159 days ago

Love books? Love discovering bookstores? Then try this!

The Team from Destination Wairarapa

Try the new Booklover’s Trail Audio App. It’s a free, self-guided audio tour that takes listeners on a comprehensive journey of the many bookstores, literary sites, and sites of special interest in the Wairarapa. The Booklover's Trail connects booklovers with booksellers and is a new way to enjoy travelling through the Wairarapa this summer.

The Wairarapa boasts eleven independent bookstore owners and two affiliate stores, who all tell their stories on the app of how they have come to live their bookselling dream and what makes their shops unique. Listen to booksellers recommend their favourite local spots, and then stop, visit their shops, and browse their shelves, taking home treasure where you find them! 

Use the QR code in the image or:
Apple Appstore: apps.apple.com...

Google Playstore: play.google.com......

Web app version on your browser: bookloverstrail.stqry.app...

More messages from your neighbours
6 days ago

Could the jury service process be improved?

The Team from Neighbourly.co.nz

Every year, thousands of New Zealanders are called up to serve as jurors in the High and District Courts, and it's an important way to contribute to your country.

But for some, jury service can be a huge disruption and a financial burden. Do you think changes could be made to our jury service system to address these challenges?

1 day ago

Home projects

The Team from Resene ColorShop Thorndon

Creating an office out of a small room by utilising built-in furniture, floating shelves, a tidy charging station and Resene Atlas makes space-saving sense.

Find out how to create your own with these easy step by step instructions.

3 days ago

Addictive Eaters Anonymous

The Team from Addictive Eaters Anonymous - Wellington

Do you obsess about your weight, food, or exercise?

Is food just one of your many obsessions? Don’t know how to stop emotional eating? Are you also struggling with alcohol or other mind-altering substances?

Do you use mind-altering substances to change the way you feel?

Find out how AEA members have put down the food and other mind-altering substances and found freedom from obsession.
