Immigration
- next one 13th May
This clinic is run by specialist immigration lawyers who are experienced in Immigration law. We also have a lawyer who can help with Refugee law.
When: Thursdays (every 3 weeks)
Time: 6.15pm- 8pm
Location: Hornby Community Centre – 8 Goulding Ave
Booking: Phone our West Branch 03 349 5236 to make an appointment

2. Immigration Advice Clinic
- next one 18th of May
This clinic is run by a registered immigration advisor. She can give immigration advice, support and help with completing immigration paperwork.

When: Tuesdays (every 2 weeks)
Time: 11am – 1pm
Location: Fendalton Library – 4 Jeffreys Rd
Booking: Phone our North Branch 03 351 7804 to make an appointment

1408 days ago

Throwback Thursday: March past

Nicole Mathewson Reporter from The Press

World War II dominated the 1940s. "Our boys" marched through Christchurch before
departing to fight the foe. They were joined by many women who had enlisted in the armed forces to serve in support roles. Here, some of the 549 members of the Women's Service Auxiliary march in a … View more
World War II dominated the 1940s. "Our boys" marched through Christchurch before
departing to fight the foe. They were joined by many women who had enlisted in the armed forces to serve in support roles. Here, some of the 549 members of the Women's Service Auxiliary march in a street parade. It is April, 1941. Germany has inflicted a series of defeats
on Allied forces in Europe and Japan is preparing for war in the Pacific. Such parades
boosted patriotism, which helped the military recruitment drive and the raising of money for
the war effort through bonds schemes.

1403 days ago

Zumba Classes in Redwood!

Zumba 4 U Christchurch

Come and join the fun fitness party! Zumba is on every Tuesday 7pm at Redwood School, 51 Prestons Rd! No dance experience required, and your first class just costs a gold coin! All are welcome!

1403 days ago

Zumba at Redwood School

Zumba 4 U Christchurch

That's right, Zumba doesn't just work out your body, but your brain too! Join us every Tuesday, 7pm at Redwood School! This fun dance fitness workout is for everyone, come and try it out with us - we love meeting new people! Just bring a gold coin for your first class!

1403 days ago

Addictive Eaters Anonymous

The Team from Addictive Eaters Anonymous - Christchurch

Monthly AEA Worldwide Web events are held on the third Sunday of each month.
For May it is 8.00 am on Sunday 17th.
For newcomers interested in receiving a Zoom invitation for the event, please email

1404 days ago

Have you seen this amazing garden?

Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing

They had a vision for their property, but they also had three floods in 20 years. That didn't stop them pursuing the garden of their dreams though.

1410 days ago

Do you remember the big snow of 1992?

Jake Kenny Reporter from Community News

Hey Cantabs,

It was quickly dubbed “the big snow” and was the heaviest snowfall in three decades.

“Christchurch teetered on the brink of disaster yesterday as the worst snowstorm in 30 years first paralysed the city, then caused widespread flooding,” The Press reported on August 29, 1992.… View more
Hey Cantabs,

It was quickly dubbed “the big snow” and was the heaviest snowfall in three decades.

“Christchurch teetered on the brink of disaster yesterday as the worst snowstorm in 30 years first paralysed the city, then caused widespread flooding,” The Press reported on August 29, 1992.

Do you remember the big snow?

1404 days ago

Your Big Mac, ordered from here.


New Zealand’s lush green pastures and temperate climate means our country produces some of the world’s best beef.

New Zealand is one of McDonald’s top ten beef-producing markets and it’s such a hit with the rest of the world that a significant percentage of NZ’s beef exports are to … View more
New Zealand’s lush green pastures and temperate climate means our country produces some of the world’s best beef.

New Zealand is one of McDonald’s top ten beef-producing markets and it’s such a hit with the rest of the world that a significant percentage of NZ’s beef exports are to international McDonald’s markets.

We partner with many Kiwi farmers who produce our beef, including Whangara Farms which was the first beef farm outside of Europe to be invited to the McDonald’s Flagship Farmers programme.

ANZCO Foods, based in the small Taranaki town of Waitara, are responsible for making our 100% beef patties. About 90% of the staff at the Waitara plant are locals and they manage to produce around half a million patties each day.

Our quality beef cuts are minced and that’s it. No additives or fillers, just mince that is formed in patties, before they’re flash-frozen and sent to restaurants.
Learn more

1405 days ago

Mother's Day

NumberWorks'nWords Burnside

Thank you to all our amazing mums from the team at NumberWorks'nWords.

1405 days ago

IT Support

Highbourne IT & Web Solutions Ltd

Have you had your computer cleaned lately?

There is dust and dirt in the atmosphere and as a consequence your computer’s cooling system will be sucking in that dust and dirt, which can lead to overheating. This can cause possible failure or shorten the life of your computer.

Contact Highbourne … View more
Have you had your computer cleaned lately?

There is dust and dirt in the atmosphere and as a consequence your computer’s cooling system will be sucking in that dust and dirt, which can lead to overheating. This can cause possible failure or shorten the life of your computer.

Contact Highbourne IT & Web Solutions if you have concerns about the state of your computer and we can discuss our computer maintenance service with you.

1405 days ago

Join us for an inspiring evening of wallpaper!

The Team from Resene ColorShop Ashburton

Learn about the latest wallpaper trends, how to choose the right wallpaper to suit your home and handy tips and tricks. In association with Aspiring Walls and Mason Handcrafted wallpaper.

On Tuesday 18 May 5.30pm – 7pm at Resene ColorShop, 234-236 Lichfield Street, Central Christchurch
View more
Learn about the latest wallpaper trends, how to choose the right wallpaper to suit your home and handy tips and tricks. In association with Aspiring Walls and Mason Handcrafted wallpaper.

On Tuesday 18 May 5.30pm – 7pm at Resene ColorShop, 234-236 Lichfield Street, Central Christchurch
On Thursday 20 May 5.30pm – 7pm at Resene ColorShop, Unit 9, 4 Troup Drive, Tower Junction

FREE to attend.

Reserve your place for Tuesday 18 May today by emailing with your name and phone number.

Reserve your place for Thursday 20 May today by emailing with your name and phone number.

We look forward to seeing you there.

1409 days ago

Painting job

Stuti from Burnside

Recommendation for a handyman ( or professional) who can paint our toilet ( removing wall paper, plastering and then painting).

1408 days ago

Windows 7 Home SP1 Desktop Computer

Mike from Northwood

Good 2nd hand & completely refurbished. Comes with Monitor, keyboard power & graphics cabling & a mouse. Goes well. You could consider an upgrade to Win10.


1412 days ago

Housekeeper wanted

Patrick Koot from Elusion Electrical Ltd

We have got so busy with the business, becoming 7 days a week by the time we do paperwork and Shan working away plugging a gap in Grey Hospital that our house has been very neglected.

We are looking for a housekeeper to clean 2 bathrooms, vacum wash floors and dust. Must be non smoker (our … View more
We have got so busy with the business, becoming 7 days a week by the time we do paperwork and Shan working away plugging a gap in Grey Hospital that our house has been very neglected.

We are looking for a housekeeper to clean 2 bathrooms, vacum wash floors and dust. Must be non smoker (our daughter is a asthmatic) and be confident with big dogs as we have 2, in the papanui area.

While the business is run from home there may be times you need to let yourself in and clean hence complete confidence with the dogs is a must.

Our property is also covered by security cameras ..we like to be above board and make sure people know this prior to starting wk.

If you feel you could help us out please message or text 021 217 2382

Shan and Patrick
