1344 days ago

Thoughts on proposed new connection via Pourewa Valley?

Cathy McIntosh from Ōrākei Local Board

Auckland Transport is proposing new walking and cycling connections in your neighbourhood. We’re planning to deliver more travel options to this community by connecting Meadowbank and Kohimarama through the Pourewa Valley. The connections will link into the Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive Shared Path - Te Ara Ki Uta Ki Tai (the path of land and sea), adding to the popular Auckland pathways network between the Eastern Suburbs and the City Centre.
Feedback must be received before 25 July
Follow the link for more information including an online feedback form and public meeting opportunities.

More messages from your neighbours
18 days ago

Show us what you've been up to...

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Brighten our day, and show us a glimpse into your world, neighbours.

We'd love to see some of the photos you've taken lately or any craft/DIY projects you're working on.

Simply add a photo below 📷🌅 🌻

2 hours ago

Are you thinking of Selling a Rental?

Weston & Associates Ltd Chartered Accountants

Please get advice before you sell...

Recently, we have encountered people who have had to pay more tax than they need to by selling at the wrong time.

Being caught by the Brightline Test can cost you thousands in Capital Gains Tax.

Call us today if you need some help to know the rules.

Contact Weston & Associates on 09 5280069

10 hours ago

Transform Your Old Clothesline into a Stylish Garden Feature with Resene

The Team from Resene ColorShop Lunn Ave

Turn a tired old clothesline into a stylish garden feature that brings joy to the chore of getting your washing out in the sun. Finish in Resene Waterborne Woodsman Crowshead. Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions.
