Woodridge, Wellington

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1106 days ago

Paint it purple for Epilepsy NZ

The Team from Resene ColorShop Johnsonville

Help Resene raise awareness for Epilepsy NZ. Buy any purple testpot during March and Resene will donate $1 to Epilepsy NZ. Offer applies to all Resene purple 60 mL testpots (excludes metallic and wood stains) purchased by retail customers between 1-31 March 2022 at Resene owned ColorShops NZ.

To… View more
Help Resene raise awareness for Epilepsy NZ. Buy any purple testpot during March and Resene will donate $1 to Epilepsy NZ. Offer applies to all Resene purple 60 mL testpots (excludes metallic and wood stains) purchased by retail customers between 1-31 March 2022 at Resene owned ColorShops NZ.

To find your nearest Resene ColorShop, click here. To find out more about Epilepsy NZ and how you can help, visit the Epilepsy NZ website. Happy purple painting!

1106 days ago

Protect your garden in a changing climate

Climate Insights

Next to our homes, our garden can be our most prized possession! If you want to protect yours from our changing climate: keep an eye out for Climate Insight’s next tool, which will identify any risks your garden may face and give you advice on how to mitigate them. Your personalised report will … View moreNext to our homes, our garden can be our most prized possession! If you want to protect yours from our changing climate: keep an eye out for Climate Insight’s next tool, which will identify any risks your garden may face and give you advice on how to mitigate them. Your personalised report will delve into projected changes in temperature, precipitation, heat waves, growing degree days and much more allowing you to future proof that special space!

Check out our website for more information: www.climateinsights.global....

To get a risk assessment for your home check out our residential property reports.
Find out more

1107 days ago
1107 days ago

Real Estate Advice

Duncan from Johnsonville

Good afternoon everyone! I hope you are all well in these difficult times. I wanted to introduce myself to those of you who don't know me yet, my name is Duncan Traill & I am a licensed real estate agent with Harcourts Khandallah.

March is looking like a great month to start preparing … View more
Good afternoon everyone! I hope you are all well in these difficult times. I wanted to introduce myself to those of you who don't know me yet, my name is Duncan Traill & I am a licensed real estate agent with Harcourts Khandallah.

March is looking like a great month to start preparing to either sell or buy property ready for the April/May rush however Real Estate can be stressful and confusing.

That is why I would like to offer free advice to my community if you have any questions about the local market or any of the processes involved in buying/selling.

No obligations or costs, just a neighbor trying to help out his community. Reach out at any time!!

1107 days ago


NumberWorks'nWords Johnsonville

We teach a variety of language features in our program – hyperbole, personification, similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia and alliteration.

1108 days ago

Way Back Wednesday

Reporter Community News

This week, Way Back Wednesday is Tītahi Bay beach in 1958. Does anyone know the names of the couple walking on the beach?

1108 days ago

Got a business that's made your day?


It’s time to give your favourite local business owner the recognition they deserve by nominating them in the 2022 Prospa Local Business Hero awards – and they could be up for some fantastic prizes. 

As NZ’s business lending specialists, we at Prospa love seeing small businesses reach … View more
It’s time to give your favourite local business owner the recognition they deserve by nominating them in the 2022 Prospa Local Business Hero awards – and they could be up for some fantastic prizes. 

As NZ’s business lending specialists, we at Prospa love seeing small businesses reach their goals with a faster, easier approach to business loans. And we’re proud to be back sponsoring the 2022 Prospa Local Business Hero awards.
Find out more

1108 days ago

Stuff Explained launches (free) newsletter


Stuff Explained seeks to explain the 'why' behind the news, delivered straight to your inbox.

Curated by Stuff's Explainer Editor Keith Lynch, the fortnightly newsletter explains everything from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, to the inner workings of the economy, to the forces … View more
Stuff Explained seeks to explain the 'why' behind the news, delivered straight to your inbox.

Curated by Stuff's Explainer Editor Keith Lynch, the fortnightly newsletter explains everything from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, to the inner workings of the economy, to the forces that are shaping how New Zealanders live. It will feature original explainer reporting keeping you up to date with the biggest issues, along with the very best in Stuff Explained reporting you may have missed.

Sign up here (it's free!).
Sign up

1108 days ago

Garage Sale this Saturday

Scott from Khandallah

We are moving house so we are moving on our 'Momento's'. House, Bric a Brac, Garden, Books (Fiction, Non-fiction, Business), Storage, Bags and selected Furniture. A lot of everything. Sale starts 8:30 Saturday @ 15 Box Hill, Khandallah. Cash only but can reserve big items.

1108 days ago

Garage Sale this Saturday

Scott from Khandallah

We are moving house so we are moving on our 'Momento's'. House, Bric a Brac, Garden, Books (Fiction, Non-fiction, Business), Storage, Bags and selected Furniture. A lot of everything. Sale starts 8:30 Saturday @ 15 Box Hill, Khandallah. Cash only but can reserve big items.


1109 days ago

Moving into a new property?

Samantha from Quinovic Kent Terrace | Johnsonville | Hutt Valley - Wellington

Take a look at our Tenancy Information page, with advice on setting up gas & electricity, maintenance, rubbish days, and plenty of other information you'll find useful during your tenancy.

1109 days ago

Win a 9 day Southern Dream tour for two.


Enjoy a 9 day dream touring experience for two across the South Island and immerse yourself in incredible landscapes, heritage and culture.

Itinerary includes popular destinations such as Queenstown, Dunedin and Doubtful Sound. Terms and Competitions apply.
Find out more

1112 days ago

Pet of the Day: Meet Bluebell and Delphinium

Reporter Community News

Proud mum Nicky Fairclough from Miramar.
"These two beauties are called Bluebell and Delphinium (names of flowers). Bluebell is half Russian Blue and he's the mischievous one. Delphi is a long haired tabby who is quieter and sweet natured."
Remember if you want your pet featured on … View more
Proud mum Nicky Fairclough from Miramar.
"These two beauties are called Bluebell and Delphinium (names of flowers). Bluebell is half Russian Blue and he's the mischievous one. Delphi is a long haired tabby who is quieter and sweet natured."
Remember if you want your pet featured on Neighbourly, email us on yourpet@dompost.co.nz with a recent photo. Please remember to say which suburb you live in.

1114 days ago

Friday Feathered Friend

Reporter Community News

Am early Friday Feathered Friend from Andrew Gorrie.
"A baby blackbird yawns after snoozing in the sun waiting for Mum to return."

1114 days ago

What are your thoughts on coriander ice-cream?

Reporter Community News

McDonalds China is selling "Cilantro Sundae" better known as coriander ice-cream.
Would you try it and what is the most unusual food item you have ever eaten?
