Lyall Bay, Wellington

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1569 days ago

5 more koha Eastern Suburbs Spin Poi classes between now & Xmas!

Deb from Kilbirnie

Thu, 26 Nov, 5 to 5.45pm - Kilbirnie Community Centre - koha
Fri, 27 Nov, 11.30 to 12.15pm - Seatoun Village Hall - koha
Thu, 3 Dec, 11.30 to 12.15pm - Seatoun Village Hall - koha
Thu, 3 Dec, 5 to 5.45pm - Kilbirnie Community Centre - koha
Thu, 10 Dec, 5 to 5.45pm - Kilbirnie Community Centre - … View more
Thu, 26 Nov, 5 to 5.45pm - Kilbirnie Community Centre - koha
Fri, 27 Nov, 11.30 to 12.15pm - Seatoun Village Hall - koha
Thu, 3 Dec, 11.30 to 12.15pm - Seatoun Village Hall - koha
Thu, 3 Dec, 5 to 5.45pm - Kilbirnie Community Centre - koha
Thu, 10 Dec, 5 to 5.45pm - Kilbirnie Community Centre - koha

Playing with poi is a lot of fun! Spin Poi can be done sitting or standing and is suitable for almost everyone. Inspired by traditional poi, it has been adapted by Dr Kate Riegle van West to be a safe and effective exercise, especially for older populations. On top of the usual benefits of exercise, typically people will see improvements in grip strength, attention, focus, balance and coordination.

No need to book. Poi provided. Or there some new sets available for sale if you want your own personal set. The class is suitable for beginners to intermediate. It will be 45 minutes long and we cover:
o Welcome, safety reminders and warm up
o Practice poi movements
o Playtime! 20-25 minutes of poi to music
o Cool down

If you're interested, but can't make it to any of these, contact me for information on Zoom classes, every Wednesday at 2pm, or what might be coming up next year.

1569 days ago

It’s going to be A Very Welly Christmas this weekend

Reporter Community News

The annual A Very Welly Christmas event will take over the CBD for two days of whānau friendly fun and festivities – and everyone’s invited.
For two days along Lambton Quay and some surrounding streets, there’ll be an ice rink, foam cannon, face painting, food trucks, kiddie crafts, carols, … View more
The annual A Very Welly Christmas event will take over the CBD for two days of whānau friendly fun and festivities – and everyone’s invited.
For two days along Lambton Quay and some surrounding streets, there’ll be an ice rink, foam cannon, face painting, food trucks, kiddie crafts, carols, performers and of course Santa will make an appearance – and will be welcoming visitors to his grotto.

1569 days ago

Upper Stebbings and Glenside West development

Wellington City Council

You've still got until Monday 30 November to have your say on the Upper Stebbings and Glenside West development concept!

Wellington City expects its population to grow by 50,000 – 80,000 people over the next 30 years and this development will help to provide much needed housing.

For more … View more
You've still got until Monday 30 November to have your say on the Upper Stebbings and Glenside West development concept!

Wellington City expects its population to grow by 50,000 – 80,000 people over the next 30 years and this development will help to provide much needed housing.

For more information and to give your feedback, head to:

1570 days ago

Way Back Wednesday

Reporter Community News

Hi Neighbourly folk, you will all know who is in the photo but where and when was this picture taken?

1571 days ago

Time to get Wellington's sewers moving

Reporter Community News

Dave Armstrong has come up with a brilliant idea to fix the aging infrastructure problems in Wellington. Rather than fix the pipes, why not dig them up and have open sewers.
Click on Read More to see how it might transform the city.

1570 days ago

Friday Buffet 27th NOV 2020

Suraj from Kilbirnie

Chilli Peppers
Friday Buffet Night
Date : 27th Nov 2020 (Friday)

Time : From 6pm till 9.00pm

Chilli Peppers #Newbeginning #Newflavours #Newdrinks #Chillipeppers #Welliongtonnz #Wellingtoneats #Wellingtonfood #Wellingtonfoodie #Buffet #CurryNight #WellingtonHappyHour #Spice #Allyoucaneat … View more
Chilli Peppers
Friday Buffet Night
Date : 27th Nov 2020 (Friday)

Time : From 6pm till 9.00pm

Chilli Peppers #Newbeginning #Newflavours #Newdrinks #Chillipeppers #Welliongtonnz #Wellingtoneats #Wellingtonfood #Wellingtonfoodie #Buffet #CurryNight #WellingtonHappyHour #Spice #Allyoucaneat #IndianRestaurant #Kilbernie #Indokiwi #ChickenDumBiryani #Wellyeats🍗🍗

Enjoy the true #IndianFood


@$22.90 per person



Chilli Baby Corn

Chicken 65


Butter Chicken

Daal Lassoni (Vegan)

Hydrabadi Lamb

Peas Pulao

Naan Bread




Mango Kulfi

We invite everyone to come and have a blast! Neighbors, workmates, friends, families. See you this Friday.

Book your Table and enjoy our Beautiful Buffet Menu.

Call us on 04 387 3338☎️ or email us at" href="">www.chillipeppersnz...

T & C Apply



Price: $22.90

1570 days ago

🎄💙Do you need help this Christmas?

St Vincent de Paul Society Wellington

We know it has been a tough year and it can be scary to ask for help. If you are finding things tough at the moment, know that the Vinnies door is always open and our support services can be accessed safely and confidentially.

The Merry Vinnies Christmas toy shop is opening its doors this … View more
We know it has been a tough year and it can be scary to ask for help. If you are finding things tough at the moment, know that the Vinnies door is always open and our support services can be accessed safely and confidentially.

The Merry Vinnies Christmas toy shop is opening its doors this December, giving families the opportunity to choose gifts for their children without the cost.

🎁 Who can access this service?
> People living in the Wellington City Council area (if you reside in the Porirua or Hutt Valley area, please contact your local Vinnies or community center).
> Gifts are for children aged 0 - 16 years.
> Parents or primary caregivers of child/ren.
> Community Service cardholders.

🎁 How can I access this service?
Contact the Vinnies team to book a 'shopping slot':
> call, 04 389 7122 or free call 0800 VINNIES.
> email,
> drop-in, level 1, 207 Riddiford St, Newtown.

1572 days ago

Has the time come for water metering in Wellington?

Reporter Community News

Wellington is rapidly running out of water and water meters may be the only solution.
Water meters in every house and daily water-use reports will be necessary for Wellington to avoid drought-like water shortages.
A new Wellington Water report prepared by Ernst Young and Beca recommended the region… View more
Wellington is rapidly running out of water and water meters may be the only solution.
Water meters in every house and daily water-use reports will be necessary for Wellington to avoid drought-like water shortages.
A new Wellington Water report prepared by Ernst Young and Beca recommended the region adopt a $144 million advanced metering infrastructure, with daily water consumption feedback and leak alerts provided to residents via a smartphone app.
The report warned leaks and over-consumption could put the region’s water stock under severe strain, and potentially cost hundreds of millions to fix.
At the current rate of water use and population growth, the amount of water needed to meet drought resilience water levels could exceed supply by as early as 2026.

1572 days ago

Poll: Is this an appropriate way for a mayor to behave?

Reporter Community News

Wellington Mayor Andy Foster was photographed on Sunday helping pitch a tent in Shelly Bay.
The tent belonged to Anaru Mepham, from Mau Whenua, group opposing the controversial Shelly Bay development. Mepham described himself as a sentry for protesters who are standing by to join him if the … View more
Wellington Mayor Andy Foster was photographed on Sunday helping pitch a tent in Shelly Bay.
The tent belonged to Anaru Mepham, from Mau Whenua, group opposing the controversial Shelly Bay development. Mepham described himself as a sentry for protesters who are standing by to join him if the bulldozers moved in.
Wellington City Council earlier this month voted nine votes to six to sell and lease its land at Shelly Bay to Shelly Bay Taikuru, owned by developer Ian Cassels and his partner.
Foster campaigned on the promise to stop the development, which is also opposed by Sir Peter Jackson.

Please put NFP is you do not want your comments used by Stuff

Is this an appropriate way for a mayor to behave?
  • 55.6% Yes
    55.6% Complete
  • 32.7% No
    32.7% Complete
  • 11.8% Not sure, I need more information
    11.8% Complete
297 votes
1570 days ago

Anyone can be Nymbl

The Team from ACC New Zealand

Now you can get better balance, in the comfort and safety of your own home, with Nymbl - the easy-to-use smartphone app.

Nymbl gives you simple body movements, combined with brain challenges like trivia, to really improve your balance. It’s fun and only takes only 10 minutes a day.

Get … View more
Now you can get better balance, in the comfort and safety of your own home, with Nymbl - the easy-to-use smartphone app.

Nymbl gives you simple body movements, combined with brain challenges like trivia, to really improve your balance. It’s fun and only takes only 10 minutes a day.

Get Nymbl now, for free. Just go to and follow the easy instructions.
Learn more

1571 days ago


Silke from Heart for Art

Do you want to paint your own Kiwi Summer?

Hi, I'm Silke, founder of HEART FOR ART.
I've taught hundreds of women all across the country how to paint!
I enjoy helping people find their creativity through art, and I’d love to help you do the same. You don’t even need any … View more
Do you want to paint your own Kiwi Summer?

Hi, I'm Silke, founder of HEART FOR ART.
I've taught hundreds of women all across the country how to paint!
I enjoy helping people find their creativity through art, and I’d love to help you do the same. You don’t even need any experience.

Join me for this online painting tutorial. It’ll be recorded so you can watch it any time you like.
The supply list, and the list of paint colours, will be emailed to you once you’ve booked your ticket.

Summer will be here before you know it!
Just click the link to get your ticket 👇👇

1571 days ago

Van Volunteers Needed

St Vincent de Paul Society Wellington

We urgently need the help of volunteers to support our rubbish and delivery vans.

Our van drivers have been working hard to complete pick-ups of all the generous donations from the community, plus get rid of rubbish to keep our staff, volunteers, and customers safe while in the shops.

We've … View more
We urgently need the help of volunteers to support our rubbish and delivery vans.

Our van drivers have been working hard to complete pick-ups of all the generous donations from the community, plus get rid of rubbish to keep our staff, volunteers, and customers safe while in the shops.

We've had some great volunteers move on to paid work (which we love!) so we are now short on help to complete the growing workload.

If you or someone you know could help us out, please get in touch!

1571 days ago

Join the Great Kiwi Summer

Matahiwi Estate

Our Great Kiwi Summer campaign is all about coming together and enjoying the wonderful things New Zealand has to offer.

Take part in the Summer Survey and be in to win one of 10 Matahiwi prize packs (RRP$300).

And the ME Time Summer Scrapbook has some of our favourite recipes, cocktails and … View more
Our Great Kiwi Summer campaign is all about coming together and enjoying the wonderful things New Zealand has to offer.

Take part in the Summer Survey and be in to win one of 10 Matahiwi prize packs (RRP$300).

And the ME Time Summer Scrapbook has some of our favourite recipes, cocktails and activities – have a browse or take part by sharing one of your summer treats.
Read more

1572 days ago

Peach wood

Kathryn from Berhampore

Any use to anyone to chop up for their fire?
Smaller branches & twigs available too.


1572 days ago

Help for story on interesting plaques

Reporter Community News

Journalist Mandy Te is working on a series looking at the story behind plaques. If you have an example (especially if you know the story behind it) please contact Mandy, with the details and address.
Her contact details are
If you can send a photo with your email that would … View more
Journalist Mandy Te is working on a series looking at the story behind plaques. If you have an example (especially if you know the story behind it) please contact Mandy, with the details and address.
Her contact details are
If you can send a photo with your email that would be great.
