14 days ago

Let's spruce up your kids' bedroom with a dash of fun and loads of functionality!

Matt from Matt Wineera - Thats Real Estate with Matt Wineera

Ever thought about reviving old stuff or getting crafty with budget finds? It's a blast! Plus, there are no limits to your creativity!

Check out these cool ideas:

1. **Bedhead Makeover:** Hunt down a vintage timber bedhead at a thrift store. If it needs a little TLC, give it a sanding and coat it with your kid's favorite colour. Voila! Now it's not just a bedhead; it's a bookshelf too! Perfect for storing their treasures.

2. **Funky Display Shelf:** Grab a circular shelf and jazz it up with a splash of paint. It's like creating a piece of art that's also functional! Easy peasy.

3. **Floating Desk Magic:** All you need is a sturdy benchtop and some support underneath. Mount it on the wall, and hey presto! Add a pegboard for hanging headphones, artwork, or any other knick-knacks your kid loves.

4. **Art Corner Fun:** Turn a boring alcove into an art haven with chalkboard paint. Instant creativity zone!

5. **Comfy Bench Seat:** Create a cosy spot for reading and playing. Lay a bookshelf on its side, top it with a foam mattress, and cover it up. Now you've got a comfy seat with built-in storage for books and toys. Win-win!

With these ideas, your kids' room will be the coolest spot in the house!

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3 days ago

Poll: Would you want an unconventional funeral?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Funerals can cost as much as $22,000 and the planning can be stressful especially at a time when loved ones are grieving. Some New Zealanders are re-imagining funerals by making their own coffin or having a relaxed ceremony at home. Would you want a less traditional funeral? Share your thoughts below.

Type 'Not For Print' if you wish your comments to be excluded from the Conversations column of your local paper.

Would you want an unconventional funeral?
  • 84% Yes
    84% Complete
  • 14% No
    14% Complete
  • 1.9% Other - I'll share below!
    1.9% Complete
1590 votes
13 days ago

Unelected commissioners recommend they stay in power

Pat from Welcome Bay

That's the Stuff headline. I have watched on as these commissioners proselytize about how they respect democracy-and now this. I acknowledge Simeon Brown has rejected their proposal but all I see is these commissioners trying to cling on to power and their sinecure at all costs. It is unbelievable-they should be ashamed. Ms Tolley (who does not live here), Mr Selwood who gets flown up from god knows where, and the other two-spare me the platitudes about how they are only here for the benefit of Tauranga. No you are not. You are paid to impose what you think we want. What is that? An oligarchy? Democracy is not perfect but far better than what you propose. To completely misquote Bertrand Russell-let the people think. By the way Mr Rutherford (my absent aka missing in action BoP MP) if you can deign to read this-show some mettle.

5 hours ago

🏑✨ Selling your home?

Matt from Matt Wineera - Thats Real Estate with Matt Wineera

Don't underestimate the power of atmosphere! 🌺🍞 When potential buyers step into your home, consider their senses. A clean-smelling home is key, so say goodbye to cooking smells, cigarette smoke, and pet odours! 🚫

Sensitive noses out there? No worries! After banishing those odours, add a delightful touch – think fresh-baked bread for an emotional vibe, a bouquet of flowers for a burst of freshness, or try cinnamon magic! 🍞🌸✨

Boil cinnamon sticks for 2 minutes, let the aroma dance through your home, and turn off the heat once that cosy cinnamon scent wraps around every corner. πŸ‚πŸ βœ¨

Why cinnamon? It's linked to warmth, making your home even more irresistible.

Ready to charm those potential buyers? Let the scents do the talking! πŸ’•

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