171 days ago

MP ‘frustrated’ over respite care confusion

Nicole Mathewson Reporter from The Press

By David Hill, Local Democracy Reporter

How many respite care beds are available in North Canterbury is causing confusion, with the associate health minister demanding answers from Health NZ.

Waimakariri MP and Associate Health Minister Matt Doocey said he was frustrated at Te Whatu Ora Health NZ’s response to criticism over respite care availability in the region.

Doocey wrote to the agency last month seeking answers after media coverage highlighted concerns about the lack of respite care beds in North Canterbury.

‘‘Despite our best efforts to seek clarification from Health NZ, it seems the community is no closer to being reassured that adequate respite services are actually available, he said.

‘‘Regardless of how many bed vacancies are showing on Health NZ’s books, if a facility wishes to decline to offer respite care, we are no closer to a practical solution for local families in desperate need.’’

In July, Health NZ confirmed to Local Democracy Reporting that four flexi-beds at the Rangiora Health Hub had been ‘‘decommissioned for respite care’’.

Those needing respite care would need to access it through aged care facilities in North Canterbury.

But the NZ Aged Care Association said it was concerned Health NZ is passing respite care on to aged care facilities, which are not always equipped to deal with demand.

An association spokesperson said while aged care facilities were contracted to provide different forms of respite care, there was only one dedicated respite care bed in North Canterbury.

Aged care providers contacted by Local Democracy Reporting said they cannot always guarantee having beds for respite available, due to the competing demands on their service.

In a letter to Doocey, Health NZ regional manager ageing well Mardi Fitzgibbon said the North Canterbury aged care facilities were contracted to supply respite care and it was assured there were plenty of beds available.

She said the four flexi-beds at the Rangiora Health Hub were ‘‘never used for respite allocations and were instead GP flexi beds’’.

When Local Democracy Reporting contacted Health NZ for clarification, the agency said the flexi-beds ‘‘were used for a variety of needs under the care and direction of a GP’’.

Health NZ Canterbury executive director of nursing Becky Hickmott said the Rangiora Health Hub's key offering is a high-quality maternity service.

‘‘The flexi beds were for people who needed time for recuperation or ongoing monitoring in North Canterbury.’’

The flexi bed area is now used for clinic rooms, hearing screening, day assessment unit appointments and maternity bed overflow.

Respite care is funded by Health NZ and is allocated by the Needs Assessment Service Co-ordination following an assessment of a person’s needs.

■ LDR is local body journalism co-funded by RNZ and NZ On Air.

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