173 days ago

Love books? Love discovering bookstores? Then try this!

The Team from Destination Wairarapa

Try the new Booklover’s Trail Audio App. It’s a free, self-guided audio tour that takes listeners on a comprehensive journey of the many bookstores, literary sites, and sites of special interest in the Wairarapa. The Booklover's Trail connects booklovers with booksellers and is a new way to enjoy travelling through the Wairarapa this summer.

The Wairarapa boasts eleven independent bookstore owners and two affiliate stores, who all tell their stories on the app of how they have come to live their bookselling dream and what makes their shops unique. Listen to booksellers recommend their favourite local spots, and then stop, visit their shops, and browse their shelves, taking home treasure where you find them! 

Use the QR code in the image or:
Apple Appstore: apps.apple.com...

Google Playstore: play.google.com......

Web app version on your browser: bookloverstrail.stqry.app...

More messages from your neighbours
2 days ago

Why is the...

Riddler from The Neighbourly Riddler

Why is the letter A like a flower?

Do you think you know the answer to our daily riddle? Don't spoil it for your neighbours! Simply 'Like' this post and we'll post the answer in the comments below at 2pm.

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Head here and hover on the Following button on the top right of the page (and it will show Unfollow) and then click it. If it is giving you the option to Follow, then you've successfully unfollowed the Riddles page.

18 hours ago

Fitness Dance Classes and Circuit Classes

Owner and Teacher from Peeled Banana Fitness Dance

Fitness Dance Class Term 3 begins Tues & Thurs 2nd & 4th July 9:30am & Thurs 6pm up at Marist St Pat's Clubrooms, Hataitai Park, Ruahine St, Hataitai.
NO joining fee! FIRST class FREE! 10% OFF 11 week class Fee if you bring a friend who joins too:)
CIRCUIT classes run 3 x per week all year around! Again....
NO joining fee! FIRST class FREE! 10% off 10 Trip ticket if you bring a friend who joins too:)
Call Lynne on 0274 416 079 or email: lynnebreed@outlook.com

Boogie for Your Brain ad Jan 2024 No. 2.pdf Download View

18 hours ago

Weekly special

Naichao from Oriental Pantry

Please visit our store at
123 Willis St, Te Aro, Wellington
