418 days ago

Young pūriri planted in Laurie Hall Park to commemorate the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III.

The Team from Whangarei District Council

We have planted a young pūriri tree in Laurie Hall Park to commemorate the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III.

Members of Ngā Hapū o Whangārei supported the planting in honour of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, signed in the time of Queen Victoria. The long association of the Tai Tokerau tribes with the Monarch began in 1831 when Ngāpuhi chiefs corresponded with King William IV, which resulted in the signing in 1835 of He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nū Tīreni (Declaration of Independence of the United Tribes of New Zealand) which enabled Māori to treat with Great Britain five years later in 1840.

Pictured holding the spade with Mayor Vince Cocurullo is 86 year-old hapū member Anne Davies (nee Malcolm) whose ancestor Hōri Tahua and ancestress Te Rangitopeora were among the signatories to Te Tiriti o Waitangi in 1840. During the planting, Anne reflected on the time Queen Elizabeth II visited Whangārei following her Coronation in 1953, recounting how the Queen stayed at the Grand Hotel and received the Whangārei people from the balcony.

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4 hours ago

What's On: Whangarei Choral

Meg from Central Whangarei

Enjoy singing? Whangarei Choral is a non-auditioned community choir. We sing on Monday nights, 7-9pm, at St John's Golden Church. Phone 0273379072 or just come along.
Whangarei Choral
  • St John's Golden Church
5 hours ago

Free Downloads Welcome to Glen’s Creative Vault, where our focus is on disability-related topics.

Glen from Central Whangarei

Free Downloads
Welcome to Glen’s Creative Vault, where our focus is on disability-related topics. Our chief creator, Glen, is disabled and dedicated to normalizing disability through creative works based on lived experiences. Glen and his team craft engaging and insightful content.
This page allows free downloads of a selection of our creations.

On this page, you’ll find a selection of free downloads, including many of our children’s books. Enjoy exploring our unique stories and perspectives!

1 day ago

What's On: Stephen de Pledge Piano Concert

Patricia from Tikipunga

De Pledge has had a highly acclaimed career around the world as a soloist and chamber musician. Now Senior Lecturer in Piano at Auckland University. More information and ticketing www.whangareimusic.org.nz.
Stephen de Pledge Piano Concert
  • Old Library Building Arts Centre