Kaiwharawhara, Wellington

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1283 days ago

Burgers abound as Wellington On A Plate returns

Reporter Community News

Wellingtonians can get their burger fix anew, as a staple event in the capital’s culture diet returns for an extra four weeks at level 2.
Visa Wellington On a Plate begins today (Wednesday), September 8, and festival director Sarah Meikle said the plan was to run the burger festivities for up to … View more
Wellingtonians can get their burger fix anew, as a staple event in the capital’s culture diet returns for an extra four weeks at level 2.
Visa Wellington On a Plate begins today (Wednesday), September 8, and festival director Sarah Meikle said the plan was to run the burger festivities for up to four weeks instead of the usual 2.

1285 days ago

SPCA Pet of the Day: Meet Zoe

Reporter Community News

Over lockdown Neighbourly is running stories on SPCA pets that have been successfully adopted. This week it is Zoe.

“The adoption has progressed really well with our little Zoe. Before we went to pick her up, I had a whole list of elegant princess type of names to rename her, but now that she … View more
Over lockdown Neighbourly is running stories on SPCA pets that have been successfully adopted. This week it is Zoe.

“The adoption has progressed really well with our little Zoe. Before we went to pick her up, I had a whole list of elegant princess type of names to rename her, but now that she has fully settled in, we have come to realise she is quite the opposite of that and more of a mischief cheeky troublemaker.
After a couple of weeks of slowly introducing each other, Zoe and her feline brother have gotten along a lot better than we anticipated. What she lacks in hearing she definitely makes up in with her voice and all the random noises she constantly makes. We bought her a large expensive cat tower and of course she much prefers to sleep and play around in a paper bag, so that has been fun being woken up at 3am with her rustling around in the bag.
Her new favourite area of the house is the bathroom where she loves to sit on the bath for hours and watch the water slowly drip out of the tap or go and rip up every single piece of toilet paper. She is constantly making us laugh and is so full of character and is loved by all our family and friends. Thanks so much for everything.”

1283 days ago

Ryman Pioneers Certainty

We’ve been pioneering village living, and aged care, for more than 35 years. Our track record is built on genuine compassion and respect and gives you the confidence to be able to live the way you want. It’s another reason New Zealanders have voted us one of the Reader’s Digest Most Trusted … View moreWe’ve been pioneering village living, and aged care, for more than 35 years. Our track record is built on genuine compassion and respect and gives you the confidence to be able to live the way you want. It’s another reason New Zealanders have voted us one of the Reader’s Digest Most Trusted Brands for a 7th year. Learn more

1284 days ago

Keep reaching out, Aotearoa! 😊

The Team from Neighbourhood Support New Zealand

A simple phone call or message it all it takes sometimes.

1285 days ago

All regions outside Auckland to move to Alert Level 2


All regions outside Auckland will move to Covid-19 Alert Level 2, with Auckland remaining at Alert Level 4 for at least another week.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and the Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield announced the changes at a post-cabinet press conference on Monday … View more
All regions outside Auckland will move to Covid-19 Alert Level 2, with Auckland remaining at Alert Level 4 for at least another week.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and the Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield announced the changes at a post-cabinet press conference on Monday afternoon.

Regions outside Auckland will make the change to Alert Level 2, at 11.59pm tomorrow.

Here's what you need to know
- A refresh on Level 2 restrictions and what it means for you.
- Indoor gatherings are now capped at 50 people, with outdoor gatherings restricted to a maximum of 100 people.
- There have been 20 confirmed cases of Covid-19 reported by the Ministry of Health since 9.00am yesterday, all in Auckland.
- If you have any flu-like symptoms, call the NZ Covid-19 Healthline on 0800 358 5453 or ring your GP.
- Find your closest Covid-19 testing location on the Healthpoint website

For more information, visit covid19.govt.nz.

1285 days ago

National Discount Partners

Simon from Cherrytree

Did you know that it’s free to become a Silver Member of Cherrytree?

Not only do you save up to 25% off RRP as a Silver Member and up to 60% off RRP as a Gold Member, you can also save outside of Cherrytree with our National Discount Partners.

We have discounts at Resene, Glimours, … View more
Did you know that it’s free to become a Silver Member of Cherrytree?

Not only do you save up to 25% off RRP as a Silver Member and up to 60% off RRP as a Gold Member, you can also save outside of Cherrytree with our National Discount Partners.

We have discounts at Resene, Glimours, Beaurepaires, PlaceMakers, Mobil and more!

Become a member today at cherrytree.co.nz

1287 days ago

Pet of the Day: Meet Randy and Gene

Reporter Community News

Look carefully at this picture and you will see there are three cats!
Randy and Gene live in the Lower Hutt suburb of Avalon.

"Brothers Randy and Gene chat to Grey Cat through the cat flap (social distancing). Randy and Gene run a muck through the Avalon neighbourhood with their pal who often… View more
Look carefully at this picture and you will see there are three cats!
Randy and Gene live in the Lower Hutt suburb of Avalon.

"Brothers Randy and Gene chat to Grey Cat through the cat flap (social distancing). Randy and Gene run a muck through the Avalon neighbourhood with their pal who often sneaks in and eats their food. 
Randy likes to watch keep watch of all the goings on in the neighbourhood, he lives in Ferretti Grove, Avalon with his brother Gene and human mum and dad (Kaye and Alex). Randy is a very friendly and curious little boy and enjoys making new friends - I know this due to the text messages I get about his whereabouts - usually napping at the neighbour's place."

Remember if you want your pet featured on Neighbourly, email us on yourpet@dompost.co.nz with a recent photo. Please remember to say what suburb you live in.

1285 days ago

Learn from Experts in Digitally-Driven Business!

The Team from Digital Boost

We're here to help you take your business to the top.
That's why every day from 10-11am we sit down for interviews with experts in topics like digital marketing and websites, and live stream it straight to you. Power your business forward with a daily pro-tip or two!

Find out … View more
We're here to help you take your business to the top.
That's why every day from 10-11am we sit down for interviews with experts in topics like digital marketing and websites, and live stream it straight to you. Power your business forward with a daily pro-tip or two!

Find out who's sharing their knowledge this week and RSVP here
Learn more

1288 days ago

Friday Feathered Friend: Korimako

Reporter Community News

This week we feature a korimako from Rosa Marie.

"I discovered a bellbird/korimako or two as I went on my daily walk. One of them was happy to make lots of noise as I snapped away at it!
Tūī were out in full force, as they fed on the blossoms!
Kereru, as usual, were everywhere including in… View more
This week we feature a korimako from Rosa Marie.

"I discovered a bellbird/korimako or two as I went on my daily walk. One of them was happy to make lots of noise as I snapped away at it!
Tūī were out in full force, as they fed on the blossoms!
Kereru, as usual, were everywhere including in a wheelbarrow!
The sparrows were caught having a good old dust bath.
Mr Duck was out by himself and full of chatter as I walked by him.
Although it was still very cold, it was nice to feel the rays of the sun on me!

1290 days ago

Feathered Friday Friend

Reporter Community News

This lovely tūī pic taken by Andrew Gorrie in his garden (taken before lockdown) is too good to ignore. Have you been seeing more birds in your garden?

1288 days ago

Maggie the Mannequin

Reporter Community News

Maggie the Mannequin has proved a big hit over lockdown. She is to be found on the Western Hills in Lower Hutt.
Have you got an any lockdown street art in your area?

1290 days ago

Way Back Wednesday

Reporter Community News

This should not be too hard. What are your memories of where this photo was taken?

1288 days ago

Animals on Petone beach as locals battle lockdown boredom

Reporter Community News

Bison, orca and mammoths can all be found on Petone Beach, as locals unleash their pent-up creativity during lockdown.
It is also happening in another Lower Hutt suburb, Eastbourne.
Is there any public art appearing in your community during lockdown?
If you have some photos please post them.

1287 days ago

Stump removal from $280

Joshua from

Getting a tree stump out of the ground is an almost impossible undertaking without the correct equipment, knowledge and experience. Using the safest and most up to date equipment for removing stumps, we are experienced in stump removals on residential and commercial structures.
Give us a call at … View more
Getting a tree stump out of the ground is an almost impossible undertaking without the correct equipment, knowledge and experience. Using the safest and most up to date equipment for removing stumps, we are experienced in stump removals on residential and commercial structures.
Give us a call at 027 252 1771 or go to www.pricesmart.co.nz... to organize a site visit.

1287 days ago

Price Smart is opened during alert Level 3

Joshua from

Good news! Your local gardeners and landscapers are working under alert level 3. Price Smart is taking all the necessary measures to be able to operate under alert Level 3. If you are eager to get your landscaping or gardening projects done before summer don't look further, give us a call on … View moreGood news! Your local gardeners and landscapers are working under alert level 3. Price Smart is taking all the necessary measures to be able to operate under alert Level 3. If you are eager to get your landscaping or gardening projects done before summer don't look further, give us a call on 027 252 1771 or go to www.pricesmart.co.nz...... to organize a site visit
