Tahunanui, Nelson

Voted for NZ's Merriest Home yet?

Voted for NZ's Merriest Home yet?

Check out the finalists and take your pick!

41 days ago

***Nylon Fibre Buffing Wheels***

Mike from Richmond

3" (75mm) High-Quality Abrasive Fiber Buffing Wheels for Bench Buffers and Grinders with 3/8" (10mm) Arbor Hole. Can use for smooth Polishing or Deburring.

I have five (5) of these available all NEW unused.
$3ea or all for $12.50

Price: $3

42 days ago

Become an SPCA Foster Hero!

The Team from SPCA Nelson - Centre & Op Shops

Kitten season has arrived, and over the next six months, over 8,000 cats and kittens will come into SPCA’s care. Please help us give these babies the best start in life and sign up to be a foster parent today! It's not just cats and kittens - we are also urgently seeking foster homes for … View moreKitten season has arrived, and over the next six months, over 8,000 cats and kittens will come into SPCA’s care. Please help us give these babies the best start in life and sign up to be a foster parent today! It's not just cats and kittens - we are also urgently seeking foster homes for dogs and small animals.

Fostering saves lives and helps these tiny babies grow into healthy, well-adjusted adults, ready for adoption. We cover all training and costs. All you need is time and love to spare!

Sign up today and save a life!

42 days ago

Become an SPCA Foster Hero!


Kitten season has arrived, and over the next six months, over 8,000 cats and kittens will come into SPCA’s care. Please help us give these babies the best start in life and sign up to be a foster parent today! It's not just cats and kittens - we are also urgently seeking foster homes for … View moreKitten season has arrived, and over the next six months, over 8,000 cats and kittens will come into SPCA’s care. Please help us give these babies the best start in life and sign up to be a foster parent today! It's not just cats and kittens - we are also urgently seeking foster homes for dogs and small animals.

Fostering saves lives and helps these tiny babies grow into healthy, well-adjusted adults, ready for adoption. We cover all training and costs. All you need is time and love to spare!

Sign up today and save a life!

42 days ago

Four new fence posts

Helen from Redwood Valley

4 new treated fence posts
1.8m x 90mm

Price: $40

64 days ago

What's your favourite recipe for gooseberry?

Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing

Love gooseberries? Share your favourite way to enjoy them. We're looking for our readers' favourite family recipes for this delicious crop. Send yours to mailbox@nzgardener.co.nz, and if we use it in the magazine, you will receive a free copy of our December 2024 issue.

42 days ago

LG 30" TV

Anne from Stoke

Excellent condition. Handbook, remote.

Price: $50

42 days ago

Floor show

The Team from Resene ColorShop Nelson

Spruce up your outdoor area for spring soirées in the sun with a simple but stylish rug you can personalise with your own design using your favourite Resene colours.

Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions.

43 days ago

Lambs Ears / Stachys Byzantina - 10 x bare rooted plants for $15

Daniel from Richmond

Stachys byzantina also known as Lamb's Ears are a wonderful evergreen perennial that are mostly grown for their velvety silver tongue-shaped leaves that as the name suggests resemble lamb's ear, we have used them as an edger in our garden.
Pick up from Richmond, Nelson

Price: $15

43 days ago

'Write for Rights', Saturday 7 December from 2.00 to 4.30pm

Sandy from Stepneyville

'Write for Rights' is timed to celebrate Human Rights Day on 10 December. This is the world’s biggest human rights event, a moment when Amnesty International’s movement of ten million comes together as one to take action and stand up for freedom, justice and equality.

Collective … View more
'Write for Rights' is timed to celebrate Human Rights Day on 10 December. This is the world’s biggest human rights event, a moment when Amnesty International’s movement of ten million comes together as one to take action and stand up for freedom, justice and equality.

Collective action pressures authorities around the world to bring those responsible for human rights abuses to justice, and free people wrongfully imprisoned.

We'll be gathering as we do every year, to write letters and send messages of support to victims of human rights abuses around the world.

Venue: Friends Meeting House, 30 Nile St, Nelson.
Date: Saturday 7 December, from 2 to 4.30pm

Please bring a small contribution for a shared afternoon tea. Tea and coffee will be provided.

Please encourage others concerned about human rights issues to come - all welcome!

RSVP: to Karen du Fresne, Amnesty International Planning Committee Email: kdufresne8@gmail.com by Monday 2 December.

46 days ago

Poll: How should Guy Fawkes be celebrated?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

While it is a fun occasion, fireworks on Guy Fawkes Night has caused much conflict over the years, upsetting our pets and disrupting the sleep of neighbours.

How should we celebrate Guy Fawkes Night? Vote in our poll and share your thoughts below.

How should Guy Fawkes be celebrated?
  • 28.8% With a city-wide public fireworks display
    28.8% Complete
  • 19.7% Small fireworks displays in each community
    19.7% Complete
  • 7.4% Keep it as is
    7.4% Complete
  • 33.6% We shouldn't celebrate it!
    33.6% Complete
  • 10% Anything but fireworks
    10% Complete
  • 0.6% Other - I'll share below
    0.6% Complete
3770 votes
43 days ago

MX5 Mazda light

Michele from Richmond

Excellent condition, like new, Mazda MX5 Miata light
Pick up Richmond

Price: $20

44 days ago

Zebra Finch

Simon from Stoke

Does anyone out there have any female Zebra Finches that I could buy 1 of? We just had our one pass this morning and my sons other birds are missing her greatly.

44 days ago

Small grey rabbit found

Paula from Stoke

A small grey rabbit seems to be living at our place quite a bit in Coleridge place. We have been unable to catch it but it leaves plenty of evidence around that it's here. 2 children recently enquired about their lost rabbit but have lost their details.
Please contact if you have lost a … View more
A small grey rabbit seems to be living at our place quite a bit in Coleridge place. We have been unable to catch it but it leaves plenty of evidence around that it's here. 2 children recently enquired about their lost rabbit but have lost their details.
Please contact if you have lost a rabbit

45 days ago

Ligularia Reniformis "Tractor Seat Plants"

Daniel from Richmond

Healthy plants ready to be planted out.
We have a few of these available. In 2.5 - 4L pots. Ready to be planted out.
3 plants for $20

These are from very strong growing stock, mature plants grown up to 1m high with leaves up to 50cm across. Great for landscaping areas of semi shade.

Price: $20

46 days ago

Jigsaw puzzles

Judy from Tahunanui

Two 500 piece extra large puzzles $5 each
Judy 02102286585

Price: $5
