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Frankleigh Park, Hillsborough - Lepperton, Blagdon - Marfell, Merrilands, New Plymouth Airport, Oakura Coastal, Spotswood, Highlands Park, Brooklands - Vogeltown, Westown, Bell Block, Fitzroy, Glen Avon - Waiwhakaiho, Whalers Gate, Inglewood, Lynmouth - Moturoa, New Plymouth, Strandon, HurworthHave a browse...
Check out what your neighbours are selling (or giving away!) here.
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Hi there,
Our new office at 315 Devon St East, New Plymouth will be open from 9 am on Tuesday 2 July.
Our office hours are:
Monday - Thursday 9.00am-4.00pm
Friday -10.00am - 4.00pm
To make an appointment to see us, or for general enquiries, please call our Contact Centre on 0800 775 247 … View moreHi there,
Our new office at 315 Devon St East, New Plymouth will be open from 9 am on Tuesday 2 July.
Our office hours are:
Monday - Thursday 9.00am-4.00pm
Friday -10.00am - 4.00pm
To make an appointment to see us, or for general enquiries, please call our Contact Centre on 0800 775 247 or call 0800 377 774 for business enquiries or use your myIR account,
If you need an IRD number you can apply for one at any AA Driver Licensing Agent or on the Inland Revenue website.
Apply for an IRD number online.
Our office at 54 Gill St, New Plymouth will close permanently from 4.30pm Thursday 27 June.
Find out more about Inland Revenue
Carole Garnham from Clubdance
Anybody watching Dancing with the Stars 2019 out there and who would like to try Modern partner dancing ? Clubdance is on Thursday nights at New Plymouth Club. If Manu, Randell and Glen can be converted there is hope for your men-folk ladies. We're not as regimented in our dance style/genre, … View moreAnybody watching Dancing with the Stars 2019 out there and who would like to try Modern partner dancing ? Clubdance is on Thursday nights at New Plymouth Club. If Manu, Randell and Glen can be converted there is hope for your men-folk ladies. We're not as regimented in our dance style/genre, we embrace left footers and are happy to work with ordinary everyday people who love modern music and whom would like to acquire a new skill. Visit us on Facebook under Clubdance to find out abit more about us and our class times. And please don't hesitate to reach out to us - we really are a super fun friendly group of people willing to share our love of dance with you!
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