166 days ago

Air beds

Anne from Rangiora

Queen size airbed in unopened box $35
Single airbed used once with pump $25


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2 hours ago

Health workers needed in rural areas

Nicole Mathewson Reporter from The Press

By David Hill, Local Democracy Reporter

Recruiting medical professions into rural areas remains a challenge, says a North Canterbury mayor.

Health Minister Dr Shane Reti says Health New Zealand has made good progress in recruiting staff, but Hurunui mayor Marie Black says rural areas are missing out.

Training more health professionals is a priority in Budget 2024, with $22 million set aside for doctor training.

‘‘That will take us from an intake of 589 this year to an intake of 614 from next year,’’ Reti said.

‘‘We are also progressing a cost benefit analysis for a proposed third medical school through Waikato University, which will focus on primary and rural care.’’

While overseas-trained medical professionals make a valuable contribution, Reti said training young New Zealanders was more sustainable in the long term.

‘‘Health workforce shortages are a problem in every country around the world.

‘‘That is why it is so important we invest in training doctors and other health professionals here in New Zealand.’’

In the year to December 2023, Health NZ recruited more than 200 full-time equivalent senior doctors, 2500 nurses, nearly 100 midwives, and more than 230 scientific and technical staff.

There were still shortages in mental health, critical care and midwifery, Reti said.

While it was reassuring to know progress has been made in recruitment, Black said there was little evidence of it in ‘‘primary health provision in country areas’’.

The Hurunui district has been doing its bit to encourage health students to consider working in rural areas, she said.

Third year Otago Medical School students have been visiting the district each August for several years.

The initiative has been running for 10 years, with the students visiting medical centres, St John, District Nurses, police, the North Canterbury Rural Support Trust and a local preschool.

‘‘If we can grow our own people that is the best solution,’’ Black said.
Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon said he was pleased the Government was addressing workforce shortages.

A new medical centre was being planned in Rangiora to offer urgent and after hours medical care, but it would need more medical professionals, he said.

‘‘I am pleased with the Government’s announcement that funding will be allocated to ensure we are training more doctors and health care professionals here in New Zealand.

‘‘This will help to alleviate doctor shortages particularly in the regions and rural communities.’’

The Kaikōura district faced similar challenges, and its over 65 population was expected to increase to one-third over the next 30 years.

Takahanga Marae has hosted tertiary health students from around Aotearoa in recent years for a three-day Noho Marae visit.

The initiative was a partnership between Te Tai o Marokura, a Maori health and social service provider in Kaikōura, and Hauora Taiwhenua/Rural Health Network’s careers programme.

■ LDR is local body journalism co-funded by RNZ and NZ On Air.

17 hours ago

Riddle time neighbours! Can you crack this?

Riddler from The Neighbourly Riddler

What has a head and a tail but no body?

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7 hours ago


The Team from Humans of Christchurch Ōtautahi

"I was in Cambodia for work. It was a very hot night, and I literally swept my hand down my body and said out loud, ‘Oh, it's so hot!’ And I felt this lump, It felt like half the size of a golf ball. I thought, I'm not going to be too worried about it, but I emailed my doctor and made an appointment.

They've said all along you're very lucky you caught it early.

I guess there's some people who go through this sort of thing who are not information seekers. But I'm like, ‘tell me everything!’. My oncologist, at our first meeting, said, ‘our job is to take your body to the very edge to kill the cancer. We take you to the edge, knowing that once we stop, the systems that we are affecting will recover.’ So it is scary stuff.

I just asked questions all the time. I'm a pretty cynical person, but I'm so impressed with the quality of care. I was told when I was first diagnosed, you're in the best city in New Zealand for breast cancer care. When you go in for your chemo you are given a nurse for the day, and she looks after you. They're super resilient these women I mean, obviously they have to be.

When I was heading into chemotherapy, I think the vision I had was that it would be a very quiet, somber place. Oh, no! It's like, hi!, hi! Hi! it's bustly, people are laughing. I actually come away from my chemotherapy sessions feeling quite uplifted because the talk's very lively, and there's just this feeling of caring and concern.

I'm at the pointy end of the treatment now, and although I'm only having treatment every three weeks, the drugs that I'm having now are very heavy duty. I'm just holding my head above water with work.

I continue to turn up with full makeup, I'll put earrings on. And my eyebrows, which I draw on fastidiously every morning and sometimes I end up with like Groucho Marx and sometimes I end up looking like Twiggy. It just depends on my mood. People say to me, oh, gosh, she's looking so well. That helps me too because it's a bit of normality in a very abnormal situation.

Perspective is really important. Getting your head out of what might happen, and bringing yourself back to the present is really important. Counseling helps, right? Breast Cancer Foundation and the Cancer Society both fund counselling.

At the beginning, I was trying to be upbeat about it all the time. I'm not now. I acknowledge when I have down days, those are the days when my sister rushes around and gives me a foot massage.

Actually, for the last week, I felt really afraid of dying. Most of the time, I'm not, because I have faith. So it’s just like, I’ve got this job to do this year, which is an absolute shit job. But it will come to an end.

Boy, have I developed as a person and I'll continue to develop right to the end of this journey, whatever that looks like. Because it just forever changes you. Physically and mentally and emotionally. Spiritually. I've got people praying for me all over the world, and I believe that has made a difference."

- Kate

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