30 days ago

Home projects

The Team from Resene ColorShop Papanui

Creating an office out of a small room by utilising built-in furniture, floating shelves, a tidy charging station and Resene Atlas makes space-saving sense.

Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions.

More messages from your neighbours
5 days ago

Are we there yet? A city stuck in traffic

Nicole Mathewson Reporter from The Press

Christchurch is New Zealand’s fastest-growing main centre but has the lowest spend on public transport, an incomplete cycling network, and the worst peak-time traffic congestion.

For the second year running, data from global navigation company Tomtom shows it takes longer to travel 10km in Christchurch during rush hour than New Zealand’s other main centres, and it is getting worse.

Tomtom’s data also shows that during rush hour, Christchurch can have 50 traffic jams across the city, with over 30km of clogged roads.

Driving that 10km takes an average of 19 minutes and 10 seconds, up from 18 mins 30 secs last year. Last week’s slowest day was Wednesday at 5pm, with 24 mins.

While Aucklanders’ longer journeys and extra motorways mean slightly more time overall in rush hour traffic, they cover 10km quicker at an average of 16mins and 30secs. Wellingtonians takes 18mins 20secs.

How's your commute? Read the full story by reporter Liz McDonald here and share your thoughts in the comments below. (A subscription is required, or you can see two free articles a month).

4 days ago

New store for Belfast Supa Centre?

Ashleigh from Belfast

I heard a rumour that the old Belfast Warehouse in the Supa Centre might be becoming a Panda Mart. Can anyone confirm?

5 days ago

Mobility parking

David from Rangiora

My wife has a disability.
It astonishes and concerns me the number of people who illegally park in a disabled parking lot without displaying a disability card.
I realise that there is a fine of $150 for parking on a council park (if caught) but no control or penalty for private disability parks such as Supermarket and Gym parking lots.
This means that disabled people have to park further away and walk to their destination using a walker or other support. This happened at the gym yesterday, where a disabled person had to walk a long way to get to the building due to inconsiderate (illegal) parking.
What do you think?