Cashmere, Christchurch

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1402 days ago

Collection Point at the Halswell Community Hub

Keri Glassenbury from Halswell Community Project

The Halswell Community Hub is now a collection point for:
The Blanket Bank - donations of clean/tidy blankets/bedding
Wine bottle tops and Can tabs - Collecting on behalf of the Halswell Lions for Kidney Kids
Bread tags - collecting for Wheelchairs in Africa
Milk Bottle tops - for over the top … View more
The Halswell Community Hub is now a collection point for:
The Blanket Bank - donations of clean/tidy blankets/bedding
Wine bottle tops and Can tabs - Collecting on behalf of the Halswell Lions for Kidney Kids
Bread tags - collecting for Wheelchairs in Africa
Milk Bottle tops - for over the top recycling - creating skateboards!
Please drop off donations to 381 Halswell Road,

1400 days ago

Flat/house to rent

Lyn from Hoon Hay

Looking on behalf, 2/3 bedroom flat or house to rent. South side of town, reasonable rent, for working female. Ph 0220211864. Thank you.

1400 days ago

Guide for Carers

Office for Seniors

The Ministry of Social Development has recently updated the Guide for Carers, a valuable resource for those who care for family, whānau, āiga or friends with a health condition, a disability, an injury, or a physical or mental illness.

It covers a range of topics such as financial help, … View more
The Ministry of Social Development has recently updated the Guide for Carers, a valuable resource for those who care for family, whānau, āiga or friends with a health condition, a disability, an injury, or a physical or mental illness.

It covers a range of topics such as financial help, assessing needs, getting help at home and being able to take a break from caring.

The Guide for Carers is available online now:

For more information about resources like this and other advice, read our SuperSeniors newsletter:

1419 days ago

CASH Paid for Old Sports Programmes and Sports Memorabilia..

Michael from Mount Pleasant - Redcliffs

Wanted.. Old Sports Programmes.. I am a private collector of Sporting Memorabilia and I am looking for any old sport memorabilia as well as match day programmes from Rugby Matches, Soccer, Speedway, Motor Racing, League, Football, Melbourne Cup or similar.. Also old Enamel and Tin Badges and … View moreWanted.. Old Sports Programmes.. I am a private collector of Sporting Memorabilia and I am looking for any old sport memorabilia as well as match day programmes from Rugby Matches, Soccer, Speedway, Motor Racing, League, Football, Melbourne Cup or similar.. Also old Enamel and Tin Badges and interesting memorabilia.. Please private message me or contact via email

1409 days ago

Feijoas Wanted

Roger from Halswell

Anyone got any Feijoas? Wanting to send some to a family down south. Thanks

1402 days ago

We Say/You Say: MMP

Reporter Northern Outlook

Hi Canterbury,

Would you support the introduction of MMP to local body elections?

A former Labour minister has called on the government to implement MMP as the voting system for local body elections in a bid to 'fix' local government.

Peter Neilson, an economist, is a former … View more
Hi Canterbury,

Would you support the introduction of MMP to local body elections?

A former Labour minister has called on the government to implement MMP as the voting system for local body elections in a bid to 'fix' local government.

Peter Neilson, an economist, is a former Labour MP for Miramar, a Minister of Revenue, Works and Associate Minister of Finance. Neilson explains how MMP could have a positive impact on civic participation after data from Internal Affairs showed a decline in voter turnout.

Around four out of 10 New Zealanders on the electoral role turned out to vote in the last set of local elections. In comparison, around seven or eight out 10 voted in the general election last year.

Share your thoughts below and don't forget to type NFP if you don't want your comment featured in the Northern Outlook.

1401 days ago

A new way to live

It’s a time for fine-tuning your skills and pushing the boundaries, catching up with your mates and heading off on new adventures at the drop of a hat! No, we’re not talking about your 20s, we’re talking about your retirement.

Ross’ retirement saw the beginning of his musical journey … View more
It’s a time for fine-tuning your skills and pushing the boundaries, catching up with your mates and heading off on new adventures at the drop of a hat! No, we’re not talking about your 20s, we’re talking about your retirement.

Ross’ retirement saw the beginning of his musical journey where his passion quickly evolved from making music, to crafting guitars. It all started when Ross and some mates joined a music group where the camaraderie and togetherness were just as important as the music.

Living in a Ryman village, Ross can continue living life to the full in his retirement because they are places where you don’t retire from life, you find a new way to live .
Learn more

1403 days ago

Environment named top concern for Christchurch's future

Nicole Mathewson Reporter from The Press

Green, safe, affordable, and sustainable, with meaningful jobs and a city which is easy to get around.

That’s what the residents of greater Christchurch say they want from their city in 2050, according to a new survey of about 4000 people.

While residents commented on topics ranging from … View more
Green, safe, affordable, and sustainable, with meaningful jobs and a city which is easy to get around.

That’s what the residents of greater Christchurch say they want from their city in 2050, according to a new survey of about 4000 people.

While residents commented on topics ranging from traffic and housing to leadership and economic growth, the desire to protect the environment emerged strongly as the number one wish.

Read more here and tell us what you want most for Christchurch in the comments below.

1402 days ago

Black and grey tabby

Kerri from Lyttelton

Hi Neighbours, just in case someone is missing a small Grey and black tabby (looked about 6 months old) we sadly hit it this morning on Park Terrace, Corsair Bay. Have taken it to Estuary vets on Ferry Rd, seems to be ok. Not microchipped, the vets are going to check it over and then call SPCA. But… View moreHi Neighbours, just in case someone is missing a small Grey and black tabby (looked about 6 months old) we sadly hit it this morning on Park Terrace, Corsair Bay. Have taken it to Estuary vets on Ferry Rd, seems to be ok. Not microchipped, the vets are going to check it over and then call SPCA. But if you think this may be your cat, please give the vets a call 033843075.

1402 days ago

Free immigration advice and support

The Team from Citizens Advice Christchurch Area

At CAB we know that dealing with immigration issues can be tricky and there are major changes to the immigration system coming. That is why we have set up 2 clinics to help . Whatever the immigration issue we can get you off to a good start .
The clinics are ...
1. Free Legal Clinic – … View more
At CAB we know that dealing with immigration issues can be tricky and there are major changes to the immigration system coming. That is why we have set up 2 clinics to help . Whatever the immigration issue we can get you off to a good start .
The clinics are ...
1. Free Legal Clinic – Immigration
- next one 13th May
This clinic is run by specialist immigration lawyers who are experienced in Immigration law. We also have a lawyer who can help with Refugee law.
When: Thursdays (every 3 weeks)
Time: 6.15pm- 8pm
Location: Hornby Community Centre – 8 Goulding Ave
Booking: Phone our West Branch 03 349 5236 to make an appointment

2. Immigration Advice Clinic
- next one 18th of May
This clinic is run by a registered immigration advisor. She can give immigration advice, support and help with completing immigration paperwork.

When: Tuesdays (every 2 weeks)
Time: 11am – 1pm
Location: Fendalton Library – 4 Jeffreys Rd
Booking: Phone our North Branch 03 351 7804 to make an appointment

1408 days ago

Throwback Thursday: March past

Nicole Mathewson Reporter from The Press

World War II dominated the 1940s. "Our boys" marched through Christchurch before
departing to fight the foe. They were joined by many women who had enlisted in the armed forces to serve in support roles. Here, some of the 549 members of the Women's Service Auxiliary march in a … View more
World War II dominated the 1940s. "Our boys" marched through Christchurch before
departing to fight the foe. They were joined by many women who had enlisted in the armed forces to serve in support roles. Here, some of the 549 members of the Women's Service Auxiliary march in a street parade. It is April, 1941. Germany has inflicted a series of defeats
on Allied forces in Europe and Japan is preparing for war in the Pacific. Such parades
boosted patriotism, which helped the military recruitment drive and the raising of money for
the war effort through bonds schemes.

1403 days ago

Addictive Eaters Anonymous

The Team from Addictive Eaters Anonymous - Christchurch

Monthly AEA Worldwide Web events are held on the third Sunday of each month.
For May it is 8.00 am on Sunday 17th.
For newcomers interested in receiving a Zoom invitation for the event, please email

1404 days ago

Have you seen this amazing garden?

Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing

They had a vision for their property, but they also had three floods in 20 years. That didn't stop them pursuing the garden of their dreams though.

1410 days ago

Do you remember the big snow of 1992?

Jake Kenny Reporter from Community News

Hey Cantabs,

It was quickly dubbed “the big snow” and was the heaviest snowfall in three decades.

“Christchurch teetered on the brink of disaster yesterday as the worst snowstorm in 30 years first paralysed the city, then caused widespread flooding,” The Press reported on August 29, 1992.… View more
Hey Cantabs,

It was quickly dubbed “the big snow” and was the heaviest snowfall in three decades.

“Christchurch teetered on the brink of disaster yesterday as the worst snowstorm in 30 years first paralysed the city, then caused widespread flooding,” The Press reported on August 29, 1992.

Do you remember the big snow?

1404 days ago


The Team from Citizens Advice Christchurch Area

It is Ara Taiohi Youth this week 8-16 May 2021. To celebrate there is a special event for young people 15+ from the Greater Linwood area
The Ball details are ..
Friday 14th May at Woolston Club

7pm - 11pm

Free kai, photo walls, spot prizes and more

Get your free tickets now: … View more
It is Ara Taiohi Youth this week 8-16 May 2021. To celebrate there is a special event for young people 15+ from the Greater Linwood area
The Ball details are ..
Friday 14th May at Woolston Club

7pm - 11pm

Free kai, photo walls, spot prizes and more

Get your free tickets now:
