Hornby, Christchurch

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203 days ago

Addictive Eaters Anonymous

The Team from Addictive Eaters Anonymous - Christchurch

Recovery from Obesity

Are you always on diets but unable to stick to them? Are you preoccupied with your weight? Do you constantly think about food? Can’t figure out how to stop eating? Is your weight causing you health problems? Are you considering or have you had weight loss surgery? Find … View more
Recovery from Obesity

Are you always on diets but unable to stick to them? Are you preoccupied with your weight? Do you constantly think about food? Can’t figure out how to stop eating? Is your weight causing you health problems? Are you considering or have you had weight loss surgery? Find out how AEA members are finding relief from addictive eating, maintaining a healthy body weight and living happy, useful lives.

204 days ago

What High Densityy or Medium Density is planned for Hornnby and your street

Marco from Hornby

Book in this Sunday 2pm at the Hornby Club and come along and find out how your street/property is effected by Plan Change 14.

Is your street or a percentage of it proposed for High Density Housing?, how high can they can 6 Storeys, 10 Storeys, will they need resource consent or can they just … View more
Book in this Sunday 2pm at the Hornby Club and come along and find out how your street/property is effected by Plan Change 14.

Is your street or a percentage of it proposed for High Density Housing?, how high can they can 6 Storeys, 10 Storeys, will they need resource consent or can they just build on getting buiding consent.

Come along to the residents meeting on Sunday and see the map on what is proposed and listen to Community Board Member - Helen Broughton speak to what is planned.

Tell your neighbours, friends who live in Hornby this is a meeting not to be missed and anyone is able to come along to either listen in, ask questions or do a combo !!

204 days ago

What's our best winter activities?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Yes, we love our backyards and think our town is pretty cool but what is there to do?

Imagine you were writing a list for visitors/tourists and want to show them the best that your town can offer in winter. What would you suggest?

204 days ago

Feel your best self at Ryman

The Team from Ryman Healthcare

Moving into a serviced apartment at Ryman means there’s less time spent cooking and cleaning, and more time for family and friends.

Feel safe and secure at a Ryman village, where beautiful gardens provide the backdrop for a host of on-site amenities.
Find out more

205 days ago

Are you retired / semi retired or just have some time on your hands and thinking of Volunteering?

The Team from Citizens Advice Christchurch Area

Then why not come and join us at Citizens Advice Bureau in Christchurch.
- Do you enjoy learning, have empathy and good listening skills?
- Can you research information from the internet and make sense of it?
- Do you want to use those skills to make a difference to the Community?
- Can you … View more
Then why not come and join us at Citizens Advice Bureau in Christchurch.
- Do you enjoy learning, have empathy and good listening skills?
- Can you research information from the internet and make sense of it?
- Do you want to use those skills to make a difference to the Community?
- Can you spare about half a day each week?

You will be provided with training (starting in September) and then assigned a Mentor who will help you through those first weeks. We don’t expect you to know everything about everything but have an amazing website of information for you to refer to (see under ‘Read More).

If you think this might be you and you want more information then email our manager Stowe at manager.cabchch@gmail.com and she will provide you with more detail.

We have 3 branches in Christchurch, so hopefully there is one convenient to where you live
- West branch - 7 Goulding Avenue, Hornby (within Hornby Community centre)
- City branch – 133 Brighton Mall (entrance on Union Street, SBA office)
- North branch – 4 Jeffreys Road, Fendalton (within the library)

We have intakes of new volunteers twice a year so if you can’t join right now then we can include you next time.

206 days ago

Breville Stick Blender

Julie from Broomfield - Hei Hei

Very handy gadget. Stainless steel. Great for soups or smoothing vegetables. Arthritis in my hands makes it awkward for me to use these days.

Price: $40

206 days ago

What's your favourite rhubarb recipe?

Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing

We're looking for delicious rhubarb recipes to feature in NZ Gardener. Send your family's favourite ways to enjoy this crop to mailbox@nzgardener.co.nz by August 31, 2024. Every published recipe wins a copy of the November issue of NZ Gardener.

206 days ago

Refresh your home with Resene!


Get 20% off Resene’s huge range of 10L paints, wood stains, primers and sealers.

Plus buy 1 60-80 mL testpot get 1 free on testpots. Visit your local Resene ColorShop or reseller and get started on your decorating project.

Choose from the widest range of Eco Choice approved paints all made … View more
Get 20% off Resene’s huge range of 10L paints, wood stains, primers and sealers.

Plus buy 1 60-80 mL testpot get 1 free on testpots. Visit your local Resene ColorShop or reseller and get started on your decorating project.

Choose from the widest range of Eco Choice approved paints all made right here in New Zealand.
Find out more

207 days ago

Free Wood

Mark & Rachael from Upper Riccarton

Hi does anyone have a chainsaw as I have a conifer tree stump that I would like cut down lower the person who cut down the tree did not cut it down low like I wanted and so I am hoping someone can do this for me and you are welcome to take the wood.See photos for more info


212 days ago

Poll: Do you support the Christchurch City Council increasing parking fees?

Nicole Mathewson Reporter from The Press

It’s bad news for people who like to play chicken with parking wardens, or think parking on the footpath is fair game: Christchurch’s parking fines may increase by 70% as soon as October.

That would boost the fine given by the city council to overstayers (in a free five-minute spot, for … View more
It’s bad news for people who like to play chicken with parking wardens, or think parking on the footpath is fair game: Christchurch’s parking fines may increase by 70% as soon as October.

That would boost the fine given by the city council to overstayers (in a free five-minute spot, for example) from $12 to $20 at a minimum, or up to $97 if they stayed for more than six hours.

For someone parking in a restricted or cultivated area - like a grass berm, footpath or cycleway - the fine may jump from $40 to $70.

Someone double parked - or parked inconsiderately - would be slapped with a $100 ticket instead of a $60 one. It would be the same cost increase for someone parked in an area reserved for charging EVs.

Stephen Wright, the council’s head of transport operations, said fee increases would better offset the cost of enforcement while positively changing driver behaviours.

Read the full story from reporter Sinead Gill here (note: a subscription is required).

Do you support the Christchurch City Council increasing parking fees?
  • 17.4% Yes, if it saves money on rates and towage
    17.4% Complete
  • 8% Yes, even if it doesn't save us money
    8% Complete
  • 71.8% No, it's already high enough
    71.8% Complete
  • 2.8% I'm not sure
    2.8% Complete
213 votes
224 days ago

What's the best way to keep grocery shopping bills down?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

We are still feeling the pinch and the weekly shop is no different. So we are after your cost-saving tips please, neighbours!

What’s the best way you've found to cut down on your grocery bill? Share below (and hear tips from others!)

207 days ago

Ladies knit/chiffon top. New Size 12

Ailsa from Avonhead

Pick up in Avonhead

Price: $35

210 days ago

Poll: Are the proposed youth military camps a good idea?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

To prevent further youth crime, the government has proposed stays at military-style camps for up to 12 months for young offenders. Do you think the camps will be successful in rehabilitating youth who commit crimes?

Vote in our poll and share your thoughts below.

Are the proposed youth military camps a good idea?
  • 71.1% Yes
    71.1% Complete
  • 28.1% No
    28.1% Complete
  • 0.8% Other - I'll share below
    0.8% Complete
1976 votes
209 days ago

Monday 19th August 7.15pm @Halswell Bowling Club 301 Halswell Rd

Ange Newman from Oaklands Toastmasters Club

It is going to be a puzzling good night this coming Monday (19th Aug @ 7.15pm) with he wonderful Jill de Jong as Toastmaster. Come join us and tell us what your favourite puzzle is 🧩🧩

210 days ago

Create your own water garden

The Team from Resene ColorShop Hornby

Enjoy water-loving plants in any part of your garden with this easy-to-build water planter finished in Resene Waterborne Woodsman Pickled Bluewood. Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions.
