363 days ago

Lap times change, weekly fees won't...

The Team from Ryman Healthcare

When you move to a Ryman village, the last thing you need to think about are unexpected costs. We offer financial security with rates, home insurance, exterior maintenance and gardening all covered under one fixed base weekly fee*, meaning once you’ve moved in you can focus on the things you enjoy.

Find out more about our living options today and get ready for a new lifestyle.

*Weekly fees only increase if you change from independent living to serviced apartment living, or you add extra care options.
Learn more

More messages from your neighbours
5 hours ago

What's On: Facial Analysis

Stuart from Westown

New Plymouth naturopath Nicola Swanson will present on Facial Analysis, used by traditional medicine practitioners to apply their knowledge of facial characteristics to diagnose health conditions. Free wellness presentation.
Facial Analysis
  • New Plymouth Care Cafe
5 hours ago

What's On: Crystal Healing/Other Energy Modaities

Stuart from Westown

Free Friday Wellness Presentation: Mykayla Taherea will present on Crystal Healing and Other Revolutionary Energy modalities she uses at MKT Awakening.
Crystal Healing/Other Energy Modaities
  • New Plymouth Care Cafe
7 hours ago

What's On: Living Off Grid in Town

Stuart from Westown

Learn how to become energy self-sufficient (in face of predicted economic collapse) with low cost portable solar system. Free admission.
Living Off Grid in Town
  • New Plymouth Care Cafe