194 days ago

Natives for your spring gardening project!!

Marco Zeeman from Fairview Nursery

FAIRVIEW is a small Kapiti based nursery (Paraparaumu) with stocks of various native trees, flaxes, shrubs and grasses.

Harakeke (Phormium Tenax), Phormium Cookianum, Emerald dwarf Tenax, Carex...

Trees such as Northern Rata, Rewarewa, Lemonwood, Matai, Nikau Palms, Puka, Kahikatea, Ake Ake, Manuka (Reds also), Kanuka, Puriri, Kohekohe, Griselinia, , Matapouri Blue Totara, Kowhai, Ngaio, Cabbage Trees, Lancewood, etc etc.

If needing native plants and want to view our range, please phone to arrange a time to visit:
0274 933 626
(Appointment required - We are around most days so let us know)
Have a particular native in mind or have a question, please message or phone me...


More messages from your neighbours
6 minutes ago

Food Recall: Century brand Tuna Hot and Spicy

James from Waikanae

Several importers are recalling all batches and all dates of Century brand Tuna Hot and Spicy due to the presence of undeclared allergens (gluten and wheat). People with a gluten or wheat allergy should not consume these products. If you are not allergic to gluten or wheat, this recall does not affect you.

READ MORE: www.mpi.govt.nz...

18 days ago

Show us what you've been up to...

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Brighten our day, and show us a glimpse into your world, neighbours.

We'd love to see some of the photos you've taken lately or any craft/DIY projects you're working on.

Simply add a photo below 📷🌅 🌻

10 hours ago

Transform Your Old Clothesline into a Stylish Garden Feature with Resene

The Team from Resene ColorShop Kapiti

Turn a tired old clothesline into a stylish garden feature that brings joy to the chore of getting your washing out in the sun. Finish in Resene Waterborne Woodsman Crowshead. Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions.
