126 days ago

Paddy Gower seeks ‘bloody great Cantab’

Nicole Mathewson Reporter from The Press

The Kiwi journalist drilling deep into the country’s biggest issues is on a mission to find the local greats.

Paddy Gower is looking for the Good Kiwi in every region to feature in his show, The F@#$ing News - Paddy Gower Live on Tour.

To nominate a Good Kiwi, email reporters@press.co.nz with the name and a description of why your nominee should win. You an also share the local issues you think Paddy needs to tackle in the comments below.

It could be the woman whose knitting circle has made 3800 items for victims of domestic violence, the guy running the length of Aotearoa for mental health, or the woman with terminal cancer who spends her time campaigning to raise awareness and save lives.

“Basically I am looking for ... a bloody great Cantab who just gets on and gets things done. The criteria is somebody who has a positive attitude and makes the community a better place," Gower said.

“I will give this person the 'Big Ups' they deserve, and the community can celebrate them with me.”

A Good Kiwi will feature in each of Gower’s live shows in 14 centres through November and December. He will name the Cantabrian Good Kiwi at his Christchurch show on the evening of Friday, November 22, at St Margaret’s College.

The F@#$ing News - Paddy Gower Live on Tour is a sort of book tour, sort of stand-up comedy, some journalistic yarns and memoir, and some motivational speaking - with a fair bit of local in each show.

Gower also wants to know about topics of interest in the region.

“I’m ... going to be taking on a big issue facing Canterbury and offering up solutions.”

A stinky suburb, a neighbourhood needing a round-about or a cathedral in disrepair - “I will make your views count”, he said.

“I'm touring the nation to spread positivity, optimism and good vibes.”

*For tickets to the The F@#$ing News - Paddy Gower Live on Tour visit paddygower.co.nz

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18 days ago

Show us what you've been up to...

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Brighten our day, and show us a glimpse into your world, neighbours.

We'd love to see some of the photos you've taken lately or any craft/DIY projects you're working on.

Simply add a photo below 📷🌅 🌻

2 hours ago

Poll: What should happen to the cathedral?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

In August, restoration of the Christ Church Cathedral was put on hold. Church leaders have no idea when work might restart.

Last year, the Government declined to provide further funding beyond $25 million, and the church, who had raised $24m in donations and contributed $49m including insurance, said further public support will be required to find the revenue required.

What do you think the next steps should be for the cathedral?

What should happen to the cathedral?
  • 14.7% Keep waiting for more funding
    14.7% Complete
  • 32.4% Continue build, but with compromises
    32.4% Complete
  • 44.1% Demolish it!
    44.1% Complete
  • 8.8% Other - I'll share below
    8.8% Complete
34 votes
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Transform Your Old Clothesline into a Stylish Garden Feature with Resene

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Turn a tired old clothesline into a stylish garden feature that brings joy to the chore of getting your washing out in the sun. Finish in Resene Waterborne Woodsman Crowshead. Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions.
