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The Team from
These members have been drawn as our winners of the $100 petrol vouchers. Congrats to:
Sheryl Thompson from Hamilton
Tane LcLeay from Three Kings
Sandeep Kaur from Hastings
… View moreThese members have been drawn as our winners of the $100 petrol vouchers. Congrats to:
Sheryl Thompson from Hamilton
Tane LcLeay from Three Kings
Sandeep Kaur from Hastings
Sarah Bolton from Thorndon
Not a winner? Good luck next time!
Winners can get in touch here or by emailing before 4th June.
A huge congratulations to mother and son duo, Mary and Sam Danielson from The Puketapu Hotel.
The votes for all finalists have been tallied and they have been chosen by Neighbourly members across the country as the Prospa Local Business Hero of 2024.
The Puketapu Hotel was nominated by a … View moreA huge congratulations to mother and son duo, Mary and Sam Danielson from The Puketapu Hotel.
The votes for all finalists have been tallied and they have been chosen by Neighbourly members across the country as the Prospa Local Business Hero of 2024.
The Puketapu Hotel was nominated by a local called Margaret and the nomination reads:
'On Feb 14, 2023, Cyclone Gabrielle flooded many of the rural areas. Puketapu Hotel went under perhaps half a meter of water. However, immediately Mary Danielson and her son, Sam Danielson, along with their loyal staff pulled it together to cook copious amounts of food that without electricity would have been wasted. Throughout the years many of us have been treated with a pub gathering where we can reconnect and a free meal. At Christmas there was Santa, games, gifts for kids, donated patchwork for adults, an ice cream truck and lots of camaraderie.
This February on the cyclone anniversary, they again pulled out the stops to give hundreds of us a special night. We are all tired of the cyclone cleanup and they understood that it was needed.'
Such a deserving business and team, well done Mary and Sam. And thank you to all those who voted!
36 replies (Members only)
Kevin Hickman Retirement Village
Ryman Healthcare offers the very best of retirement living and aged care with retirement villages throughout New Zealand. You'll find Ryman retirement villages near you, each with a unique personality and a range of living and care options. Gain a lifestyle you can thrive in and connect with … View moreRyman Healthcare offers the very best of retirement living and aged care with retirement villages throughout New Zealand. You'll find Ryman retirement villages near you, each with a unique personality and a range of living and care options. Gain a lifestyle you can thrive in and connect with like-minded people in a welcoming community.
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Click read more for the full article.
The Team from Resene ColorShop Timaru
Create a colourful bouquet that won’t need watering. Get the whole family involved and let everyone choose their favourite Resene testpot colours to finish their flowers.
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Nicole Mathewson Reporter from The Press
By local democracy reporter Brendon McMahon:
Nearly three years after a devastating flood displaced hundreds of residents in Westport, they have been told a solution is near.
But at the Westport Rating District Joint Committee annual meeting, held in public for the first time on Wednesday, … View moreBy local democracy reporter Brendon McMahon:
Nearly three years after a devastating flood displaced hundreds of residents in Westport, they have been told a solution is near.
But at the Westport Rating District Joint Committee annual meeting, held in public for the first time on Wednesday, residents called for more transparency and raised fears the town remains as vulnerable to the next big flood.
The committee is charged with making recommendations to the West Coast Regional Council on the build and future maintenance of the ring bank flood protection scheme for the West Coast town.
Phil Rutherford, a former Buller District councillor, said greater clarity was also needed in the map of the proposed scheme for residents needing to know "who is in and who is out", he said.
Later in the meeting chief engineer for the scheme, Peter Blackwood, said mitigation options for two areas currently excluded under the scheme - Snodgrass Rd and Carters Beach - have yet to come.
Lifelong Westport resident Kevin Smith recalled the 1970 Westport flood, but "the talk" of the last 54 years had not translated to action by the authorities until the July 2021 event.
And the 2021 and 2022 floods "were no bigger" than previous 'record' floods, stretching back more than 70 years, Smith said.
"What was different was the amount of damage," he said.
Westport's inland flood defences on the Buller and Orowaiti rivers at Organs Island had served their purpose in 1950.
But since then, Westport had expanded in a way that heightened risk to people, he said.
"The 1950 flood, everything worked very well. It was a bigger flood than what we have just endured. Why aren't we learning?
"I think we should have a report on what caused the damage. The damage was man-made. What we have done is built in silly places."
Smith said the community needed to work through the flooding damage and the causes.
For now, Westport remained as vulnerable as it was in the July 2021 floods, he said.
"There is a flood coming: will we get the walls built in time? That's up to you people."
Councillor Brett Cummings said repair work had already been done on the historic flood defences, just east of Westport, to help with the next flood.
And councillor Frank Dooley defended council's expert approach to solve the problem, which it was required to do by statute, "not based on community opinion but on expert opinion".
Snodgrass Rd resident Paul Reynold, a trenchant critic at the way Westport's inland flood defences and the Orowaiti overflow had been left to deteriorate, suggested councils approach was "anything but expert".
The regional and the Buller District councils "had a hand in causing the flood".
"We've had three years of charade around avoiding the cause," Reynolds said.
"There has been no effort to define the cause of the 2021 flood - no problem can be solved without first identifying what caused the problem."
Reynolds said the underlying issues were identified and presented to both councils in 2015.
"Council already had a document by 2021 warning of the risk.
"It was ignored for six years … in the filing draw of council."
He suggested the current scheme, including flood defence walls, was not the best option.
"The walls will eventually burst in the event of a major flood - with the loss of life."
Regional council chief executive Darryl Lew said the Government's $22.9m contribution, announced a year ago, had now come through after a technical review found its scheme "was sound".
The money - in reality $15.6m for physical flood protection works - was now being drawn down and should be built by 2027.
He said the benefit classes for properties falling within the scheme will soon be be formally identified as the design is finalised.
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To book your flu vaccine … View moreGet the best protection you can before winter. The flu vaccine is free if you’re over 65. It’s also free for pregnant people and for many others with certain underlying health conditions, including diabetes, heart and lung diseases, and mental health conditions.
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The Team from
Our Tuesday prize draw is here and the following members have won a $50 movie voucher:
Nazim Molla from Te Atatu South
Cassie Stirling from Napier
Jacob Ferris from Saint Martins
… View moreOur Tuesday prize draw is here and the following members have won a $50 movie voucher:
Nazim Molla from Te Atatu South
Cassie Stirling from Napier
Jacob Ferris from Saint Martins
Shania Kenny from Woolston
Are you a winner? Get in touch with our Neighbourly team here to claim your prize.
Not a winner this time? Come back each Tuesday and we will have ongoing prize draws and more winners!
Nicole Mathewson Reporter from The Press
By local democracy reporter Brendon McMahon:
Just six of 25 submitters to the West Coast Regional Council 2024-34 long-term plan (LTP) will appear at a hearing in Greymouth on Tuesday.
The proposed 10 year plan proposes an average 27% general rates increase in 2024-25 to partly fund a … View moreBy local democracy reporter Brendon McMahon:
Just six of 25 submitters to the West Coast Regional Council 2024-34 long-term plan (LTP) will appear at a hearing in Greymouth on Tuesday.
The proposed 10 year plan proposes an average 27% general rates increase in 2024-25 to partly fund a proposed budget of $25.2 million for the next financial year.
The other option in year one - to increase general rates by 44% - was based on rates alone funding.
However the preferred option in the proposed LTP is to reduce the full annual budget impact on ratepayers in the first few years by borrowing.
Engagement in this LTP has been relatively low compared to the previous two LTP processes in the past seven years.
A report for Tuesday's hearing notes previous LTPs received "moderate to high" submissions.
The current 2021-31 LTP received 621 submissions while the previous LTP in 2018 saw 73 submissions.
"Compared to the 22,000 rating units on the Coast, it's a fairly low turnout," West Coast Regional Council chairperson Peter Haddock admitted on Monday.
But he believed the low submissions in 2024 was a positive reflection on what the current council had moved on in the past year.
"It shows clearly that people understand that there has been clear change at council for the better.
"No-one wants rates increased but I think that it shows that change was necessary.
"The council was in a pretty broken state and it needed money spent on it right across the board."
Haddock cited the council's less than fit IT system, and accounting system linked to the "rates error" late in 2023 as an example, aside from the governance upheaval.
He said the LTP strategy was to invest in staff and systems to ensure "a well oiled machine".
At the same time the regional council general rate, compared to the three district councils was "relatively low," he said.
People still needed to watch their targeted special rating district levies, above the general rates and uniform annual general charge.
Significantly the proposed LTP ushered in special rates for Westport residents (a 539% bump) for the first time to pay for the already budgeted share of their Government co-funded $22.9m flood resilience scheme.
Yet there was apparently little kickback on it, Haddock said.
"I think it shows that people accepted that they want that for the betterment for their community.
"It's unfortunate it does cost … let's not forget they are being subsidised."
Haddock compared the future benefit for Westport to that of the Greymouth Floodwall scheme via special rates for 30 years, "for the betterment of the town".
Under the proposed LTP "balancing the budget" and whether council should shoulder the Predator Free Te Kinga project were the two main consultation topics.
Ratepayers were also asked to comment on the LTP financial and infrastructure strategy, policies, and user fees and charges.
Comment was also sought feedback on the planned transfer to its ownership of the Grey District Council owned Greymouth Floodwall, and the Westland District Council-built Havill Wall protection bank at Franz Josef.
Under the first general rates increase option all properties in the Grey District will pay the following per $100,000 of capital value:
* General rate, a $14.70 increase from $50.26 to $64.96 in 2024-25,
* Emergency management levy increase from $10.17 to $4.58,
* The one district plan (Te Tai o Poutini Plan) decreases from $15.22 to $3.99 in 2024-25,
* The Uniform Annual General Charge in 2024-25 increases $36.31 to $192.59.
It means a Grey District dwelling worth $300,000 will see their total general rates bill increase to $443.70 in 2024-25.
This is made up of:
* General rate, $194.89
* Emergency management, $4.27
* Te Tai o Poutini Plan, $11.96
* Fixed UAG charge, $192.59
That excludes any special rating district levy, such as for the Greymouth Floodwall area.
Nicole Mathewson Reporter from The Press
By local democracy reporter Brendon McMahon:
A billing mistake that saw a debt of just over $701,000 sit on the West Coast Regional Council books for three years should never happen again, according to the head of its finance committee.
Council this week congratulated itself on the recovery … View moreBy local democracy reporter Brendon McMahon:
A billing mistake that saw a debt of just over $701,000 sit on the West Coast Regional Council books for three years should never happen again, according to the head of its finance committee.
Council this week congratulated itself on the recovery of long standing debt in the past few months, the ongoing rebuild of its finance management system, and a pending report back on four internal audits driving the rebuild.
However, Risk and Assurance Committee chairperson Frank Dooley (pictured) said the error made back in 2021, leaving a $701,718 debt on the council's books, still needed to be cleared up through the council's annual reporting.
Caused by a "clerical error", the debt was indicative of the council's previous dysfunction where a billing mistake was left to fester instead of being proactively followed up, he said.
"It was a double up in an invoice.
"You just don't follow up three years later," Dooley said.
A public outcry in late 2023 spurred a flurry of activity by council to sort out its rates and debt systems after some ratepayers were overcharged by up to 300% in the first installment for 2023-24.
It has already adopted a new system to chase up external debt and internal audit reviews are currently underway into:
* cash handling
* credit card and fuel card expenditure
* procurement (capital and operational)
* rates setting and charging processes.
Chief executive Darryl Lew said the findings should be reported directly to the committee by June.
He said it reflected "a significant body of work" with new actions out of it needing to align now with the 2024-34 long-term plan and a planned revision of council's committee structures, he said.
Councillor Peter Haddock said council's commitment to do a fix up had been quite a resource commitment when it was "running low".
But it was essential to rebuild the organisation.
Councillor Peter Ewen said that was significantly helped by changes at the top in the past year, with the chair replaced and a new chief executive.
"A lot of the progress that has come about is because we now have communication between the chair and the chief executive.
"It's made a hell of a difference," Ewen said.
On May 16, Dooley told LDR the $701,718 dated back to a claimant being invoiced twice and the amount then being carried over in council's debtors' ledger.
He said there had been no inquiry until recently about it when it became clear the amount was disputed.
The "mistake" had made a $700,000 impact on council's bottom line.
"The impact of that $700,000 reversal will probably be in the annual report."
Dooley said at this point he was unsure if that particular mistake could have been repeated.
"I don't really know but that's why you have to drill down debtors on a regular basis - that's when you pick it up.
"Errors have to be investigated and corrected, and that hasn't been happening," he said.
Council was now working with its auditors to build new systems including ensuring accurate rendering of rates debt.
"We're starting to drill down, asking are they accurate or not?
"I've got a lot of confidence now … we're putting in place the appropriate procedures and controls so we can manage this on a day to day basis and make it effective."
Dooley said part of the issue had been inadequate staff numbers - despite some question around an increase in staff at council.
"If you don't have those people doing the right job, it creates inefficiencies, and creates a massive cost to the ratepayers - every time we make a mistake it costs.
"I'm really pleased about the progress."
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The Team from
People associate bullying with children in schools, but it can actually stretch beyond childhood to workplaces or neighbourhoods.
This Friday is Pink Shirt Day, which began in Canada in 2007 when two students took a stand against homophobic bullying after a new student was harassed for wearing … View morePeople associate bullying with children in schools, but it can actually stretch beyond childhood to workplaces or neighbourhoods.
This Friday is Pink Shirt Day, which began in Canada in 2007 when two students took a stand against homophobic bullying after a new student was harassed for wearing pink. People across the globe are now encouraged to wear pink on this day to take a stand against bullying and promote inclusivity.
Have you or your whānau ever experienced bullying? Share your thoughts on Pink Shirt Day below.
Type 'Not For Print' if you wish your comments to be excluded from the Conversations column of your local paper.
211 replies (Members only)
The Team from Resene ColorShop Timaru
Building framed bunk beds and finishing with curtains, Resene Indian Ink and Resene Colorwood Bark elevates the bach classic. Kids also love them at home. Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions.
The Team from
We are continuing our Q&A sessions on Neighbourly. This week we have the amazing Sacha Green from Citizens Advice Bureau New Zealand (CABNZ) who will be answering your questions about your renting rights.
A little bit about Sacha:
She has been working for CABNZ for 10 years and is … View moreWe are continuing our Q&A sessions on Neighbourly. This week we have the amazing Sacha Green from Citizens Advice Bureau New Zealand (CABNZ) who will be answering your questions about your renting rights.
A little bit about Sacha:
She has been working for CABNZ for 10 years and is passionate about empowering people with knowledge of their rights as well as ensuring access to justice.
She helps support the team of over 2,000 trained volunteers who deliver the CAB service in 80 neighbourhoods around Aotearoa by providing advice and support at a national level on a wide range of issues. One of Sacha’s work areas is leading the CAB’s social justice work on housing and tenancy issues.
Whether you're a flatmate, landlord, boarder or flatmate, you can leave a comment below and Sacha will share an answer on Wednesday from 9.30am. You may want to ask about notice periods, bond fulfillment, reasonable rent increases, or even whose responsibility it is to deal with mould in the home.
Join Sacha here on Wednesday at 9.30am. See you then!.
⇩ Share your question below ⇩
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