Police patrols in Auckland’s north-west
Police are continuing to keep an eye out for suspicious activity in the small hours around the north-west of Auckland.
In the past two nights, patrols have picked up suspicious vehicles travelling into the Helensville township.
Waitematā North Relieving Area Commander, Senior Sergeant Roger Small says there have been increases in reports of dishonesty offences and vehicle crime in some rural communities. He says “We have seen reports in recent weeks across the Helensville, Kumeū and Huapai areas involving stolen vehicles or property being stolen from vehicles,”
“We’re actively following up these reports and as part of this response we have patrolling in place around the times when this offending is happening.”
Just before 2am, one of the patrols observed a vehicle with numerous occupants travelling toward Helensville on State Highway 16.
“The vehicle was signalled to stop, but on seeing the red and blue lights accelerated away at a very high speed,” Senior Sergeant Small says. “Another unit was able to successfully deploy spikes after the vehicle entered the Helensville township, and the vehicle came to a stop.”
All occupants, including the 17-year-old-driver, were taken into custody without further incident.
“We’re reminding the community that we are out there patrolling, and if you are ever signalled to stop by Police you should always stop, otherwise you are committing an offence.”
This follows another incident at around 2.18am on 8 January, where a vehicle was seen by a patrol being driven at speed through roadworks near Helensville.
“Due to the driver’s excessive speed, the vehicle was not pursued but it was later seen travelling through the township toward Wainui,” Senior Sergeant Small says. “Follow up enquiries are being made with the vehicle’s registered owner as to who was driving the vehicle at the time.”
Today’s reminder follows a challenge issued by Police in the lead up to the New Year for locals to make their vehicles less attractive.
“We’re asking the locals to keep it up, making sure their vehicle is secured and all their valuables are taken out when it’s not in use,” Senior Sergeant Small says. “Police are still actively following up these reports and we ask that the community remains aware of the issue. “Keep an eye out for suspicious activity in your area, and if you see something untoward let us know as soon as possible.”

Towels etc
Hi folks can anyone let me know where I can take towels plus 2 small new very fluffy dog or cat beds as a donation so Free.
Plus a quantity of bedding Queen size duvet cover etc etc
If interested please let me know.
Pick up Mairangi Bay

Poll: Would you use a pet cemetery?
Dave Stephens has created a pet cemetery on his land.
The 10-acre site in Albany, Auckland, features graves nestled among beautifully manicured gardens and unique art pieces, offering a serene space where visitors can pay their respects in their own way.
Is a local pet cemetery something you think you would use? Share your thoughts below.

31.4% Yes
67.1% No
1.5% Other - I'll share below

Neighbourly Q&A: Consumer rights with CAB's Andrew Hubbard
What can you do if you buy something that breaks soon after you buy it? It's time for another helpful Q&A.
This week we have Andrew Hubbard from Citizens Advice Bureau New Zealand (CABNZ) who will be answering your questions about your consumer rights.
A little bit about Andrew:
Dr Andrew Hubbard is deputy chief executive of Citizens Advice Bureau New Zealand (CAB) and loves working for the CAB so much that he’s been there for more than fifteen years.
Andrew believes in the difference people can make working together in the community and loves being able to support the work of the more than 2000 CAB volunteers across the motu. Andrew’s background is in policy and he’s been actively involved in consumer issues for the fifteen years he’s been at the CAB.
Andrew and the CAB team are ready to answer your questions about your consumer rights. This might be questions about when you can get a refunds, your rights when buying via Facebook or overseas, product delivery issues and what to do if a retailer won't sort a problem out for you. Ask away!
Andrew will be here live on Wednesday at 9.30am, but go ahead, and add your question below now ⇩