Royal Oak, Auckland

Want to know your neighbours?

Want to know your neighbours?

Take the first step. Introduce yourself on our Know Thy Neighbour page.

174 days ago

Ryman's award winning lifestyle

The Team from Ryman Healthcare

Our residents and their families have spoken loud and clear: Ryman is their top choice in retirement living.

We’re proud to be recognised by Canstar Blue for having the Most Satisfied Customers, which complements our tenth win of Reader’s Digest’s Most Trusted Brand.

As we celebrate … View more
Our residents and their families have spoken loud and clear: Ryman is their top choice in retirement living.

We’re proud to be recognised by Canstar Blue for having the Most Satisfied Customers, which complements our tenth win of Reader’s Digest’s Most Trusted Brand.

As we celebrate 40 years since opening our first village, these recognitions reinforce Ryman’s commitment to exceptional care and excellence in retirement living.

Click find out more for more information.
Find out more

174 days ago

Lounge Suite Sale

Lee from Onehunga Traders Limited

Massive RED HOT SPECIALS ON NOW - We have slashed the prices on selected lounge suites and sofas

Unheard of reductions from now on until stock sells

Head to Furniture Clearance Centres at Pukekohe Traders and Takanini Traders - BE QUICK
33 Nelson St Pukekohe and 211 Great South Rd Takanini

174 days ago

Glass sugar bowl with lid

Jude from Hillsborough

Glass sugar bowl with flexi lid.

Height - 6cm
Width - 10cm at the top

Collection is from Herd Rd, Hillsborough

Price: $5

179 days ago

Poll: What does 'Kei te pēhea koe' mean?

The Team from

Te Wiki o te Reo Māori (Maori Language Week) is upon us and we always love to get involved.

Add your vote to the poll and share a phrase in te Reo Māori below to be in to win a $25 Prezzy card.

What does 'Kei te pēhea koe' mean?
  • 4.4% You are finally here
    4.4% Complete
  • 86.7% How are you (feeling)?
    86.7% Complete
  • 1.6% There are two fish
    1.6% Complete
  • 7.2% Pass the salt, please
    7.2% Complete
1952 votes
174 days ago

It’s time to get to know your neighbours!

The Team from

Have you introduced yourself on the Know Thy Neighbour page?

Join our Know Thy Neighbour campaign by introducing yourself and sharing what makes you unique. Do you have a hobby you're passionate about? A favourite spot in your suburb? Or just looking to connect with friendly faces nearby? … View more
Have you introduced yourself on the Know Thy Neighbour page?

Join our Know Thy Neighbour campaign by introducing yourself and sharing what makes you unique. Do you have a hobby you're passionate about? A favourite spot in your suburb? Or just looking to connect with friendly faces nearby? 😊

Let’s build stronger connections in our community, one introduction at a time. 🏡

👉 Post about yourself today and meet neighbours with shared interests. Head here.

175 days ago

Storage Space

John Sammut from Disabled Citizens Society

We have storage space available. This area is a double garage plus.
The storage is in the basement of our building Dominion Road Mt Eden. It's safe and dry no flood issues. For more information please contact
09 6388153 or 021323459

176 days ago

Prime Minister delivering apology

Abuse Enquiry

On Tuesday 12 November, the Prime Minister will deliver a public apology to survivors of abuse in care in Parliament.

You can register your interest to attend the event in Parliament, or if you want to watch it with friends, whānau or a support person you can attend an event at the Due Drops … View more
On Tuesday 12 November, the Prime Minister will deliver a public apology to survivors of abuse in care in Parliament.

You can register your interest to attend the event in Parliament, or if you want to watch it with friends, whānau or a support person you can attend an event at the Due Drops Event Centre in Auckland, Shed 6 in Wellington or the Christchurch Town Hall.

Contact the Crown Response Unit today:
Phone: 0800 717 017 (8:30am - 4:30pm Monday - Friday)
Registration closes 4.30pm Monday 30 September.

Accommodation, travel and food costs will be covered. Travel assistance will be provided in forms of air travel, petrol vouchers, gift cards, and train, and bus tickets.
Find out more

178 days ago

You should be concerned about the IRD giving social media companies our data

Brian from Mount Roskill

The IRD is giving your data to Facebook – taxpayers' data to Facebook, that was the headline yesterday.
We give them our data in trust and confidence. Well, we don't actually, we give them our data because the law says we must file our tax returns and tell them who we are and how much… View more
The IRD is giving your data to Facebook – taxpayers' data to Facebook, that was the headline yesterday.
We give them our data in trust and confidence. Well, we don't actually, we give them our data because the law says we must file our tax returns and tell them who we are and how much we're earning.
But perhaps you assume that the law says that they must keep it to themselves. Not so.
I think this is a scandal.
To be honest when I read the headline, I thought IRD must have been hit by one of those phone scams. You know, they've been cold called by Nigerian prince and handed over our private data.
But no, the RNZ report says they give Facebook and the big tech guys some of our information because it's anonymised. They're calling it hashed. So they can't see who you are when they hand it over.
And it's only for the purposes of IRD placing ads on these platforms like Facebook, et cetera, so don't worry about it.
Sorry, I am worried, and I reckon most Kiwis will hate this.
The reason is pretty simple: it's trust.
Do you trust Facebook? No.
Do you believe they will keep your data secure? No.
Do you believe they won't marry up your private data that our government has just handed them on a silver platter with the profiles they have on you already? No.
No one trusts these guys.
I don't want some government department sending my data to some Silicon Valley server so that some tech guy can bug me with intrusive ads about what undies to buy.
I actually think there's more to this story, and there will be because they have a life of their own. It won't just be the IRD that's doing it. There will be other government departments, there'll be other private data, there'll be more of us affected.
Luxon should get ahead of this and just say let's have some kind of little review because otherwise you're going to get these headlines ticking over and over and over, and I think people will be sick of it.
Also, as citizens, we need to have faith that when we give our data to the government that it is kept secure and safe, and even a perception that it's not is not good enough.

176 days ago

doors - handles

Ane from Mount Eden

Multiple doors from renovation -12 various
Free to take. Solid.
Handles available.
Mt Eden Village - Valley Road
Collect any Sat or Sun pm or after 4pm Wed or Friday.
0273536670 text only


doors.pdf Download View

Untitled document (3).pdf Download View

176 days ago

Buzzing with Black and Yellow

The Shop Manager from Red Cross Shop Onehunga

Kia Ora Neighbours,

Summer is just around the corner and we are buzzing with excitement!
As the weather warms up, add a splash of yellow to your wardrobes. Add a bit of colour to your corporate or casual wear.
At your local Red Cross shop we’ve got loads of clothes for you to choose from.
Keep … View more
Kia Ora Neighbours,

Summer is just around the corner and we are buzzing with excitement!
As the weather warms up, add a splash of yellow to your wardrobes. Add a bit of colour to your corporate or casual wear.
At your local Red Cross shop we’ve got loads of clothes for you to choose from.
Keep your look fresh, and shop in with us ❤️

We are open everyday Monday to Saturday 9am to 5pm, and Sundays 10am to 5pm

176 days ago

bed legs.

Carol from Onehunga

Brand new 5cm push in type bed legs. Six in total $30.00 for all.

Price: $30

176 days ago

Gerda Takes On Te Reo Maori!

Logan Campbell Retirement Village

This year Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, Māori Language Week, is being held from September 16 to 23. It’s an important week encouraging all of Aotearoa to use te reo Māori in everyday life. Similarly, Mahuru Māori promotes speaking and celebrating te reo throughout the month of September.

Over … View more
This year Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, Māori Language Week, is being held from September 16 to 23. It’s an important week encouraging all of Aotearoa to use te reo Māori in everyday life. Similarly, Mahuru Māori promotes speaking and celebrating te reo throughout the month of September.

Over the last couple of years, Gerda, a resident at Diana Isaac Village in Christchurch, has grown her Māori vocabulary by attending the virtual monthly te reo Māori classes offered to Ryman residents. This group learning environment is run by Anita Gill from Te Puna Reo Māori, a Māori online learning provider.

Click read more for the full story.

176 days ago

Donations NEEDED

The Shop Manager from Red Cross Shop Onehunga

Kia Ora Neighbours,

Hope you’ve enjoyed the weekend!
Did you use up the day to declutter? Got some bulky furniture sitting in the garage?
Do you have items you no longer want or need, ready to pass them on?

We are in need of good clean, fit for purpose donations.
We offer free collections.

View more
Kia Ora Neighbours,

Hope you’ve enjoyed the weekend!
Did you use up the day to declutter? Got some bulky furniture sitting in the garage?
Do you have items you no longer want or need, ready to pass them on?

We are in need of good clean, fit for purpose donations.
We offer free collections.

Please call to discuss 09 622 1565.

183 days ago

Poll: Is it rude to take a full trolley to self-checkout?

The Team from

Luckily self-checkout is pretty common in supermarkets these days and we generally use it to quickly buy a few things without the long lines. But perhaps it's appropriate to head there with your full trolley to skip the lines?

What are your thoughts? Is that rude?

Share in the comments … View more
Luckily self-checkout is pretty common in supermarkets these days and we generally use it to quickly buy a few things without the long lines. But perhaps it's appropriate to head there with your full trolley to skip the lines?

What are your thoughts? Is that rude?

Share in the comments below if this has ever happened to you.

Is it rude to take a full trolley to self-checkout?
  • 53.5% Yes!
    53.5% Complete
  • 44% Nah, it's okay
    44% Complete
  • 2.5% Other - I'll share below!
    2.5% Complete
3053 votes