914 days ago

Here's a cool idea for communicating with your neighbours without technology or breaching alert level rules...

The Team from Neighbourhood Support New Zealand

Each household gets 3 pieces of coloured paper that can be displayed in a window or on a door that others can easily see.

- Green is for I'm OK

- Yellow is for needing help or a check-in

- Red is for an emergency

This is a safe and simple way let others know how you're doing while also looking out for others in your community.

More messages from your neighbours
2 hours ago

Anzac Day

Jeanny Zamora from Red Cross Shop Karangahape Road

Lest we forget.
Honor the spirit of Anzac Day in style with our new formal wear here at Redcross Shop K Road, 191 Karangahape Road. We pay homage to our heroes while keeping you fashionable.

12 hours ago
14 hours ago

Tips for better sleep from Beds4U!

Marketing Manager from Beds 4 U Newmarket

Hi Neighbours,

Tired of counting sheep? We've got a better way! Check out our latest tips for a sleep experience that'll have you waking up refreshed and ready to conquer the day. #sleeptip #sleep
