Freemans Bay, Auckland

221 days ago

This Saturday: The Great Neighbourly (online!) Garage Sale

The Team from

It’s that time of year when we rummage in the garage for Christmas decorations and camping gear but instead find random items we forgot we owned. Perhaps it’s finally time to get rid of those and make some cash? Or pick up something you need?

The Great Neighbourly (online!) Garage Sale is … View more
It’s that time of year when we rummage in the garage for Christmas decorations and camping gear but instead find random items we forgot we owned. Perhaps it’s finally time to get rid of those and make some cash? Or pick up something you need?

The Great Neighbourly (online!) Garage Sale is this Saturday and we can't wait! The site will be brimming with both gently-loved goods and potential Christmas gifts.

To take part, simply upload a photo of your item(s) to Neighbourly’s Market section before Saturday. Make sure you come back on Saturday to browse the treasures listed from other members around your neighbourhood.

221 days ago

Wi-Fi Coverage Solutions

Thomas from The WiFi Experts

Do you have slow Wi-Fi? Dead-Zones? Dropouts?
Give the experts a call for a free site visit and quote!
0800 943 439

221 days ago

Black Friday $200 Giveaway!

The Team from NZ Compare

What's the most amazing deal you've discovered on our website, and how much money did you save?

Share your great finds with us for a chance to WIN a $200 Prezzy card and keep your shopping spree going!

CLICK below to enter! Don't wait too long to participate; entry ends on … View more
What's the most amazing deal you've discovered on our website, and how much money did you save?

Share your great finds with us for a chance to WIN a $200 Prezzy card and keep your shopping spree going!

CLICK below to enter! Don't wait too long to participate; entry ends on 29/11!
Check out our Black Friday deal HERE:

221 days ago

Weekly Horoscope

Read your free NZ horoscope for the week starting Monday 13th November 2023

SCORPIO (24 October-21 November)

Embrace the New Beginnings: New Moon in Scorpio on Monday 13th

The significance of the New Moon in Scorpio on Monday, the 13th, cannot be overstated for you. This marks a pivotal … View more
Read your free NZ horoscope for the week starting Monday 13th November 2023

SCORPIO (24 October-21 November)

Embrace the New Beginnings: New Moon in Scorpio on Monday 13th

The significance of the New Moon in Scorpio on Monday, the 13th, cannot be overstated for you. This marks a pivotal moment as it is the first New Moon in Scorpio since the completion of the two-year Taurus/Scorpio eclipse cycle in October 2023.

Take this opportunity to move forward and start anew, especially if your birthday falls close to this date. Set your intentions for the month ahead and reflect on the progress you've made in the past year. Consider this New Moon as the beginning of your personal new year, aligning your resolutions and goals with the transformative energy of Scorpio.

Breaking Free and Asserting Yourself: A Unique New Moon

This New Moon is particularly intriguing as the Sun and Moon are opposed by rebellious Uranus in Taurus, your relationship sector. Expect unexpected shifts, possibly involving a third party or erratic behavior in close relationships. The Sun's proximity to your ruling planet, Mars, amplifies the transformative energy.

The Sun and Mars meet on Saturday, the 18th, symbolizing power, force, and strength. This is your time to make a bold statement, step into your power, and prioritize your goals. Romance is also highlighted, especially on Friday, the 17th, when both the Sun and Mars align with Neptune in Pisces, your romance sector. Dive deep into your emotions and explore your creative and spiritual side.

Financial Opportunities and Agreements: Mercury-Venus Connection

For financial matters, look for support or turn to someone from your past, especially around Wednesday, the 15th, when a Mercury-Venus connection aids in agreements and compromises. Use this week to set the stage for a powerful and transformative year ahead.

SAGITTARIUS (22 November-21 December)

Navigate Change with Wisdom: New Moon in Scorpio on Monday 13th

This week centers around the New Moon in Scorpio on Monday, the 13th, offering you a chance to set new intentions and trust your instincts. With the Sun and Moon opposed by Uranus, be prepared for unexpected twists in work and health. If anxiety arises, remember that during Scorpio transits, slowing down is your best strategy.

Inner Work and Transformation: Embrace the New Moon Energies

Engage in therapy or personal development work, as Scorpio rules the hidden areas of your horoscope. Mars, the planet of passion, is part of the New Moon, emphasizing personal issues and hidden desires. Channel strong emotions constructively and be open to transformation.

Creativity, Romance, and Financial Compromises: A Dynamic Week

Romantic energy peaks on Friday, the 17th, as the Sun and Mars unite with Neptune in Pisces. Explore your emotions and embrace creativity. For financial matters, seek compromise around Wednesday, the 15th, with a beneficial Mercury-Venus connection.

CAPRICORN (22 December-19 January)

Friendship and Future Goals: New Moon in Scorpio on Monday 13th

The New Moon in Scorpio on Monday, the 13th, kicks off a cycle focusing on future hopes and wishes, particularly in your social circle. Strengthen your support system and draw in those who nurture and inspire you. Be open to surprises or changes in relationships, especially concerning children or lovers.

Passion, Power, and Compassion: Sun-Mars Conjunction on Saturday 18th

The Sun and Mars align on Saturday, the 18th, emphasizing power, drive, and intensity. Navigate personal and professional relationships with assertiveness. On Friday, the 17th, the Sun and Mars harmonize with Neptune in Pisces, encouraging inclusivity and compassion.

Creative Ventures and Supportive Alliances: Mercury-Venus Connection

For financial matters or partnerships, a Mercury-Venus connection on Wednesday, the 15th, supports agreements and alliances. Use this week to explore your personal and professional goals with courage and creativity.

AQUARIUS (20 January-18 February)

Career Focus and Unexpected Opportunities: New Moon in Scorpio on Monday 13th

Your career and vocation take center stage with the New Moon in Scorpio on Monday, the 13th. Embrace new opportunities and be open to unconventional paths. Consider unexpected changes in your public and private life and adapt accordingly. This week is ideal for bold career moves.

Strength, Ambition, and Financial Intuition: Sun-Mars Alignment

The Sun and Mars align on Saturday, the 18th, providing strength and courage. Trust your intuition in financial matters on Friday, the 17th, as the Sun and Mars harmonize with Neptune in Pisces. This alignment suggests that connecting with your true purpose may open doors.

Social Alliances and Adventure: Mercury-Venus Connection

Wednesday, the 15th, brings a positive Mercury-Venus connection for teamwork and social interactions. Seek alliances that align with your intuition and inner wisdom. While uncertainty may be present, focus on finding the best options moving forward.

PISCES (19 February-20 March)

Adventurous New Beginnings: New Moon in Scorpio on Monday 13th

The New Moon in Scorpio on Monday, the 13th, sparks a desire for new adventures and learning. Embrace opportunities for travel, study, or personal development. Be flexible, as unexpected changes may arise on the same day. Make a wish and trust your instincts.

Passion, Transformation, and Imagination: Sun-Mars Conjunction

The Sun and Mars unite on Saturday, the 18th, intensifying passion and transformation. Dive deep into your emotions and explore hidden desires constructively. On Friday, the 17th, the Sun and Mars connect with Neptune in Pisces, encouraging creativity and spirituality.

Surrender to Life and Financial Insight: Mercury-Venus Connection

Trust your financial intuition on Friday, the 17th, as the Sun and Mars align with Neptune in your home and family sector. Surrender to life's flow and focus on financial stability. Wednesday, the 15th, offers a positive Mercury-Venus connection for heart-to-heart conversations and financial discussions.

ARIES (21 March-19 April)

Financial Focus and Unexpected Shifts: New Moon in Scorpio on Monday 13th

The New Moon in Scorpio on Monday, the 13th, brings financial matters into focus. Set intentions for abundance and be open to unexpected opportunities. Uranus' influence suggests swift changes, so be ready for surprises. Exercise courage in financial decisions.

Power, Ambition, and Spiritual Exploration: Sun-Mars Conjunction

The Sun and Mars unite on Saturday, the 18th, emphasizing power, ambition, and courage. Explore life to the fullest, even venturing into new territory. Friday, the 17th, brings a harmonious connection between the Sun, Mars, and Neptune, encouraging spiritual exploration.

Financial Wisdom and Heartfelt Conversations: Mercury-Venus Connection

Wednesday, the 15th, provides a positive Mercury-Venus connection for financial discussions and heart-to-heart conversations. Embrace financial wisdom and seek supportive alliances. Be open to adventure and new experiences.

TAURUS (20 April-20 May)

Love and Partnerships: New Moon in Scorpio on Monday 13th

The New Moon in Scorpio on Monday, the 13th

, highlights partnerships and relationships. Set intentions for harmony and growth in your personal and professional connections. Be open to unexpected changes, as Uranus opposes the Sun and Moon.

Relationship Harmony and Compassion: Sun-Mars Conjunction

The Sun and Mars align on Saturday, the 18th, emphasizing passion and energy in relationships. Approach conflicts with assertiveness and compassion. Friday, the 17th, brings a harmonious connection between the Sun, Mars, and Neptune, enhancing understanding and empathy.

Communication and Financial Opportunities: Mercury-Venus Connection

Wednesday, the 15th, offers a positive Mercury-Venus connection for communication and financial matters. Express your thoughts and seek compromises. Focus on creating a balance between personal and professional life.

GEMINI (21 May-20 June)

Work and Well-being: New Moon in Scorpio on Monday 13th

The New Moon in Scorpio on Monday, the 13th, shines a light on work, health, and well-being. Set intentions for positive changes in your daily routines and take care of your physical and mental health. Be prepared for unexpected shifts in these areas.

Energy, Ambition, and Creativity: Sun-Mars Conjunction

The Sun and Mars align on Saturday, the 18th, boosting energy and ambition. Focus on creative projects and express yourself with confidence. Friday, the 17th, brings a harmonious connection between the Sun, Mars, and Neptune, enhancing your artistic and imaginative side.

Creativity and Social Connections: Mercury-Venus Connection

Wednesday, the 15th, provides a positive Mercury-Venus connection for creativity and social interactions. Collaborate with others on creative projects and nurture your social connections. Embrace the balance between work and play.

CANCER (21 June-22 July)

Creativity and Romance: New Moon in Scorpio on Monday 13th

The New Moon in Scorpio on Monday, the 13th, sparks creativity and romance. Set intentions for joy, love, and self-expression. Be open to unexpected opportunities for fun and pleasure. Embrace the transformative energy of Scorpio in your creative pursuits.

Passion, Connection, and Emotional Depth: Sun-Mars Conjunction

The Sun and Mars unite on Saturday, the 18th, intensifying passion and emotional depth. Dive deep into intimate connections and express your desires. Friday, the 17th, brings a harmonious connection between the Sun, Mars, and Neptune, enhancing understanding and empathy.

Home and Family Harmony: Mercury-Venus Connection

Wednesday, the 15th, offers a positive Mercury-Venus connection for home and family matters. Communicate with loved ones and seek harmony in your domestic life. Balance your personal and professional responsibilities.

LEO (23 July-22 August)

Home and Family Focus: New Moon in Scorpio on Monday 13th

The New Moon in Scorpio on Monday, the 13th, emphasizes home and family matters. Set intentions for a harmonious and transformative living environment. Be open to unexpected changes, especially in your family dynamics. Trust your intuition in domestic decisions.

Strength, Ambition, and Emotional Understanding: Sun-Mars Conjunction

The Sun and Mars align on Saturday, the 18th, emphasizing strength, ambition, and emotional understanding. Assert yourself in family matters and address conflicts with courage. Friday, the 17th, brings a harmonious connection between the Sun, Mars, and Neptune, enhancing emotional connections.

Communication and Financial Opportunities: Mercury-Venus Connection

Wednesday, the 15th, provides a positive Mercury-Venus connection for communication and financial matters. Express your thoughts clearly and seek financial opportunities. Focus on balancing your professional and personal life.

VIRGO (23 August-22 September)

Communication and Learning: New Moon in Scorpio on Monday 13th

The New Moon in Scorpio on Monday, the 13th, highlights communication and learning. Set intentions for effective and transformative communication. Be open to unexpected opportunities for learning and connecting with others. Embrace changes in your daily routines.

Energy, Ambition, and Social Harmony: Sun-Mars Conjunction

The Sun and Mars align on Saturday, the 18th, boosting energy, ambition, and social harmony. Focus on networking and expressing your ideas with confidence. Friday, the 17th, brings a harmonious connection between the Sun, Mars, and Neptune, enhancing understanding and empathy.

Financial Wisdom and Social Connections: Mercury-Venus Connection

Wednesday, the 15th, offers a positive Mercury-Venus connection for financial discussions and social interactions. Seek financial wisdom and connect with others who share your values. Find a balance between your financial goals and personal values.

LIBRA (23 September-23 October)

Financial Focus: New Moon in Scorpio on Monday 13th

The New Moon in Scorpio on Monday, the 13th, brings financial matters into focus. Set intentions for financial abundance and be open to unexpected opportunities. Embrace changes in your values and priorities. Exercise courage in financial decisions.

Passion, Ambition, and Inner Growth: Sun-Mars Conjunction

The Sun and Mars align on Saturday, the 18th, emphasizing passion, ambition, and inner growth. Dive deep into personal development and assert yourself in achieving your goals. Friday, the 17th, brings a harmonious connection between the Sun, Mars, and Neptune, enhancing spiritual understanding.

Communication and Financial Opportunities: Mercury-Venus Connection

Wednesday, the 15th, provides a positive Mercury-Venus connection for communication and financial matters. Express your thoughts clearly and seek financial opportunities. Focus on creating a balance between your personal and professional life.

Photo of the Zodiac Wheel in Venice is by Josh Rangel on Unsplash

222 days ago

Auckland’s best kept secret!

Real Living Services

Are you over 55 and wanting to move to Epsom with neighbours who share the same interests and lifestyles as you? Come and view Epsom Village in prestigious Ranfurly Road.

“Living independently is what Epsom Village is all about” says Village Manager Lillian Fletcher. “Our sunny and … View more
Are you over 55 and wanting to move to Epsom with neighbours who share the same interests and lifestyles as you? Come and view Epsom Village in prestigious Ranfurly Road.

“Living independently is what Epsom Village is all about” says Village Manager Lillian Fletcher. “Our sunny and spacious 2brm apartments start at just $890k and offer modern open plan living, fully tiled bathrooms and wonderful indoor outdoor flow.“

Why not come and see for yourself. Call Lillian today on 027 314 5767 or email
Find out more

222 days ago

Ryman Care - Your Free Guide

Edmund Hillary Retirement Village

Choosing the right care centre is an important decision. To help you, we’ve put together The Ryman Care Guide to highlight the care, kindness and comfort that our care centres provide.

At Ryman villages, we offer comprehensive care options customised to suit your needs.

Our assisted living… View more
Choosing the right care centre is an important decision. To help you, we’ve put together The Ryman Care Guide to highlight the care, kindness and comfort that our care centres provide.

At Ryman villages, we offer comprehensive care options customised to suit your needs.

Our assisted living apartments are in the heart of the village and include amenities like housekeeping and chef-prepared meals to make life easier.

Our villages all offer rest home care, and most also offer hospital and specialist dementia care.

You can relax, knowing if your needs change, we can continue looking after you.

Discover the kindness and comfort of Ryman care, request your free copy today.

222 days ago


The Team from NZ Compare

Light Up Diwali! We had over 340 incredible responses from all you Diwali enthusiasts who shared your power-saving tips for a chance to WIN $150 towards your power bills!

Now, the moment you've been waiting for – did you emerge as the lucky winner? CLICK below to find out!

Didn't… View more
Light Up Diwali! We had over 340 incredible responses from all you Diwali enthusiasts who shared your power-saving tips for a chance to WIN $150 towards your power bills!

Now, the moment you've been waiting for – did you emerge as the lucky winner? CLICK below to find out!

Didn't WIN this time? Don't worry! Stay connected with NZ Compare to keep informed about future competitions, deals, and tips!

We're here to brighten up your Diwali and your budget! CLICK HERE to discover more:

222 days ago

The Happiness Solution: A Free W/shop

Jogyata from Auckland Central

Meditation concepts and strategies to help reduce stress, anxiety and achieve overall well-being.
A practical 3 hour w/shop with author, meditation instructor and fitness enthusiast Jogyata Dallas, introducing the fundamentals of meditation and other strategies to cultivate health and happiness.
View more
Meditation concepts and strategies to help reduce stress, anxiety and achieve overall well-being.
A practical 3 hour w/shop with author, meditation instructor and fitness enthusiast Jogyata Dallas, introducing the fundamentals of meditation and other strategies to cultivate health and happiness.
Saturday, Nov 25; 10.00am – 1.00pm.
Venue: The Fickling Centre, 546 Mt Albert Rd, Three Kings
Free admission. Registration: text 0221887432

150x50 2023.pdf Download View

223 days ago

Cosmetic and Health and Beauty Product Factory Sale

Alana from Morningside

- Health & Beauty Importer Xmas Clearance Factory Shop Sale

- Wainhouse Distribution, 2 Argyle Street, Morningside, Auckland

Friday 24th November 8am – 4pm
Saturday 25th November 8am – 1pm

Friday 1st December 8am – 4pm
Saturday … View more
- Health & Beauty Importer Xmas Clearance Factory Shop Sale

- Wainhouse Distribution, 2 Argyle Street, Morningside, Auckland

Friday 24th November 8am – 4pm
Saturday 25th November 8am – 1pm

Friday 1st December 8am – 4pm
Saturday 2nd December 8am – 1pm

Friday 8th December 8am – 4pm
Saturday 9th December 8am – 1pm

- Cosmetics from $2

- Xmas Gifts Sets from $5

- Sunscreens from $5

- Fragrances from $5

- Fashion Jewellery from $5

- Hair Accessories from $2

- Baby products from $2

223 days ago

Embrace adventure, we'll mow the lawns...

The Team from Ryman Healthcare

Embracing adventure is made easy with our lock-and-leave-style living. We keep your home secure and well-maintained while you take off to explore what brings you joy.

Premila and Ebbie love the freedom of their Ryman lifestyle. The pair take off on holiday whenever they want and return home to … View more
Embracing adventure is made easy with our lock-and-leave-style living. We keep your home secure and well-maintained while you take off to explore what brings you joy.

Premila and Ebbie love the freedom of their Ryman lifestyle. The pair take off on holiday whenever they want and return home to freshly mowed lawns, watered gardens, clean windows, and a safe village.

Discover more about the freedom of living in a Ryman village.
Find out more

223 days ago

Does your pet have what it takes to melt the hearts of the nation?

NZ Pets Election

The Great NZ Pet Election has launched and we’re on the hunt for NZ’s best pet!

Pick up a copy of the Sunday Star-Times to find out how to nominate your companion then check back each week to see if they are selected as a winner! All daily winners will receive a $50 pet store voucher and … View more
The Great NZ Pet Election has launched and we’re on the hunt for NZ’s best pet!

Pick up a copy of the Sunday Star-Times to find out how to nominate your companion then check back each week to see if they are selected as a winner! All daily winners will receive a $50 pet store voucher and will qualify towards the grand pet election prize of a $1,000 pet store voucher. Find out more here.

Let the great NZ Pet Election begin!

The team at Sunday Star-Times
Find out more

223 days ago

NZFarmer November

The Team Reporter from NZ Farmer - North Island

Hi everyone. Keep an eye on your letterbox and emails as the November issue of NZFarmer is nearly here. Hope you enjoy it.

225 days ago

Magazines for prisons

Helena from Morningside

I have an empty box sitting at Crave for magazine donations. This next collection is going to a mens prison.
Any sort of magazine, even women's mags are OK (you never know they might like to keep up with what Brittany is doing!) but car and motorcycle mags are good too. Please just make sure … View more
I have an empty box sitting at Crave for magazine donations. This next collection is going to a mens prison.
Any sort of magazine, even women's mags are OK (you never know they might like to keep up with what Brittany is doing!) but car and motorcycle mags are good too. Please just make sure they are in good order.
You need to drop off, I am not collecting.
The address for drop off is Crave, Corner Morningside Drive and McDonald Street, Morningside

223 days ago

Want an early retirement with a steady passive income?

Staircase Financial from Staircase Financial

Join us for a FREE no-obligation workshop and gain insights on how to nail it as a first-time investor!

For over 30 years, Martyn Harries has been showing thousands of people how to become successful property investors right from the beginning.

With property prices on the rise, there has … View more
Join us for a FREE no-obligation workshop and gain insights on how to nail it as a first-time investor!

For over 30 years, Martyn Harries has been showing thousands of people how to become successful property investors right from the beginning.

With property prices on the rise, there has never been a better time to determine if property investment is suitable for you and to get it right the first time around. Secure your financial future by coming along to our workshop.

Book your FREE tickets now!

223 days ago

Sturdy Ceramic Mug

Joel from Grey Lynn

Collectible ceramic handmade mug from Palmer Lake Colorado USA
Signed by artist
Sturdy handle and generous size
Beautiful colours of the Western United States

Price: $4
