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Melissa from Waikanae
Hi I am new to the area and in need of transport around the Waikanae area. I have tried Uber and other taxi services but unfortunately none cover the area. I was given a number for Sunshine taxis but it says the number is invalid. I'm just wondering if anyone knows any taxi services that cover… View moreHi I am new to the area and in need of transport around the Waikanae area. I have tried Uber and other taxi services but unfortunately none cover the area. I was given a number for Sunshine taxis but it says the number is invalid. I'm just wondering if anyone knows any taxi services that cover the Waikanae area? Thanks Mel
Bill Moffatt from Kapiti Pakeke Lions Club -1
The Kapiti Pakeke Lions Club are running their usual playhouse raffle with proceeds going to the Life Flight Trust and local charities. First prize is the playhouse, second prize a 30 minute scenic flight and third prize is a Kitchen Wiz.
Go to to purchase your tickets … View moreThe Kapiti Pakeke Lions Club are running their usual playhouse raffle with proceeds going to the Life Flight Trust and local charities. First prize is the playhouse, second prize a 30 minute scenic flight and third prize is a Kitchen Wiz.
Go to to purchase your tickets online. Closing date is 12 February 2022.
All proceeds go to the Life Flight Trust and local charities
The Team from Kāpiti Coast District Council
New year, new you! Its time to start thinking about getting prepared in an emergency.
We have fabulous emergency water tank kits available for purchase. These will help with emergency water for your family, house mates and pets. In an emergency you'll need in water supplies for up to eight … View moreNew year, new you! Its time to start thinking about getting prepared in an emergency.
We have fabulous emergency water tank kits available for purchase. These will help with emergency water for your family, house mates and pets. In an emergency you'll need in water supplies for up to eight days for drinking, food prep and keeping clean – that's a lot of stored water!
WREMO and The Tank Guy have supplied us with 200-litre water tank kits, for sale at our service centres for just $105 – these are usually $265, so we think this is a great deal.
They come with everything you need to fit them to your downpipes, are UV resistant, and small enough to transport in most cars.
Read more about using stored water at
If you felt the recent earthquake, your first thought was probably the safety of your loved ones. So now’s the time to think about protecting them by making your home quake safe. The good news is there’s a lot you can do right now, like securing tall and heavy furniture, and getting a builder … View moreIf you felt the recent earthquake, your first thought was probably the safety of your loved ones. So now’s the time to think about protecting them by making your home quake safe. The good news is there’s a lot you can do right now, like securing tall and heavy furniture, and getting a builder to look at your chimney.
Everything you need to know is at EQC’s site. Don’t wait for the next earthquake to shake you into action, get started now.
Learn More
Niki from Raumati Beach
if your heading away and have pet staying at home that need someone to check in on them, give them food empty litter trays, I'm happy to help. please just message me.
Alistair from Waikanae
As is. Functional but rugged looking ; best for shed etc Winner changed her mind so still available
Alistair from Waikanae
As is. Functional but rugged looking ; best for shed etc
Jessica Zimmerman Reporter from Homed - Dominion Post
Our House of the Week this week is a newly renovated family home in Otaki Beach, on offer through Peter Heald from Professionals. We have this and so much more in today's edition of Homed.
Looking for an agent to market your home?
Check Homed Dominion Post to find agents who are actively … View moreOur House of the Week this week is a newly renovated family home in Otaki Beach, on offer through Peter Heald from Professionals. We have this and so much more in today's edition of Homed.
Looking for an agent to market your home?
Check Homed Dominion Post to find agents who are actively marketing in your area and chat to them about getting your property featured in the Homed Dominion Post.
Distribution & Delivery:
Homed Dominion Post gets inserted into The Dominion Post, and is delivered to subscribers every Saturday. It is also available in Supermarkets, Dairies and Petrol Stations for customers to buy.
For more information:
Please ask your agent to contact Cameron Beattie on 021 973 105 or OR Niko Perez on 021 501 913 or
Not receiving your weekly delivery?
Please phone 0800 339000 or e mail
Gareth from Waikanae
Looks to be Cat 2 at best and going to the NE of NZ.
Hurricane/Cyclone classifications : -
The Team from Digital Boost
Hi Neighbour,
How well do you know your customers? That might seem like a redundant question but let’s dig a little deeper.
Do you know their age? Their income? The values that resonate with them? Where do they live? Do they have a family? How do they like to spend their spare time?
As … View moreHi Neighbour,
How well do you know your customers? That might seem like a redundant question but let’s dig a little deeper.
Do you know their age? Their income? The values that resonate with them? Where do they live? Do they have a family? How do they like to spend their spare time?
As you answer these questions (and as many others as you can come up with) you’ll start to build clear customer personas that will help you tailor the experience you provide to fit the needs of your customers.
We’ve got a whole series of bite-sized videos on customer personas and customer experience waiting for you over on our website, so if 2022 is the year you take your business to the next level head on over and get started today!
The Team at Digital Boost
Learn more
Donna from Otaki District
Are you part of the Rainbow/Queer/Takatapui communities? Do you live in Kāpiti or want to? We want to hear from you!
Kāpiti Coast District Council (KCDC) is running a series of hui to find out what the housing issues are for a range of communities in Kāpiti.
They approached Paekākāriki Pride… View moreAre you part of the Rainbow/Queer/Takatapui communities? Do you live in Kāpiti or want to? We want to hear from you!
Kāpiti Coast District Council (KCDC) is running a series of hui to find out what the housing issues are for a range of communities in Kāpiti.
They approached Paekākāriki Pride to get the word out to our Rainbow communities and they would love to meet with you over a kai and cuppa to korero.
Information from the hui 2-4pm on Saturday 15 January at St Peter’s hall will feed into a plan or strategy to address the issues for our communities.
Paekākāriki Pride says “We know it can be really tough when you’re looking for a rental property and you don’t know if you should come out because you don’t know if the landlord is homophobic, biphobic or transphobic.
“We know a lot of us have fur kids and this can be a huge barrier to finding a house. Some of our trans, non-binary and gender diverse whanau have been rejected by their families and can find themselves homeless or sleeping rough.
“In general, our community earns less than the general population so buying a house (especially in Kāpiti) is an impossible dream for us. What are some of the other issues that affect us as queer folks? Come share your ideas, experiences and thoughts with us.”
A Kāpiti Council spokesperson says the rainbow housing hui this Saturday is part of Council’s wider needs assessment to determine our district’s current and emerging housing and social requirements, examine their nature and causes, and set priorities for future action. You can read about this important mahi here:
“Through November and December we met with many community groups to understand their housing and social needs – this is the last of these events. We also had over 1,300 people complete our community housing survey and ran a separate survey with the business community. You can read about the survey and next steps here:
Note: This is a vaxxed event so please bring your vaccination pass. If you don’t have one, we still want to hear from you in a questionnaire that you can send to KCDC.
John from Otaki District
Over the last few days, when I open the 'Stuff' site, the Neighbourly content accompanying the page relates to Christchurch. Of little interest to me, and I wonder if anyone else is having this problem. Fortunately I bookmarked the Kapiti site, any comments would be welcome.
Kirsty from Raumati Beach
Has any body got an old wooden extension ladder or single pole ladder, like the ones pictured, that they would like to sell.
Any condition acceptable, apart from rot or borer.
Please message me if you can help, many thanks.
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