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Natasha Judd from Cancer Society Northland
There are lots of activities through out Northland and tomorrow in Whangarei is our street appeal and we will have a free concert on Cameron Street mall in conjunction with Whangarei South Rotary between 11.30 - 4.00 pm
The Team from
Northland's scallop season opens on Saturday 1st September and runs through until the 31st of March. The Ministry for Primary Industries is reminding those taking scallops to be aware of their obligations. A few things to remember are:
- The minimum legal size for scallops is 100mm.
- The… View moreNorthland's scallop season opens on Saturday 1st September and runs through until the 31st of March. The Ministry for Primary Industries is reminding those taking scallops to be aware of their obligations. A few things to remember are:
- The minimum legal size for scallops is 100mm.
- The maximum daily limit is 20 per person
- One diver can also gather scallops for up to two other people acting in a dive safety capacity from that vessel.
- All scallops must be in a measurable state when taken ashore.
Image: Stuff
The Team from ACC New Zealand
It's time to refresh your riding skills now for the busy and fun months to come.
Book yourself on one of the many Ride Forever courses in your region, with classes adapted to your riding level.
Join others, like Cassandra, who gained extra skills to be more confident on our roads thanks… View moreIt's time to refresh your riding skills now for the busy and fun months to come.
Book yourself on one of the many Ride Forever courses in your region, with classes adapted to your riding level.
Join others, like Cassandra, who gained extra skills to be more confident on our roads thanks to Ride Forever coaching. As riders, it’s important we take the time to ensure we have the right skills to avoid crashes, so sign-up for Ride Forever coaching today - it may just save your life.
Find out more
Roger Halls Sparkling Comedy Social Climbers
What do you call six women stranded on a mountain in the rain: ridiculous! Or you could call them social climbers … but just not to their faces! Once at the hut, not only do they unload their packs full of food, wine, and a souvenir rock; their hang-ups get unloaded as well.
Torrential rain … View moreWhat do you call six women stranded on a mountain in the rain: ridiculous! Or you could call them social climbers … but just not to their faces! Once at the hut, not only do they unload their packs full of food, wine, and a souvenir rock; their hang-ups get unloaded as well.
Torrential rain and a flooded bridge keep them stranded for three days. What they get up to, to help pass the time, raises a few eyebrows and will have you laughing, tearing up and applauding enthusiastically as they bare all.
Of course, it’s not just souls that are exposed, there’s a little nudity, a cracking thunderstorm, explosions, screaming bloody murder, ghostly stories, a birthday celebration, a séance, a drunken party, confessions, meltdowns and revelations that will keep you and your friends entertained throughout.
Perfectly timed for your own social group’s ascent into summer, don’t miss this hilarious play when it comes to a town near you in November.
Buy tickets here!
We have the first lot of our new season SEED POTATOES in stock now! So get in quick as they sell fast!! We have a range to choose from so get planting now for homegrown potatoes to go with the Christmas dinner ;)
Jeannie from Kensington
The Whangarei city dump is ni longer accepting soft plastic bags as recycling. There is no where to send them.
So the person on the gate to.d me last week
13 replies (Members only)
Have you received some great service from your local GP? What about a dentist or optometrist? Leave a review for them on the Whitecoat website and be in to win $3,000.
New Zealand’s first platform where you can search, rate, review and compare your local healthcare providers has arrived, and … View moreHave you received some great service from your local GP? What about a dentist or optometrist? Leave a review for them on the Whitecoat website and be in to win $3,000.
New Zealand’s first platform where you can search, rate, review and compare your local healthcare providers has arrived, and it’s called Whitecoat.
Find out more
Hi neighbours – Loud Shirt Day is coming up in September and it's time to use your power of LOUD for GOOD.
Izabella was born profoundly deaf and in the four years following her diagnosis, her parents' emotions of shock, being scared and overwhelmed have turned to amazement, surprise… View moreHi neighbours – Loud Shirt Day is coming up in September and it's time to use your power of LOUD for GOOD.
Izabella was born profoundly deaf and in the four years following her diagnosis, her parents' emotions of shock, being scared and overwhelmed have turned to amazement, surprise and hope - all thanks to Izabella's progress as a hearing and speaking child.
Izabella loves to sing and dance, she enjoys gymnastics, bike rides and playing with her older brothers. What are her superpowers I hear you ask? She's fierce, adventurous and caring!
Register to fundraise and help deaf children like Izabella listen and speak. You can also donate here on Givealittle. Thanks for your support!
Register now!
Variety is the children’s charity, helping to create brighter futures for Kiwi kids.Visit your local The Warehouse store and support this great cause by simply adding a $2 Scratch card or $1 donation to your purchase helping Kiwi kids with a chance at a better life.
The Warehouse, partnering … View moreVariety is the children’s charity, helping to create brighter futures for Kiwi kids.Visit your local The Warehouse store and support this great cause by simply adding a $2 Scratch card or $1 donation to your purchase helping Kiwi kids with a chance at a better life.
The Warehouse, partnering with you for a better community.
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