Herne Bay, Auckland

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Check out what your neighbours are selling (or giving away!) here.

739 days ago

NZ: Share a favourite female historical figure...

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

We're all mostly familiar with Kate Sheppard's role in the women's suffrage movement (and her face on the $10 note) and you've likely heard of the bold, Jean Batten. But who else should not be forgotten? Tell us why!

Let's celebrate Women's History month as well as … View more
We're all mostly familiar with Kate Sheppard's role in the women's suffrage movement (and her face on the $10 note) and you've likely heard of the bold, Jean Batten. But who else should not be forgotten? Tell us why!

Let's celebrate Women's History month as well as International Women's Day (this Wednesday) by sharing some of the lesser-known, inspiring women who've played a part in New Zealand's history.

Share your thoughts below for the We Say You Say column of the local paper - write NFP if you wish your comments to be excluded.

735 days ago

Clear the decks

The Team from Resene ColorShop Victoria Park

Refresh your outdoor spaces with Resene Lumbersider and Resene Walk-on with these easy ideas.

735 days ago

Annual Budget 2023/2024 - Reminder

The Team from Auckland Council

Have you had your say yet?
🗣️ Visit bit.ly... to find out more and be part of the decisions.
📅 Consultation ends on Tuesday 28 March at 11pm.


736 days ago

Exterior Builder

ONPoint Exteriors

Hey Neighbors,
If you are needing any help with exterior building like decks and fences, get in touch with us today!
We can help with repairs and re-builds of any fencing etc. that was damaged in the recent weather events as well

Servicing Auckland wide

736 days ago

IT Services and Support

Mehul Mistry from IT For You

Are you considering outsourcing your business's IT but not sure where to start? Or do you currently outsource your business's IT and want to learn more?

We are providing free 30-minute sessions to write up a basic plan. We also do free audits for pre-existing setups.

Reach out to us… View more
Are you considering outsourcing your business's IT but not sure where to start? Or do you currently outsource your business's IT and want to learn more?

We are providing free 30-minute sessions to write up a basic plan. We also do free audits for pre-existing setups.

Reach out to us at support@itforyou.co.nz, or alternatively, you can visit our website at www.itforyou.co.nz...

736 days ago

Window washing

Trent from Grey Lynn

Does any one need their windows washed.

736 days ago

Free vanity top

Ursula from Point Chevalier

Anyone building a mud kitchen? 900mm wide Pick up in Pt Chevalier


736 days ago

Save at your local Resene ColorShop!

Resene National Head Office

Bring out the best in your home.

Get 20% off Resene premium paints, stains, wallpapers and accessories, on now at Resene ColorShops!

Come in and visit your local Resene ColorShop for expert advice and great savings!
Learn More

737 days ago

Free disposal of flood related waste ends next week

The Team from Auckland Council

📣 Free drop off for flood-related waste at Auckland’s participating waste facilities and free kerbside collections of flood-damaged household items finishes on Tuesday 14 March.

737 days ago

Kiwi Can 💚⭐

Graeme Dingle Foundation

Kiwi Can is our primary school programme which focuses on teaching tamariki values such as respect, integrity, positive relationships and resilience. We love seeing what our tamariki think of the programme, find out more through the link below!

737 days ago

Applications closing soon!

Logan Campbell Retirement Village

Since 1999, our residents and team members have raised more than $5.1 million for charities across New Zealand and Australia.

Supporting fellow pioneers isn’t new. It’s in our DNA. Learn more about becoming our charity partner for 2022/23.

737 days ago

World Maths Day

NumberWorks'nWords Grey Lynn

Whether the actual crunching of numbers sounds exciting or scary, celebrating World Maths Day can be oodles and oodles of fun! Maths is believed by many people to be one of the hardest subjects to achieve in because of its strictness in needing correct answers, its abstract concepts, and the … View moreWhether the actual crunching of numbers sounds exciting or scary, celebrating World Maths Day can be oodles and oodles of fun! Maths is believed by many people to be one of the hardest subjects to achieve in because of its strictness in needing correct answers, its abstract concepts, and the overall stress involved in succeeding. But don’t let that be intimidating!

World Maths Day is a chance to test your skills, practice maths, and get involved in a worldwide event that celebrates the history of maths to improve the lives of students, parents, and teachers everywhere.

737 days ago

Newsable… Worth Talking About.


Join Emile Donovan and Imogen Wells for your daily dose of exclusives, analysis and fresh perspectives on news.

The podcast drops each weekday from 6am on newsable.co.nz or listen on Apple, Spotify or wherever you get your pods.
Listen now

738 days ago

230L fridge for sell (in working order)

Alma from Grey Lynn

We have a Simpson fridge for sell. Price $60. We needed a bigger one so we are selling this one. Pick up in Grey Lynn - Thanks for the interest; sold now -

Price: $60

738 days ago

Got a business that makes your day?


It's time to make their day in return! There's been hundreds of incredible nominations in this year's Prospa Local Business Hero Awards already - but have we got yours?

Give your favourite local business owner the recognition they deserve by nominating them in the … View more
It's time to make their day in return! There's been hundreds of incredible nominations in this year's Prospa Local Business Hero Awards already - but have we got yours?

Give your favourite local business owner the recognition they deserve by nominating them in the 2023 Prospa Local Business Hero Awards including a incredible package worth $10,000. Just share a few words about why they make your community a better place to live.

Your favourite local will thank you!
Nominate now
