Wai O Taiki Bay, Auckland

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1115 days ago

House Cleaner

Kerry from St Heliers

Hi I am looking for a fortnightly house cleaner to clean home in Kohimarama. If anyone has any recommendations or if anyone is available please can you message me. Kerry

1106 days ago

Paint it purple for Epilepsy NZ

The Team from Resene ColorShop Lunn Ave

Help Resene raise awareness for Epilepsy NZ. Buy any purple testpot during March and Resene will donate $1 to Epilepsy NZ. Offer applies to all Resene purple 60 mL testpots (excludes metallic and wood stains) purchased by retail customers between 1-31 March 2022 at Resene owned ColorShops NZ.

To… View more
Help Resene raise awareness for Epilepsy NZ. Buy any purple testpot during March and Resene will donate $1 to Epilepsy NZ. Offer applies to all Resene purple 60 mL testpots (excludes metallic and wood stains) purchased by retail customers between 1-31 March 2022 at Resene owned ColorShops NZ.

To find your nearest Resene ColorShop, click here. To find out more about Epilepsy NZ and how you can help, visit the Epilepsy NZ website. Happy purple painting!

1106 days ago

Protect your garden in a changing climate

Climate Insights

Next to our homes, our garden can be our most prized possession! If you want to protect yours from our changing climate: keep an eye out for Climate Insight’s next tool, which will identify any risks your garden may face and give you advice on how to mitigate them. Your personalised report will … View moreNext to our homes, our garden can be our most prized possession! If you want to protect yours from our changing climate: keep an eye out for Climate Insight’s next tool, which will identify any risks your garden may face and give you advice on how to mitigate them. Your personalised report will delve into projected changes in temperature, precipitation, heat waves, growing degree days and much more allowing you to future proof that special space!

Check out our website for more information: www.climateinsights.global....

To get a risk assessment for your home check out our residential property reports.
Find out more

1107 days ago

Inorganic Collections on hold

The Team from Auckland Council

Household on-property inorganic collections scheduled from 7 to 20 March have been placed on hold due to COVID related constraints and impacts with resources. They will be deferred to a later date and we will be in touch again when they restart.

For updates, click on 'Read More'.

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Household on-property inorganic collections scheduled from 7 to 20 March have been placed on hold due to COVID related constraints and impacts with resources. They will be deferred to a later date and we will be in touch again when they restart.

For updates, click on 'Read More'.


1107 days ago

3 Bedroom for Rent in Point England

Glenn from Point England

We are moving out
Great location, brilliant neighbours, low running costs. Dry and warm.
Available 15 March
Next viewing Saturday.


1107 days ago

Explore Auckland parks with Goosechase

The Team from Auckland Council

Parks Week is almost here and we have 101 Ways to Play!
Download the GooseChase app and find adventures galore for the whole family at more than 65 of Auckland’s parks.

1108 days ago

Free single bed mattresses

Sonya from Glen Innes

For single bed.
Ready for contactless pick up.


1108 days ago

Wellness Wednesday

Owner from Balance for Life

Hi everyone

We have a spot for a 4 pm holistic massage available today.
Txt 02102218085

1108 days ago

Old coins and banknotes

Daniel from St Heliers

Hi collector wishes to buy all and any coins and banknotes , from any country worldwide. Top cash prices paid. If keen call Daniel 022-108-0087

1108 days ago


Nigel from Glendowie

We have all heard of Ancient Greek and Latin. But there are numerous other ancient European languages with their own fascinating histories and often extensive literatures. From Norse sagas to the stories of Cyril and Methodius and the conversion of the Armenian king around 300AD, this course will … View moreWe have all heard of Ancient Greek and Latin. But there are numerous other ancient European languages with their own fascinating histories and often extensive literatures. From Norse sagas to the stories of Cyril and Methodius and the conversion of the Armenian king around 300AD, this course will give you a rare taste of what is out there from both a linguistic and literary perspective. It is a chance for some to connect with their own particular European heritage. There will be an overview of a different language each week for 8 weeks. The following languages will be covered: Linear B (Mycenaean Greek), Oscan/Umbrian, Hittite, Old Norse, Old Irish/Ancient Gaulish, Tocharian A/B, Old Church Slavonic and Classical Armenian. More at: www.ancientlanguages.school...
Email: nigellus33@hotmail.com. Course starts in April.

1108 days ago


Nigel from Glendowie

Hi. I am again running beginners and advanced courses in Latin and Greek, scheduled to start in late March. More at: www.ancientlanguages.school... Also my email is: nigellus33@hotmail.com. Nigel

1108 days ago

Got a business that's made your day?


It’s time to give your favourite local business owner the recognition they deserve by nominating them in the 2022 Prospa Local Business Hero awards – and they could be up for some fantastic prizes. 

As NZ’s business lending specialists, we at Prospa love seeing small businesses reach … View more
It’s time to give your favourite local business owner the recognition they deserve by nominating them in the 2022 Prospa Local Business Hero awards – and they could be up for some fantastic prizes. 

As NZ’s business lending specialists, we at Prospa love seeing small businesses reach their goals with a faster, easier approach to business loans. And we’re proud to be back sponsoring the 2022 Prospa Local Business Hero awards.
Find out more

1108 days ago

Stuff Explained launches (free) newsletter


Stuff Explained seeks to explain the 'why' behind the news, delivered straight to your inbox.

Curated by Stuff's Explainer Editor Keith Lynch, the fortnightly newsletter explains everything from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, to the inner workings of the economy, to the forces … View more
Stuff Explained seeks to explain the 'why' behind the news, delivered straight to your inbox.

Curated by Stuff's Explainer Editor Keith Lynch, the fortnightly newsletter explains everything from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, to the inner workings of the economy, to the forces that are shaping how New Zealanders live. It will feature original explainer reporting keeping you up to date with the biggest issues, along with the very best in Stuff Explained reporting you may have missed.

Sign up here (it's free!).
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1109 days ago

Adopt a Stray Cat

Stuart from Wai O Taiki Bay

Hey neighbours!
There are a number of stray cats around us. I’ve managed to get three rescued to some charities but they have now run out of space for any new kitties.

Apollo is a friendly stray who has been desexed and chipped and deserves a great home to live. She’s shy at first but becomes … View more
Hey neighbours!
There are a number of stray cats around us. I’ve managed to get three rescued to some charities but they have now run out of space for any new kitties.

Apollo is a friendly stray who has been desexed and chipped and deserves a great home to live. She’s shy at first but becomes very friendly and loves strokes and headbutts.

I’m hoping that there’s a neighbour looking for a little fur baby or knows someone looking for one.

We move from the area mid April and hoping that she finds a loving home for her before then.

