Westown, New Plymouth

2109 days ago

North Taranaki sea rescue

Blanton Smith Reporter from Taranaki Daily News

Three young children had a lucky escape after being caught in a rip at a North Taranaki beach yesterday. It's a timely reminder about beach safety.

2109 days ago

Your guide to enjoying the concert

NPDC from New Plymouth District Council

Preparation for concert ‘A Summer’s Day Live’

• There are four entrances; Brooklands Drive gate, Racecourse gate through Pukekura Raceway, the Dell gate and Kaimata gate.
• If you require a seat, make sure it’s no bigger than a low sand chair.
• No bags larger than A4-size can … View more
Preparation for concert ‘A Summer’s Day Live’

• There are four entrances; Brooklands Drive gate, Racecourse gate through Pukekura Raceway, the Dell gate and Kaimata gate.
• If you require a seat, make sure it’s no bigger than a low sand chair.
• No bags larger than A4-size can be brought in to the venue. All bags will be checked. Umbrellas are also not permitted entry.
• We recommend bringing cash for the bars and food vendors. There will be no cash out facilities on site.

• Parking is available at Pukekura Raceway via Coronation Avenue. Limited parking available on Brooklands Road and surrounding streets.
• There are two P2 drop-off and pick-up areas at the bottom of Brooklands Drive and outside the Kaimata Street gate.

Food & Beverage
• While we allow picnic food, there is no BYO alcohol or commercial takeaway food and ensure your picnic bags are less than A4 in size. There will be plenty of food vendors and bars on site.
• Remember, no glass or drinks – only sealed, clear water bottles (up to 1L) are permitted.
• As part of our Taranaki Green Initiative beverages will be served in reusable cups for a small deposit. WOMAD Globelet cups will be accepted at the bars.
• No glass or cans permitted in the seated area, please ensure your drinks are poured into plastic cups before entering.
Find out more!

2110 days ago

Poll: What's your New Year resolution?

Reporter Sunday Star Times

Tell us about your New Year resolution. How are you going to make 2019 better for yourself, your friends, family and community?

What's your New Year resolution?
  • 2.8% Eat better
    2.8% Complete
  • 12.1% Lose a kilo or three
    12.1% Complete
  • 10.2% Get up, get out and exercise more
    10.2% Complete
  • 5.8% Take care of myself (eg getting more sleep)
    5.8% Complete
  • 2.6% Quit the cigarettes
    2.6% Complete
  • 1.5% Cut down on the booze
    1.5% Complete
  • 3% Spend less money
    3% Complete
  • 1.6% Read more books
    1.6% Complete
  • 2% Learn a new skill, take up a hobby
    2% Complete
  • 2.8% Get a new job
    2.8% Complete
  • 1.9% Advance my career
    1.9% Complete
  • 2.3% Make more money
    2.3% Complete
  • 1% Spend less time online, eg social media
    1% Complete
  • 1.2% Spend less time at work
    1.2% Complete
  • 1.1% Make more environmentally-friendly choices
    1.1% Complete
  • 2.7% Get out and enjoy NZ's natural environment more
    2.7% Complete
  • 1.9% Make new friends/neighbours
    1.9% Complete
  • 0.4% Focus more on my appearance
    0.4% Complete
  • 3.3% Concentrate on my relationship/family
    3.3% Complete
  • 0.8% Go on more dates
    0.8% Complete
  • 0.1% Focus less on my appearance
    0.1% Complete
    39.1% Complete
1857 votes