Makara, Wellington

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1200 days ago

Have your say on Our City Tomorrow!

Lessi Riccio from Wellington City Council

"The things that make this city special are all the things we envision for our children’s tomorrow."

We are currently working alongside Let’s Get Wellington Moving to consult on three exciting plans that will map out a pathway for #OurCityTomorrow.

Have you say on Our City Tomorrow… View more
"The things that make this city special are all the things we envision for our children’s tomorrow."

We are currently working alongside Let’s Get Wellington Moving to consult on three exciting plans that will map out a pathway for #OurCityTomorrow.

Have you say on Our City Tomorrow at:

#OurWellington #TōTātouPōneke #OurCityTomorrow

1200 days ago

Karori Home For Sale

Ged from Ged Boyle@Ray White Karori

I have just listed this lovely family home in Karori. Please see link below for details.

1224 days ago

Land Grab !! Significant Natural Areas - WCC Draft Plan

Lim from Northland

Dear Neighbours,

We have just received a letter from WCC saying that a significant part of our land is going to be designated as Significant Natural Areas (SNA).

To put it as not so fine a point, SNA is more akin to a blatant land grab whereby your private land is being treated almost like … View more
Dear Neighbours,

We have just received a letter from WCC saying that a significant part of our land is going to be designated as Significant Natural Areas (SNA).

To put it as not so fine a point, SNA is more akin to a blatant land grab whereby your private land is being treated almost like Council reserve land. Anything more than minor maintenance of your land eg. trimming *will* require a resource consent. Essentially SNA strips away many of your rights as property and land owners.

We are all in for natural conversation but this is a a very heavy handed approach more like what happens to other overseas authoritarian regimes where land grab is a given. What annoys us the most is when there were property development in the neighbourhood and the developers were cutting down *ALL* the trees on road reserve, we wrote to WCC and they decided to turn a blind eye. And now WCC is talking about SNA. What an unprincipled and a hypocritcal proposal.

You can read more about SNA on WCC site here:

and the map of Significant Natural Areas in Wellington:

A commentary by Barbara Mckenzie on Scoop, she had started a petition for WCC to abandon its SNA policy:

Submission to WCC can be made here ( due 14 December 2021):



1201 days ago

SPCA Pet of the Day: Meet Kora

Reporter Community News

Meet four month old Kora who is available for adoption at the Wellington SPCA.

"I'm a playful pup, who loves having a wrestle with my friends and burning off my puppy energy. I have quickly become a volunteer favourite and they can’t understand why I am still here. I am looking for a … View more
Meet four month old Kora who is available for adoption at the Wellington SPCA.

"I'm a playful pup, who loves having a wrestle with my friends and burning off my puppy energy. I have quickly become a volunteer favourite and they can’t understand why I am still here. I am looking for a semi-experienced home to help me learn the necessities, continue my socialisation and help me thrive in my new home. Due to my age, I'm not able to be left alone for more than a few hours at a time, though it's a great time to continue my puppy training.
I am beginning to learn basic commands like sit, down and come. I love chasing balls and chewing , I am very clever at doing both of these things. I am yet to be tested with small animals, and could learn from an existing male dog in the home. I am better suited to a house with confident teenagers, rather than children. If you're keen to meet me and be very entertained by me, apply to adopt me and the canine team will be in touch."

1200 days ago

How much light does your houseplant need?

Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing

Dear neighbours,

If you've ever struggled with this question, houseplant collector Moira West (400 indoor plants and growing!) has the answers.

1200 days ago

Heading to the bach this summer?

Climate Insights

Summer is nearly here and for many folks it is time to head to the beach. Whether you have your own batch or rent one it can be interesting to know about sea level rise, risk posed by storms, and of course tsunami.

With the Climate Insights property report you can get information on all three … View more
Summer is nearly here and for many folks it is time to head to the beach. Whether you have your own batch or rent one it can be interesting to know about sea level rise, risk posed by storms, and of course tsunami.

With the Climate Insights property report you can get information on all three ocean-related events. With easy to read graphs and insights for reducing your family's and a property's risk it is an essential part of your coastal awareness toolkit.
Download your Property Climate Report

1201 days ago

Wellington will shift to Orange on Friday 3 December

Wellington City Council

Following the Government’s announcement today, we are preparing to run the new COVID Traffic Light System across all our facilities and services as Wellington will be shifting to Orange on Friday 3 December.

Specific information about our services and facilities will be available on Thursday 2 … View more
Following the Government’s announcement today, we are preparing to run the new COVID Traffic Light System across all our facilities and services as Wellington will be shifting to Orange on Friday 3 December.

Specific information about our services and facilities will be available on Thursday 2 December, but for now please visit:

To get your COVID Vaccine Pass, visit

1201 days ago

Council rubbish calendar

Reporter Community News

The 2022 rubbish/recycling collection calendar and information brochures are available! You can either grab one from the council service centre or you can email the council ( and they will post the correct calendar to your address. Include your name, address and 'recycling … View moreThe 2022 rubbish/recycling collection calendar and information brochures are available! You can either grab one from the council service centre or you can email the council ( and they will post the correct calendar to your address. Include your name, address and 'recycling calendar' in the subject line. Click on READ MORE to go the council site.

1201 days ago

Check before you swim this summer

Reporter Community News

Greater Wellington is reminding everyone to check the safety of swimming spots over summer.
"We monitor over 80 swimming spots in our region over summer to help make sure you can check where it’s safe to swim."
Click on READ MORE to learn you can check before you swimming.

1204 days ago

Friday Feathered Friend

Reporter Community News

Words and picture by Louise Thomas.
"Might I suggest that if you don't want people to know you are nesting there, that you stop screaming like a stuck pig every time someone walks past. Just a thought. Pūkeko/purple swamphen (Porphyrio melanotus) at Manor Park Golf Sanctuary."

1201 days ago

Picked in the morning, on your plate for lunch

Mei Leng Wong Reporter from NZ Gardener & Get Growing

Dear neighbours,

Read about this Dunedin cafe where vegetables from the kitchen has been grown by the owner. The staples of pumpkins, beetroot, cabbage and carrots do well here, he says, with a wide variety of other crops including spring onions, kohlrabi, celery, fennel, kale, potatoes, … View more
Dear neighbours,

Read about this Dunedin cafe where vegetables from the kitchen has been grown by the owner. The staples of pumpkins, beetroot, cabbage and carrots do well here, he says, with a wide variety of other crops including spring onions, kohlrabi, celery, fennel, kale, potatoes, silverbeet, leek, mint and herbs. Yummy!

1202 days ago

Tattersfield mattress

Gaylene from Northland

Tattersfield 7 Tech long single (205 x 91) slat mattress in very good condition. PM me. Free. Pick up.


1202 days ago

your old wool carpet wants a new home...

Leah & Roger from Karori

Lots of wool carpet wanted. Perhaps you are getting new carpet.... I'll collect your old one


1203 days ago


Christopher from Brooklyn

Hi - if anyone has a shed or garage (or part of) they would like to rent for some extra income, I'm looking for space for a small classic car. No power needed, not intending on turning it into a workshop, just need shelter.

Feel free to call/text: 021784557

1203 days ago

Have your say on your local.

The Team from

Has the pandemic made you shop more locally? Do you feel like you can rely on your community?

Let us know in our State of the Neighbourhood survey and you could win 1 of 10 $100 Prezzy cards.
Take the survey
