88 days ago

Same Old.......Same Old

Marie from Waikanae

I firmly believe there is nothing new under the sun. In 2012, following the Christchurch earthquakes, the then National government introduced "zero budgets" with a focus on "getting better value from public spending".
Sound familiar? We heard a lot about curbing public spending in the lead up to the last election. Unfortunately, the austerity measures haven't stopped there. As we come to the end of the government's anti-Labour 100 day rampage (arguably the biggest waste of public money I have seen in a long time), prices in the supermarket continue to rise, week on week, despite claims that inflation is easing.
(Well.... it might be, but greedflation is still rampant). We find we are in for more expense for car registration, road user charges have been introduced for electric vehicles and schools will be eating into their operating budgets (literally) to feed hungry children. A UN expert in the UK recently stated that austerity policies were directly linked to a rise in poverty. No surprises there either.

But isn't it ironic that, as a direct result of cancelling all road maintenance during the last round of RONS, the National government is now introducing a special dedicated "pot hole fund" Monty Python couldn't have done it better. Will we be shortly forced to eat hot gravel?

But all is not lost. Despite my Superannuation being cut by $30 this week, for no apparent reason, there's an outside chance I might get it back in the annual CPI adjustment (something the government is legislatively required to do fortunately) And apparently we are still in line for a tax cut sometime in the near future. When is it Tricola? We wait in hope.......

More messages from your neighbours
6 days ago

Could the jury service process be improved?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Every year, thousands of New Zealanders are called up to serve as jurors in the High and District Courts, and it's an important way to contribute to your country.

But for some, jury service can be a huge disruption and a financial burden. Do you think changes could be made to our jury service system to address these challenges?

1 day ago

New Owners For Waikanae Crab

Waikanae Crab

We would like you all to know this week is Matts and My last week as the owners of Waikanae Crab, as of next week Dave Brosnahan and Kelly Gulliver will take over as the new owners. We wish them all the best and every success in their new venture. Dave has substantial fishing experience and it is their intention that things within the business will carry on as normal for you all. So it is with both excitement at the thought of a little free time, and with very heavy hearts at saying goodbye to our baby, and to all of you...We both send a very big thankyou to every one of you 🧡
Narina x

2 days ago