203 days ago

Home to rent anytime in beginning of New Year!

Julia from Avondale

Hi everyone my family and i are probably not the only ones who have been given a early Christmas present. We have had a bomb dropped on us just before my birthday and Christmas. Thanks to the new government bringing back in the ninety day and your out.
Problem is the rental i have been in has reneged on fixing a leak since January of this year due to the storm etc. that made the place cold and damp to live in and ruining my carpet and furniture. No replacement or lowered rent. NOTHING.Property manager promised to get it done. But haven't. Now they want us out. After sending person after person to give quotes. I didn't mind that except the realty was never good and updating or talking to us??? I felt i had been patient so patient i didn't get the Tenancy Tribunal involved as i gave them the benefit of the doubt. I believe my Land Lord is an overseas owner. And has left things up to the Realty and its property managers. They are good people but don't do their job. They should be made to find us alternative accommodation and not get away with the fact that the Land Lord now wants to sell and leave me out of pocket and especially at Christmas. We have a person in a wheelchair and where the hell will we fine a place suitable. Social Housing is out. I felt a needed to grumble and get this off my chest. If anyone out there has a suitable accommodation for long term i will appreciate very much. And if anyone wants to volunteer to help us set up a give a little page to raise funds for this untimely move i would surely appreciate that too. By the way giving heads up I have a rescue dog named Lily and my old grumpy cat Tui and all in all five adults to house. Bless you all.

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8 hours ago

Free Help for the Community & Family!

Robert from Glendene

Hey guys, I've created an amazing free App called SWAPDROP to help communities easily swap items and services for NO MONEY:)
It went Top 10 in NZ in 12 hours and it's COMPLETELY FREE, no catches!
People are swapping Houses, Land, Cars, Sneakers, Clothes and literally anything they want! We didn't have a lot growing up and this was my way of helping as many as I can for free!
You can download for free on the App & Play Store now!
Check out our Instagram @swapdrop_

4 days ago

Poll: Is it still rude to wear a hat inside?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Times have changed and perhaps so has our societal rules around taking off hats when indoors. What are your thoughts?

Is it still rude to wear a hat inside?
  • 75.1% Yes, take them off indoors
    75.1% Complete
  • 23.9% No, it's not anymore
    23.9% Complete
  • 1% Other - I'll share below
    1% Complete
3717 votes
22 hours ago

Time for a clear-out?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Delve back into that garage or wardrobe! It's time to sell your gently-loved goods at The Neighbourly Winter (online!) Garage Sale

On Saturday 6th July, members will be online checking out the goods on offer so it's a great time to get rid of your winter clutter.

Maybe it's time to realise that you're never going to use that snowboard or ski jacket, and that you really do have one too many heaters. Whatever it is, take a picture and put it on Neighbourly for locals to see.
List an item now
