Whangarei District Council

Community Organisation

Whangarei District Council
9 Rust Avenue
Whangarei 0110
6 days ago

Raumanga and Otaika Placemaking programme - next steps

The Team from Whangarei District Council

Hey Raumanga and Otaika, thank you SO much for your engagement in the first part of our Placemaking programme - the survey we ran over summer. We've published a summary report showing our findings so far.

The next round of community engagement will be based on this feedback and come around … View more
Hey Raumanga and Otaika, thank you SO much for your engagement in the first part of our Placemaking programme - the survey we ran over summer. We've published a summary report showing our findings so far.

The next round of community engagement will be based on this feedback and come around May 2025. But we're keen to keep the conversation going - if you'd like to meet with us or share your thoughts for the future of Raumanga & Otaika, an email to placemaking@wdc.govt.nz will go right to the team.

Here's the updated webpage with the link to the engagement feedback report:

8 days ago

Flower bed renewals and re-use of plants

The Team from Whangarei District Council

In March 2025, contractors will be removing summer’s annuals from garden beds so they can get the parks ready for the Winter and spring displays.

Bedding plants usually only flower for a season and then die down, but skilled gardeners can sometimes keep them looking good for a while longer. … View more
In March 2025, contractors will be removing summer’s annuals from garden beds so they can get the parks ready for the Winter and spring displays.

Bedding plants usually only flower for a season and then die down, but skilled gardeners can sometimes keep them looking good for a while longer. If you would like to try extending the summer flowers' lives, you are welcome to collect some and have a go.

Please note: We can’t offer plants from roundabouts or traffic islands for road safety reasons, and we can't offer to hold plants for later collection - just come along at the following times if you're keen:

🌷 Cafler Park: Friday 7 March 2025 at 7:30am (Statice and Dianthus)
🌷 Forum North; Wednesday 19 March at 10:00am Geranium Apple blossom and Dianthus
🌷 Town Basin; Thursday 20 March 2025 at 7:30am (Begonia Gazania and Gaura)
🌷 Cameron Street; Thursday 27 March 2025 at 8:00am (Geranium Multibloom)
🌷 Airport; Thursday 27 March 2025 at 8:30am (Begonias)
Waipu; Thursday 27 March 2025 at 10:00am (Geranium)
🌷 Laurie Hall Park; Friday 28 March 2025 at 7:30am (Perennial Lobelia Blue or Red)

11 days ago

2025 is Local Government Election Year

The Team from Whangarei District Council

The next local election will be held by postal vote from 9 September to 11 October, 2025.
If this is your first time voting you can register now at www.vote.nz...

If you want a go at being on Council, maybe you should run. For detailed information about standing for Council as well as key … View more
The next local election will be held by postal vote from 9 September to 11 October, 2025.
If this is your first time voting you can register now at www.vote.nz...

If you want a go at being on Council, maybe you should run. For detailed information about standing for Council as well as key election dates, voting systems and wards, check out our elections hub:

26 days ago

Help us create a "Welcoming Plan"

The Team from Whangarei District Council

We're running a survey for newcomers* to help us create a Welcoming Plan:
🌏 www.wdc.govt.nz...

And we're inviting migrants, ethnic communities and relevant to a series of hui to discuss community, access, opportunities, and connection - the first meeting is at 3:30pm on Thursday … View more
We're running a survey for newcomers* to help us create a Welcoming Plan:
🌏 www.wdc.govt.nz...

And we're inviting migrants, ethnic communities and relevant to a series of hui to discuss community, access, opportunities, and connection - the first meeting is at 3:30pm on Thursday 20 February 2025.

Whangārei is renowned for its strong community spirit and this continues to grow into something even more special as we expand our cultural diversity. Migrants and newcomers bring skills and unique viewpoints that diversify and enrich our whole District, and we want everyone to feel at home and love it here.

* What's a "newcomer"? If you think this survey is for you then it's probably for you! And if you've lived in Whangārei District for less than 5 years then it's definitely for you.

26 days ago

Statement on water fluoridation

The Team from Whangarei District Council

💧 Whangarei District Council has continued its position against putting fluoride into the district’s water supply.
At an extra-ordinary Council Meeting on Wednesday, the Council voted to seek a declaration proceeding, which is a hearing where the court would be presented with evidence on the… View more
💧 Whangarei District Council has continued its position against putting fluoride into the district’s water supply.
At an extra-ordinary Council Meeting on Wednesday, the Council voted to seek a declaration proceeding, which is a hearing where the court would be presented with evidence on the safety or otherwise of fluoride, from scientific experts, and make a judgement.

Council voted to ‘seek urgent interim relief’ so that it can delay its preparations for full fluoridation of the public water system by the 28 March 2025 deadline.

Chief Executive Simon Weston said council also resolved to apply for a judicial review of the Director General of Health’s directive to fluoridate the council water supply.
We have more information about water fluoridation on our 'Water quality' webpage:
