117 days ago

Forum, NPDC 10 year plan

Stephanie from Spotswood

New Plymouth District Mayor Neil Holdom has released NPDC’s draft 10-year Plan
focused on investment in core infrastructure to future-proof the district, improve

efficiency, grow non-rates revenue and deliver measurable environmental performance.
“We have a draft plan which we want people in New Plymouth district to read and
understand. Then we want to hear what the people we serve think about our plans, what are
our community’s collective priorities and aspirations and where people believe we could do
“Council is restructuring to align our organisation with our strategy. These changes will
ensure we are set up for the changes coming, can better deliver services and investments in
our core infrastructure while achieving operational efficiencies of around $100m over the
next 10 years.”
Based on current proposals, an average residential rate increase of 9.9% is identified in
year one, and around 6.9 % in year two. But the Mayor expects that is likely to change
as tough decisions are made on what’s in or out of the plan.   
“We are reassessing our priorities, taking a more commercial approach by considering
where can we generate more non-rates revenue, capture the benefits of growth, work in
partnership with mana whenua and deliver better long-term community outcomes.”
The Mayoral recommendation for the next 10 years is built around five objectives:
Future proofing our district
Investing more in the districts water works, transport, disaster recovery and investment
Within a regional water entity, administration efficiencies and ensuring increased fairness.
Community development
Improve social housing supporting Iwi and hapu development and increased funding for
community boards.
With an emphasis on wastewater, flooding, sewerage and improving public transport.
Paying something forward
Particularly sport and recreation facilities and better methods of funding.
Have your say:
Councillors would love to know what you think, to help them make the big calls.
Consider attending the free public forum on the NPDC Ten Year Plan at the
Council’s Debating Chamber from 9.30-11am on Thursday 15 th February.
Our Mayor, among others, will be present to explain the main factors of this Ten Year Plan
– and to respond to your questions and suggestions.
This is a free event, sponsored by Positive Ageing NP, Age Concern Taranaki and Grey Power.

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31 minutes ago

What am I?

Riddler from The Neighbourly Riddler

I am often following you and copying your every move. Yet you can never touch me or catch me. What am I?

Do you think you know the answer to our daily riddle? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post and we'll post the answer in the comments below at 2pm.

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1 day ago

NBLY Conversations: What is the etiquette for bin day?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

We think there are unspoken rules for bin day, but are we adhering to the same ones?

Do you think twice about dragging your bin to the pavement in the early hours? Do you mind if neighbours put excess rubbish in your bin? Share your bin day etiquette and let's compare notes!

Type 'Not For Print' if you wish your comments to be excluded from the Conversations column of your local paper.

1 day ago

Four 65” Panasonic 4K TVs up for grabs worth $3,999 each

TV Guide

This winter, we are celebrating the 2024 Olympics with our TV Guide readers with a chance to win 1 of 4 65” Panasonic 4K TVs worth $3,999 each.

Pick up a copy of the TV Guide each week starting from the June 1 - 7 issue, find the codeword, and follow the directions to be in to win! We’ve put a codeword in each of the following three issues, so find them all for more chances to win. You’ll have until July 3 to enter online or mail in your codeword. T&Cs apply.
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