79 days ago

WIN one month FREE Broadband

The Team from NZ Compare

March into savings with our epic Easter deals! SWITCH now to WIN a month of FREE broadband!

Simply switch your broadband or power plan using Broadband Compare or Power Compare by 2/4/2024 to be in to WIN!

T&Cs: www.nzcompare.com...

More messages from your neighbours
6 days ago

Could the jury service process be improved?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Every year, thousands of New Zealanders are called up to serve as jurors in the High and District Courts, and it's an important way to contribute to your country.

But for some, jury service can be a huge disruption and a financial burden. Do you think changes could be made to our jury service system to address these challenges?

9 hours ago

New Timeless Bespoke Kitchens

Ann Beales from Absolute Design Group Ltd

Design Supply and Install Beautiful NZ Made Timeless Kitchens to suit your Home and Lifestyle
Please call Ann on 027 645 0785 for a complimentary first home visit to kickstart your kitchen project.
Check out my newly updated Website: www.absolutedesigngroup.co.nz...

1 day ago

Home projects

The Team from Resene ColorShop Johnsonville

Creating an office out of a small room by utilising built-in furniture, floating shelves, a tidy charging station and Resene Atlas makes space-saving sense.

Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions.
