158 days ago

Dental services in Thailand

Neil from Thorndon

Some helpful neighbours earlier sent me advice messages on recommended dental services in Thailand but those messages have expired now.
If you've had a positive experience with a Thai dental company please send me their name.
Thank you,

More messages from your neighbours
1 day ago

NBLY Conversations: What is the etiquette for bin day?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

We think there are unspoken rules for bin day, but are we adhering to the same ones?

Do you think twice about dragging your bin to the pavement in the early hours? Do you mind if neighbours put excess rubbish in your bin? Share your bin day etiquette and let's compare notes!

Type 'Not For Print' if you wish your comments to be excluded from the Conversations column of your local paper.

1 day ago

Do you loathe speed bumps?

Neil from Thorndon

This letter re speed bumps was declined by the Post but l think it makes a valid point.
Neil Harrap

Dark night, poor light, motorcyclist going just a little too fast. She doesn't realise that the speed bump on the steepest part of Hill Street is 30cm (12 inches) high.

Bike and rider get launched into an unexpected, rotating crash. It doesn't end well, broken neck, early death...

Some of the new speed bumps are a health and safety disaster just waiting to happen.

Neil Harrap

14 days ago

🌟Matariki Celebration at Marsden!🌟

Samuel Marsden Collegiate School

Join us on Friday 21 June from 5.30pm to celebrate Matariki. This special event is open to the entire community, so mark your calendars and bring your whānau and friends!

🎶 live performances
🍽️ food trucks and kai stalls
🎨 a fluorescent art installation in collaboration with our Artist in Residence, Lori Davis, alongside her exhibition
✨ Matariki-inspired activities including star gazing and harakeke weaving
...and much more!

Wrap up warm, indulge in delicious kai, gaze at the stars through telescopes, and embrace the spirit of Matariki as we gather together to honour our tūpuna, give thanks for our blessings, and look forward to new beginnings.

Nau mai, haere mai. All are welcome! 🙌🏽
