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Kathy from Greytown
New sealed diamondesque earrings and a Men's Star Wars R2D2 watch. $20 each.
Price: $20
Debbie from Greytown
Grinders brand, solid leather shoe,
Size 40
good condition, with little wear. Could do with a bit of nugget on them 😉
Pickup in Greytown
First in, first served.
Price: $10
Debbie from Greytown
Blazers brand, leather lined size 6 $10
good condition, with little wear.
Pickup in Greytown
First in, first served.
Price: $10
Debbie from Greytown
Prophet brand, leather, size 40, good condition, with little wear.
Pickup in Greytown
First in, first served.
Price: $10
Sarah from Wallaceville - Whitemans Valley
Hi all
Appealing to country folk we need a place for our border collie till my sister buys a house. He’s well trained but doesn’t get on with our lab so we need to find him a place without pets to have him. Happy to pay for his food.this is not a paid job and it could be up to 6 months.
… View moreHi all
Appealing to country folk we need a place for our border collie till my sister buys a house. He’s well trained but doesn’t get on with our lab so we need to find him a place without pets to have him. Happy to pay for his food.this is not a paid job and it could be up to 6 months.
Sarah 0204727245
Do you have strong links into your community? Can you represent a wide range of people? We want to hear from you.
We’re looking for people for our new Local Advisory Committees, who can offer insight into what matters to your community.
Nominate yourself or someone you know today.
Learn more
Kathleen & John from Greytown
Nova 1 Wood Lathe. Perfect for a beginner/intermediate turner looking for an affordable lathe. Excellent condition, 6 speed, 255mm of turning capacity with extension out to 560mm between centres. MT2 head and tail stock with M30x3.5 RH spindle.
Comes complete with spare drive belt, Steb drive and … View moreNova 1 Wood Lathe. Perfect for a beginner/intermediate turner looking for an affordable lathe. Excellent condition, 6 speed, 255mm of turning capacity with extension out to 560mm between centres. MT2 head and tail stock with M30x3.5 RH spindle.
Comes complete with spare drive belt, Steb drive and tail stock centre, standard tail stock centre, spare 100mm tool rest and assorted tools.
Looking for sensible offers
Community Engagement Advisor from Greater Wellington Regional Council
Kia ora koutou, I’m Pete, a member of the Whaitua Te Whanganui-a-Tara Committee tasked with making recommendations to Greater Wellington Regional Council on the future of our coastal and freshwater quality, and how our water is used. Our waterways and all the fish and species that live in them … View moreKia ora koutou, I’m Pete, a member of the Whaitua Te Whanganui-a-Tara Committee tasked with making recommendations to Greater Wellington Regional Council on the future of our coastal and freshwater quality, and how our water is used. Our waterways and all the fish and species that live in them are precious taonga, so we have set out to understand how they are valued and what should be done to provide the future we want for our water.
My wife and I have been living at the edge of Belmont Park for over 30 years and I consider it my responsibility to pass on a sustainable healthy catchment to my grandchildren. We can’t do this alone and need your help in protecting the health and mauri of our water.
Increasing population and changing land use is putting pressure on our water, from our rivers and streams to the supply of drinking water, and management of storm and waste water. Fixing these problems is going to cost a lot, and we need to find solutions that are fair and equitable based on sound evidence and knowledge.
To do this we need to understand your views and to work with you and your community. Let’s shape the future of this place and our precious freshwater together.
Connect with us to talk about what we can do together. You can reach us at To see what we have been doing visit our Facebook page, and to share what you value about our water and your solutions have your say down below.
Community Engagement Advisor from Greater Wellington Regional Council
Kia ora koutou, I am Anya from Karori, a member of Greater Wellington Regional Council’s Whaitua Te Whanganui-a-Tara Committee tasked with making recommendations to Greater Wellington Regional Council on the future of our coastal and freshwater quality, and how our water is used. Our waterways … View moreKia ora koutou, I am Anya from Karori, a member of Greater Wellington Regional Council’s Whaitua Te Whanganui-a-Tara Committee tasked with making recommendations to Greater Wellington Regional Council on the future of our coastal and freshwater quality, and how our water is used. Our waterways and all the fish and species that live in them are precious taonga, so we have set out to understand how they are valued and what should be done to provide the future we want for our water.
The Karori Stream that flows through my backyard serves as a reminder to me every single day on the importance of making our waterways healthy. We need your help in protecting the health and mauri of our waterways, which are under pressure from increasing population. We need solutions that require real change in the way we interact with water if we want it to be safe for our kids. And we need to think long-term about how and who pays for these solutions.
Connect with us to talk about what we can do together. You can reach us at To see what we have been doing visit our Facebook page, and to share what you value about our water and your solutions have your say by following the link below.
Pixie from
Wow, a not to be missed weekend full of fun and entertainment at one of the best Country Music weekends in NZ. Where - The Tauherenikau Racecourse. A 3 day extravaganza with a great line-up of musical talent including the Warratahs!
On Saturday 25th the prestige classic car rally, Cruise … View moreWow, a not to be missed weekend full of fun and entertainment at one of the best Country Music weekends in NZ. Where - The Tauherenikau Racecourse. A 3 day extravaganza with a great line-up of musical talent including the Warratahs!
On Saturday 25th the prestige classic car rally, Cruise Martinborough, will be at the Festival too between 1.30 - 5.30pm. You will have the chance to see hundreds of classic and muscle cars while enjoying our afternoon show. The rally brings together the best classic and muscle cars all in one place with lots of opportunities to get up close and personal with these magnificent machines.There'll be plenty of good food and drink too ...then stay on for the main acts from 5.30pm.
Get you tickets now on Eventfinda or pop into the Masterton or Martinborough i-SITE.
Kelly Dennett Reporter from Sunday Star Times
Many of us grew up flocking to Glassons, Hallenstein's, Cotton On and Just Jeans for our hardy perennials - jeans, t-shirts, summer dresses - and some of us still do.
But we're increasingly becoming aware that buying a $20 t-shirt that won't last the distance isn't that great … View moreMany of us grew up flocking to Glassons, Hallenstein's, Cotton On and Just Jeans for our hardy perennials - jeans, t-shirts, summer dresses - and some of us still do.
But we're increasingly becoming aware that buying a $20 t-shirt that won't last the distance isn't that great for the environment.
While some of us are pledging to only buy second hand or to invest in statement pieces - more expensive items that will last a long time- not all of us have that luxury.
We're wanting to speak to someone who isn't giving up their fast fashion any time soon, whether it's for economic or style reasons, personal choice or indifference to the environment. Maybe you're a student who likes the choice chain store fashion brings, or perhaps you're a parent whose children are growing too fast to risk splashing out on expensive clothing.
If this sounds like you, please email
If you live in either Tararua or Wairarapa (from Norsewood to Featherston), just take in your proof of address to claim 50% off your entrance ticket.
And if you've got visitors - take them to Pūkaha and you can enter for free! Neat deal - on offer all the time! Remember too Pūkaha is … View moreIf you live in either Tararua or Wairarapa (from Norsewood to Featherston), just take in your proof of address to claim 50% off your entrance ticket.
And if you've got visitors - take them to Pūkaha and you can enter for free! Neat deal - on offer all the time! Remember too Pūkaha is open every day till 6pm. Great family fun.
Ministry for Primary Industries
The summer months are the perfect time for entertaining friends and family, and whether it’s a dinner party or BBQ, good food will always be on the menu. But, did you know that half of all food poisoning occurs in the home? Follow the three simple Cs – clean, cook, chill to avoid getting ill … View moreThe summer months are the perfect time for entertaining friends and family, and whether it’s a dinner party or BBQ, good food will always be on the menu. But, did you know that half of all food poisoning occurs in the home? Follow the three simple Cs – clean, cook, chill to avoid getting ill this summer. We all want to keep our friends and families safe, so remember these easy steps while cooking.
Check out for handy food safety tips.
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