Oakura Coastal, Oakura

2029 days ago

Why does Taranaki have a rental housing shortage?

Matt Rilkoff Reporter from Taranaki Daily News

Taranaki's population is relatively stable but suddenly there's very few houses to rent. What's going on?

2027 days ago

Further waste reduction effort - Junk mail

Charles from Lynmouth - Moturoa

Good to see New World tonight encouraging customers to bring their own containers for some products. Not sure how this is leading to an overall reduction in the use of plastic though.
Another waste and rubbish reduction idea would be to greatly reduce the amount of junk mail we receive almost … View more
Good to see New World tonight encouraging customers to bring their own containers for some products. Not sure how this is leading to an overall reduction in the use of plastic though.
Another waste and rubbish reduction idea would be to greatly reduce the amount of junk mail we receive almost daily. Some people help in this respect with their "No junk mail" signs but does this reduce the overall impact. Probably surplus junk mail just gets dumped. Most finds it way almost immediately to our re-cycling bins or to the streets where it creates yet another problem. In this internet age do we really need all this paper. I appreciate not everybody lives on the internet or even has access but then what impact if any does this junk have on our buying decisions anyway.
