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You may receive an email confirmation for any offer you selected. The associated companies will contact you directly to activate your requests.
Christine from Paraparaumu Beach
My husband recently died and I am giving away some of his stuff. This will be with his blessing, even though he is not here to say so. I would like the stuff to go to people that really value the fact that I am making this effort to be neighbourly by giving away stuff I don't need anymore.… View moreHi
My husband recently died and I am giving away some of his stuff. This will be with his blessing, even though he is not here to say so. I would like the stuff to go to people that really value the fact that I am making this effort to be neighbourly by giving away stuff I don't need anymore. Please ring me directly if you are decent people and will use the stuff yourself. Please don't contact me if you want to onsell, because this is deceitful and wrong. This is what being a good neighbour is all about. I look forward to hearing from you.
Bill Moffatt from Kapiti Pakeke Lions Club -1
The Kapiti Pakeke Lions club are holding a garage sale in the near future. Do you have any clean suitable goods that you want to give to a charity? We collect.! Small or large lots accepted.
Contact Barry on Tel (04) 904 0568 or Peter on (04)904 2699
Jane from Waikanae Beach
I have one black cartridge and one Cyan (blue) of the above ink that are new.
The printer these fitted broke & the one that replaced it takes a different cartridge so if anyone can make use of them please message me.
Simply visit your local Resene owned ColorShop, choose your favourite red testpots and for each one you buy Resene will donate $1 to Cure Kids to help fund vital child health research!
Offer applies to all Resene green 60mL testpots (excludes metallic and wood stains) purchased by retail … View moreSimply visit your local Resene owned ColorShop, choose your favourite red testpots and for each one you buy Resene will donate $1 to Cure Kids to help fund vital child health research!
Offer applies to all Resene green 60mL testpots (excludes metallic and wood stains) purchased by retail customers between 13-31 July 2022 at Resene owned ColorShops.
Come in and see the Resene team today!
Find out more
Greater Wellington Regional Council
Our region is changing; we’re facing challenges and opportunities like never before.
Nominations for Greater Wellington regional council are now open and close at 12 noon on Friday 12 August 2022. This is an opportunity to help shape the region’s future and have a say on the issues that … View moreOur region is changing; we’re facing challenges and opportunities like never before.
Nominations for Greater Wellington regional council are now open and close at 12 noon on Friday 12 August 2022. This is an opportunity to help shape the region’s future and have a say on the issues that matter to you and your community.
Find out how you can give your voice on issues that matter to your community
Find out more
Richard from Paraparaumu
Older models but good condition and still work. $15 each or both for $25
Price: $25
Bill Moffatt from Kapiti Pakeke Lions Club -1
The Kapiti Pakeke Lions club are holding a garage sale in the near future. Do you have any clean suitable goods that you want to give to a charity? We collect.! Small or large lots accepted.
Contact Barry on Tel (04) 904 0568 or Peter on (04)904 2699
Russell from Paraparaumu
As pictured. Works perfectly well, comes with bulb. Collect from Paraparaumu.
Information from Coast Access Radio 104.7FM
* Friday 4 - 6pm: "Drive Live" - Tanya joins you live on air, keeping an eye on the traffic and playing your requests (text line: 022 105 1715)
* Fri 7pm: "The Groove Yard" - James … View moreHIGHLIGHTS FROM THIS WEEKEND'S PROGRAMME SCHEDULE ON Coast Access Radio 104.7FM **
* Friday 4 - 6pm: "Drive Live" - Tanya joins you live on air, keeping an eye on the traffic and playing your requests (text line: 022 105 1715)
* Fri 7pm: "The Groove Yard" - James Eaton's fabulous Friday night staple! Featuring music from The Kinks and Joy Division amongst other groovy tunes....
* Saturday 8.45am: "A week of it" - Todd Zaner reads the headlines from KC News - The online newspaper for Kapiti and Horowhenua.
* Sat 9am: "Conversations" - Tanya chats with Jayne Moretto from Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner - sorted! When you are over thinking of healthy, balanced meals for you and your family, think Jayne - she has you sorted! Also available from tomorrow as a podcast on our website under, "Programmes" and then "Conversations".
* Sat 11am: "Rotary Roundup" - with Steve Botica from Waikanae Rotary and Todd Zaner.
* Sat 12noon: "Kapiti WEA" - with Bruce Taylor about upcoming courses...
* Sat 8pm - 12am! "Rock Back the clock with Dave Dee". 😎
* Sunday 7am: "Suzy & Friends" - Suzy Cato of course!
* Sun 9am: "Children's Story" - Tunes, tales and poems from Carolyn from KCDC's libraries.
* Sun 12.30pm: A repeat of "Waikanae Concert Notes" with Wendy van Delden.
* Sun 6pm: Book reading: "Embracing Life on our own terms" - A reading from Angela Robertson's 4th book - this time featuring Bob & Irene Hoskins
* Tuesday 3pm: "Afternoon Delights" - Dr Tony Reed features music from Scandinavian composers...
For more about your local community radio station for Kapiti and Horowhenua, tune in to 104.7FM or look us up online!
James from Waikanae
Norish Ltd is recalling all batches and all dates of its Norish brand Flourishing Cauliflower & Corn and Growing Greens Baby Purée Powder due to high iodine levels. Affected product should not be consumed.
Jessica Zimmerman Reporter from Homed - Kāpiti Observer
Live your dream beach-front lifestyle in our House of the Week. This Waikawa Beach property has been featured in NZ Life and Leisure, and being just over an hour from Wellington is a perfect getaway location.
For sale through Sarah Lange from Tall Poppy. Read all the details on page 3 in this … View moreLive your dream beach-front lifestyle in our House of the Week. This Waikawa Beach property has been featured in NZ Life and Leisure, and being just over an hour from Wellington is a perfect getaway location.
For sale through Sarah Lange from Tall Poppy. Read all the details on page 3 in this weeks edition of Homed.
Looking for an agent to market your home?
Check Homed Kāpiti to find agents who are actively marketing in your area and chat to them about getting your property featured in the Homed Kāpiti.
Distribution & Delivery:
Homed Kāpiti gets delivered to 26,500 letterboxes every Thursday from Paekākāriki to Ōtaki Beach, and is also available in stands throughout the area.
For more information:
Please ask your agent to contact Cameron Beattie on 021 973 105 or OR Niko Perez on 021 501 913 or
Not receiving your weekly delivery?
Please phone 0800 339000 or e mail
The Team from Kāpiti Coast District Council
Want to make a change in Kāpiti? We have the job for you! Candidate nominations for this year’s local elections open today.
Local government only succeeds if people who care for their communities are prepared to serve. You can stand for Mayor, or as a councillor or community board member.
… View moreWant to make a change in Kāpiti? We have the job for you! Candidate nominations for this year’s local elections open today.
Local government only succeeds if people who care for their communities are prepared to serve. You can stand for Mayor, or as a councillor or community board member.
Find out more at
#StandForKapiti #LocalElections #VoteNZ
The Team from Resene ColorShop Levin
Transform a dull concrete pad into an attractive seating area with a little bit of help from Resene Walk-on flooring and paving paint.
Find out how to create your own.
Greater Wellington Regional Council
Swap your remaining Johnsonville rides for a Snapper top-up at Wellington Station today.
From 1 July 2022 zone 1-3 and 3-3 Monthly train passes, 10-Trips and off-board single trip tickets for the Johnsonville Line are no longer being sold. You can still buy single trip tickets on-board with … View moreSwap your remaining Johnsonville rides for a Snapper top-up at Wellington Station today.
From 1 July 2022 zone 1-3 and 3-3 Monthly train passes, 10-Trips and off-board single trip tickets for the Johnsonville Line are no longer being sold. You can still buy single trip tickets on-board with cash.
Visit, or call 0800 801 700.
Know more
Reporter Community News
This week a couple of pictures from Rosa Marie in Stokes Valley.
"Too wet and horrible to go a wondering this afternoon, but still managed to stalk the local birdlife from behind the washing line and get a few shots here and there as they feasted on the seed that I had thrown on the lawn. The … View moreThis week a couple of pictures from Rosa Marie in Stokes Valley.
"Too wet and horrible to go a wondering this afternoon, but still managed to stalk the local birdlife from behind the washing line and get a few shots here and there as they feasted on the seed that I had thrown on the lawn. The cats however kept scaring them away."
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