145 days ago

Fruit and Vegetable Market Question

Rose from Karori

Hi everyone, is it better to buy fruit and vegetables from the Wellington Markets, or from the supermarket? I'm just wondering whether it is better to support NZ growers, and whether prices at the markets are actually cheaper for fruit and veg. Any advice would be appreciated.

More messages from your neighbours
4 hours ago

Do you loathe speed bumps?

Neil from Thorndon

This letter re speed bumps was declined by the Post but l think it makes a valid point.
Neil Harrap

Dark night, poor light, motorcyclist going just a little too fast. She doesn't realise that the speed bump on the steepest part of Hill Street is 30cm (12 inches) high.

Bike and rider get launched into an unexpected, rotating crash. It doesn't end well, broken neck, early death...

Some of the new speed bumps are a health and safety disaster just waiting to happen.

Neil Harrap

6 hours ago

What's On: Whangarei Choral

Meg from Central Whangarei

Enjoy singing? Whangarei Choral is a non-auditioned community choir. We sing on Monday nights, 7-9pm at St John's Golden Church, Kamo Road. Ph 0273379072 or just come turn up.
Whangarei Choral
  • St John's Golden Church
10 hours ago

Building ID

Susy from Te Aro

This is a plea to all building owners (domestic and commercial) who do not have street numbers. Please put street numbers (clearly-visible) on your buildings/fences/walls, facing the street.
It's no fun traipsing along streets and roads - especially in bad weather - looking for a property. It must be a nightmare for the emergency services as well.
YOU know where you live; you may also know where number XY or Z are on a busy shopping street. But please don't assume everybody else does.
This is most important for the emergency services who are often called out at night.
It's a small, but important, thing. It's not difficult.