Mechanics Bay, Auckland

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1682 days ago

Free Puzzle Book With Subscriptions


Receive a free copy of puzzle book magazine with a subscription of TV Guide.

Just use the promo code TVGPUZZLE when ordering a 1 or 2 year subscription and receive a free puzzle book, packed with over 200 puzzles.
Order Now

1683 days ago

Join Waitematā Local Board in a webinar!

Dee Sims from Waitematā Local Board

What do you want to see in Waitematā? Our board members want to hear from you! Join them this Thursday at 6:30pm for a PechaKucha-style webinar where they will talk about key outcomes in our draft Local Board Plan and listen to your feedback. Register here 👉

1683 days ago

Waihorotiu Queen Street Valley Pilot

The Team from Auckland Council

With Auckland Transport, we have commenced a pilot programme on Waihorotiu Queen Street Valley, engaging with those who live, work and visit Queen St to co-design a better quality city centre street for all.

Sign up to find out more about how you can get involved and have your say, or to stay … View more
With Auckland Transport, we have commenced a pilot programme on Waihorotiu Queen Street Valley, engaging with those who live, work and visit Queen St to co-design a better quality city centre street for all.

Sign up to find out more about how you can get involved and have your say, or to stay updated on this pilot.

1683 days ago

Still time left to have your say

The Team from Auckland Council

There is still time to have your say on our three-year local board plan. Love local get vocal. Have your say

1683 days ago

Meet Alex and Olivia

Tāmaki AKL

Tāmaki locals Alex and Olivia own Peach’s Hot Chicken in Panmure.

“It’s so nice to see the same faces regularly. It makes us feel like we’re involved and part of the community.”

There are around 900 businesses in Tāmaki. Together they create community, character and local jobs. … View more
Tāmaki locals Alex and Olivia own Peach’s Hot Chicken in Panmure.

“It’s so nice to see the same faces regularly. It makes us feel like we’re involved and part of the community.”

There are around 900 businesses in Tāmaki. Together they create community, character and local jobs. Whenever you can, shop where it makes the most difference.

Read more about Alex and Olivia (and other local business legends like them) on the Tāmaki AKL website.
Find out more

1684 days ago

Building a resilient city

The Team from Auckland Council

Over the past year, strengthening of a 600-metre section of the seawall has been underway; the first significant strengthening work to be done to the seawall since it was completed in 1925. This project is part of a wider programme of work to transform downtown, creating a welcoming and … View moreOver the past year, strengthening of a 600-metre section of the seawall has been underway; the first significant strengthening work to be done to the seawall since it was completed in 1925. This project is part of a wider programme of work to transform downtown, creating a welcoming and people-centred gateway into our city.

1689 days ago

Election 2020: What you need to know

Brittany Keogh Reporter from Auckland Stuff

Hi neighbours, The 2020 general election is less than two months away. Here’s everything you need to know about how to vote, where you can do it, when, and how the process of forming a government works.

1685 days ago

Reduce work travel


Travel a lot with work? Live more with less energy. Save valuable time and money by connecting digitally instead, and stop burning all that fuel. Find out more

1686 days ago

Celebrate 30 years of Daffodil Day with us

Cancer Society

At every Cancer Society office around the country, you’ll find a caring team that supports, informs and empowers those facing cancer and their whānau.

Later this month we’ll be celebrating the 30th anniversary of Daffodil Day, the most important day in our fundraising calendar. A day … View more
At every Cancer Society office around the country, you’ll find a caring team that supports, informs and empowers those facing cancer and their whānau.

Later this month we’ll be celebrating the 30th anniversary of Daffodil Day, the most important day in our fundraising calendar. A day that relies on the support of more than 11,000 volunteers.

Money raised goes towards support services, education and awareness programmes, and to fund vital research into the causes and treatments of all types of cancers.

Our 30th Daffodil Day is on Friday 28th August.

Please support the superhero volunteers in your neighborhood with a donation to the Cancer Society, donate online at or at your local ANZ branch.
Donate now

1687 days ago

Celebrating Auckland's rangers on World Ranger Day

The Team from Auckland Council

Today is World Ranger Day, which celebrates the work rangers do to protect the planet's natural treasures and cultural heritage, and commemorates rangers killed or injured in the line of duty.

To celebrate our very own rangers, we ran a Q&A on Instagram and Facebook stories to give you an… View more
Today is World Ranger Day, which celebrates the work rangers do to protect the planet's natural treasures and cultural heritage, and commemorates rangers killed or injured in the line of duty.

To celebrate our very own rangers, we ran a Q&A on Instagram and Facebook stories to give you an opportunity to find out more about their important work.

In case you missed it, here are some of the interesting questions you asked them and our rangers' answers, hopefully giving you more insights into their universe.

1687 days ago

Random Acts of Kindness – August 1st to 31st 💞

The Team from Neighbourhood Support New Zealand

All it takes is a kind gesture to change someone’s day. From paying it forward in line at a cafe to giving flowers to a neighbour ‘just because’ - this month we’re encouraging our members and supporters to make New Zealand a better place one random act of kindness at a time.

The options … View more
All it takes is a kind gesture to change someone’s day. From paying it forward in line at a cafe to giving flowers to a neighbour ‘just because’ - this month we’re encouraging our members and supporters to make New Zealand a better place one random act of kindness at a time.

The options for doing so are endless! Being kind doesn’t have to cost a thing, after all a smile is free. For those who want to go the extra mile, here’s some other ideas: Buy extra kai at the grocery store to donate to a food bank, build a free community library for your street, bring treats into work for colleagues, send an encouraging text to someone who needs it, let a car into the traffic ahead of you, take a gift over to new neighbours and introduce yourself, write positive messages in chalk on sidewalks around your neighbourhood, or surprise loved ones with a visit.

This month’s theme also coincides with Random Acts of Kindness Day (New Zealand) which is coming up on September 1st.

Let us know how you’re spreading kindness in your community by tagging us in your posts + using the following hashtag so we can see what you get up to:


1687 days ago

Are you getting our free gardening tips every week?

Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing

Subscribe to our e-zine Get Growing. In this week’s issue we show how to grow potatoes in containers in time for Christmas. Plus grow your own sprouts, build homes for geckos and skinks, leave frosted plants alone, collect free rainwater and let lachenalias set seed.

Meet some gardening … View more
Subscribe to our e-zine Get Growing. In this week’s issue we show how to grow potatoes in containers in time for Christmas. Plus grow your own sprouts, build homes for geckos and skinks, leave frosted plants alone, collect free rainwater and let lachenalias set seed.

Meet some gardening superheroes and nominate a greenfingered good sort to be the Ryman Healthcare Gardener of the Year. Plus go in the draw for copies of NZ House & Garden’s August issue.
