Beginner Beekeeping
Taranaki Beekeepers are starting their beginner beekeeper course on Monday 5th August at the West Baptist Church Hall, 144 South Rd NP, 7pm. The course follows through the beekeeping season with a meeting on the first Monday of each month and the opportunity to get hands on with bees in their hives, fortnightly, on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, weather dependent. This course is free with the expectation that you will become a club member, ($30 per year). For more details feel free to call Chris on 027 444 8200.

Red Cross Op Shop, Gover Street
Come and have a browse round our store and grab yourself a bargain with some of the amazing donations we have received.

We're talking new year resolutions...
Tidying the house before going to bed each night, meditating upon waking or taking the stairs at work.
What’s something quick, or easy, that you started doing that made a major positive change in your life?

Share your summer photos! 📷
Taken some beautiful snaps lately? Whether it's rainbows, sunsets or a beautiful summer's day, we'd love you to share the joy with us.
Share a photo in the comments below