165 days ago

Announcing our Santa Paws winners

Southern Cross from Neighbourly Nz

A huge thank you to all those who entered our Santa Paws competition - what a joy to see so many festive pets!

And now the competition results you've all been waiting for... We now have our ten winners who will receive a $100 Prezzy® Card:- you can click on their names to see their entries.

Tracey Rose
Julie Chamberlain
Selina Chan
Alexi White
Robert Brumm
Maria Wood
Kerena Davidson
Julie Gregory
Mark Williams
Glen Adams

More messages from your neighbours
7 hours ago

Packing boxes

Christine from The Wood

Moving house, does anyone have any packing boxes they don't require anymore that i can take away for you ? Thank you.christine

2 days ago


Jordan from Toi Toi - Washington Valley

Does anyone have a double bed they're needing to get rid of? My brother is living with me now on a couch! Needing to get him a proper bed asap 😅

12 hours ago

Thinking of a website?

Jean from I'm Online!

Whether you need a brand new professional website, or want help with an existing website ...
