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Browse the directory and start getting to know your neighbours. Don’t want to post to the whole neighbourhood? Send a private message.
Buy, sell and give away
Want to declutter your garage? Buy some used household items? Give away some garden stuff? Become a verified neighbour to browse and post items for sale. Trading is simple when everyone lives nearby.
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Check out what your neighbours are selling (or giving away!) here.
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You may receive an email confirmation for any offer you selected. The associated companies will contact you directly to activate your requests.
Ngaio Marsh Retirement Village
Talking to a family member about care can be difficult. To help start a conversation, you’re invited to visit our Open Day this Sunday.
This is a chance for you, and your family members, to experience the feeling of community at Ryman Care, first-hand.
Find out more
Our SIX60 Summer Sounds competition is coming to an end next week. We’ll be selecting a winning neighbourhood to have a private gig from one of the supporting acts of the SIX60 tour. But today is the final draw for the exclusive SIX60 tickets we are giving away to our members! Check to see if … View moreOur SIX60 Summer Sounds competition is coming to an end next week. We’ll be selecting a winning neighbourhood to have a private gig from one of the supporting acts of the SIX60 tour. But today is the final draw for the exclusive SIX60 tickets we are giving away to our members! Check to see if you’ve been drawn as a winner.
Thank you to all of the entrants so far for being more neighbourly! It’s been great to see communities thriving. To be eligible for the private convert, make sure you are a verified Neighbourly member (need a hand verifying your address? Click here). We’ll also need to see you being more Neighbourly, whether it’s posting to your neighbourhood, replying to questions or inviting your neighbour to join the site (we’ve put together a few ideas here).
Have you won?
Harcourts Vision Real Estate and Property Management
A lot of hard work is needed to achieve these top spots. A big congratulations to Allen Gunn for being our top sales and top listing consultant, for December. A wonderful effort.
Our strategy, Better Later Life – He Oranga Kaumātua 2019 to 2034, outlines five key areas for action to make New Zealand a great place to age.
To read the strategy and find out how we can make New Zealand a great place to age, click here ➡️
Kelly Dennett Reporter from Sunday Star Times
The Sunday Star-Times is investigating the rising number of consents made for home builds.
Perhaps you're a first-time home owner who has opted to build, rather than buy pre-existing, or maybe you're seasoned home owners who have taken the first step to create your own dream home.
… View moreThe Sunday Star-Times is investigating the rising number of consents made for home builds.
Perhaps you're a first-time home owner who has opted to build, rather than buy pre-existing, or maybe you're seasoned home owners who have taken the first step to create your own dream home.
We'd love to hear from you about the challenges involved in building, and why you've opted to take that route. Any interviewees would need to be willing to be identified and photographed in a news story.
Please email
Julie from Northcote
Mountain buggy for sale used by grandparents
Brought in 2017 in excellent condition. Comes with storm cover, wind cover and shoulder bag
Buggy fits through doorway and on buses
Easily folds down and fit in car boot easily
Series models 2015
Pick up Papanui
Price $400 ono
If you’re an avid reader of NZ House & Garden and NZ Gardener, you’ll love The Editors’ Escape! Join editors Naomi Larkin and Jo McCarroll on an unforgettable journey to the stunning Hawke’s Bay, experiencing the best of travel, tour and taste.
Unlike any other travel package, this … View moreIf you’re an avid reader of NZ House & Garden and NZ Gardener, you’ll love The Editors’ Escape! Join editors Naomi Larkin and Jo McCarroll on an unforgettable journey to the stunning Hawke’s Bay, experiencing the best of travel, tour and taste.
Unlike any other travel package, this escorted tour gives you the opportunity to get to know the editors behind your much-loved magazines, hearing first hand about the upcoming season trends, interiors, and gardening tips.
Be in to win with The Editors' Escape! Our friends at NZ House & Garden are giving away tickets to their popular House Tours this season. Tell us your favourite New Zealand destination where you'd like to escape with us via this link and be in to win one of five double passes to a House Tour of your choice.
Visit for more information and to secure your spot today.
Competition closes on 15th January 2020.
Nicole Mathewson Reporter from The Press
Christchurch in 2030 will be a high-tech city with free buses, low carbon emissions, and a global reputation for "a special brand of cool" according to a range of forecasts from some of the city's leading figures.
What do you think Christchurch will be like in 2030?
38 replies (Members only)
Ryman village living lets you worry less and play more. Experience our retirement villages.
0800 555 103 |
Find out more
Penny from Papanui
Hey peeps, we at Koha Fitness will be running a Zumba Fundraiser class in conjunction with Lululemon active wear to aid in relief for the fire's that have been devastating Australian communities. The class is on the 18th of January at 12.30 pm at Koha fitness, 48 Hereford … View morePOSTING ON BEHALF:
Hey peeps, we at Koha Fitness will be running a Zumba Fundraiser class in conjunction with Lululemon active wear to aid in relief for the fire's that have been devastating Australian communities. The class is on the 18th of January at 12.30 pm at Koha fitness, 48 Hereford street. It will be 1 hour. For more details contact Koha Fitness : 08005642348
Nicole Mathewson Reporter from The Press
Trees in Christchurch's Botanic Gardens will be lit up year-round by the end of next month.
The Christchurch City Council is spending $900,000 on 119 lights to be placed in the Armstrong Lawn area adjacent to Rolleston Ave.
Some members of the public were concerned about the light … View moreTrees in Christchurch's Botanic Gardens will be lit up year-round by the end of next month.
The Christchurch City Council is spending $900,000 on 119 lights to be placed in the Armstrong Lawn area adjacent to Rolleston Ave.
Some members of the public were concerned about the light pollution and the effect the lights would have on the ecosystem.
Council head of parks Andrew Rutledge said the lights had almost no UV spectrum, which reduced or eliminated insects' attraction to the light. The lights could also be dimmed and would not be on all night.
59 replies (Members only)
With the help of animal rights group SAFE, Animal Evac New Zealand has sent a specialist team of six trained disaster responders to New South Wales. They are supporting animals and communities impacted by the catastrophic bush fires.
The team has experience in animal disaster management, … View moreWith the help of animal rights group SAFE, Animal Evac New Zealand has sent a specialist team of six trained disaster responders to New South Wales. They are supporting animals and communities impacted by the catastrophic bush fires.
The team has experience in animal disaster management, international humanitarian aid, veterinary medicine, disaster victim identification, paramedicine, incident management, animal control, wildland firefighting and technical animal rescue.
Animal Evac is asking for donations to support their work on the ground in Australia and in responding to future emergencies. They are extremely grateful to the organisations and individuals who have already supported this deployment and helped make it possible.
To learn more about Animal Evac’s work and to stay up to date with their Australian deployment, follow them on Facebook or visit our Website
Donate now
Matthew from
Saturday is your day!
🍈Nz Rockmellon $2.99 each.
🍑Honey Nectarine $3.99kg
🥒Labanese Cucumber 99c each.
🤩Fresh Quality Raspberry $2.99.
🍍Pineapple $2.99 each
😋Cos luttuce $1.99 pack!
Plenty of other greats deals in store! Pop on in and see the friendly team on Leacroft st
Saturday… View moreSaturday is your day!
🍈Nz Rockmellon $2.99 each.
🍑Honey Nectarine $3.99kg
🥒Labanese Cucumber 99c each.
🤩Fresh Quality Raspberry $2.99.
🍍Pineapple $2.99 each
😋Cos luttuce $1.99 pack!
Plenty of other greats deals in store! Pop on in and see the friendly team on Leacroft st
Saturday only or while stocks last.
Harcourts Vision Real Estate and Property Management
For a great client experience, let our Boutique Office help you - voted number one in Canterbury - number two in New Zealand. Phone us on 359-4379 or visit us at 127 Farrington Ave, Bishopdale.
Eunice from Parklands - Marshlands
Does anyone know where I can buy succulents. Ta
Price: $3.50
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