Heirloom Tomato Plants and Other Vegetables
We sell a range of vegetable seedlings at the Waikanae and Otaki Community Markets - Waikanae (Saturdays 8.00 - 12.00, Otaki Sundays 9.00 - 2.00).
We specialise in Heirloom tomatoes with over 60 different varieties available. Heirloom varieties are those which have stood the test of time and have superior taste (and often greater health benefits) than those commercially grown for the supermarkets. Some have been around for literally hundreds of years.
Unlike the pathetic offerings we have seen in some outlets this week, these are well-grown plants ready to plant as soon as the ground finally warms up. $3.00 each. Large grade $5.00.
A range of colours and sizes to suit every use, from salads and salsas to preserves and pickles. Text me on 027 220 1355 if you would like the full list.
Labour Weekend is the traditional time for planting tomatoes. However, it is still too early to be planting outdoors as the ground temperature has not warmed up sufficiently and the weather is pretty variable. You can get your plants off to a great start in a pot in a sunny spot for a couple more weeks. They'll thank you for the tlc! (See the excellent article on growing tomatoes in Thursday’s DomPost.)
Zucchini, beans, peas and snow peas ready to be planted straight away. New stocks of the Italian zucchini, Costata Romanesco, (the ‘Rolls Royce’ in our view) for those who missed out last week, but be quick!

Food Recall: Century brand Tuna Hot and Spicy
Several importers are recalling all batches and all dates of Century brand Tuna Hot and Spicy due to the presence of undeclared allergens (gluten and wheat). People with a gluten or wheat allergy should not consume these products. If you are not allergic to gluten or wheat, this recall does not affect you.
READ MORE: www.mpi.govt.nz...

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Transform Your Old Clothesline into a Stylish Garden Feature with Resene
Turn a tired old clothesline into a stylish garden feature that brings joy to the chore of getting your washing out in the sun. Finish in Resene Waterborne Woodsman Crowshead. Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions.