25 days ago

Wellington International Airport should have consulted with the community about the DMAPs flight path change. It did not. Find out more - visit tinyurl.com/PlaneSenseFAQ1. This time it’s our community. Next time it could be yours. More in the comments.

Plane Sense from Plane Sense

The affected residents have always had a legitimate expectation that Wellington International Airport, having public law responsibilities, would carry out such consultation prior to any proposal to divert aircraft over their suburbs. The consultation now offered was required by law prior to development of the DMAPS concept.

Looking through Airways New Zealand OIA documents Plane Sense received, we found references to community consultation as long ago as November 2021, but alongside that was mention that the local community could be a "roadblock", suggestions that "impact frequently comes down to perception, influenced by publicity", and "Airways would like this implemented in December this year. We (Wellington Airport) therefore need this work reasonably quickly!" Even the Airnoise Committee meeting minutes don't reference the DMAPs flight path change until March 2023, after implementation. The first communication went up on the Wellington Airport website on 20 December 2022, a day after the first known complaint was made.

Understandably, residents are angry about the lack of courtesy, consistency, professionalism and regard for our community and affected individuals. We believe the organisations have been cavalier with residents' health and well-being.

Plane Sense is holding Wellington International Airport, Airways New Zealand, Civil Aviation Authority of NZ and Wellington City Council (as a shareholder) to account for a change that happened over the northern suburbs on 1 December 2022. As well as significant legal issues, there are public health and safety concerns for residents and our local environment. Plane Sense is fundraising to commence a judicial review. Have questions? Find out more and support us today - planesensewellington.com/faqs

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Decks decks Ashton building

Pete Ashton from Decks Decks

Decks and structures need maintenance . Just because it stood up to the Christmas crowd is no guarantee it is safe . Mould left unchecked can trap moist in timber rapidly increasing the rot time .
Nails and fixings can corrode away to nothing , leaving just luck to hold the structure in place . It can be a few bolts that need replacing or something more complicated but don't leave it until the luck runs out . Contact Pete Ashton 7 days 0274403242

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Decks decks Ashton buildings

Pete Ashton from Decks Decks

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